
Hongyuan new stars play in the Drew League! Next season or return from special training, join forces with Zhou Qi to dominate the CBA

author:Flyer Sports

Guangdong Hongyuan is bound to usher in the surprise outbreak of several new stars in the new season in the future, first of all, Huang Mingyi and Xu Xin, who are expected by everyone, have already been revealed to go to the United States for special training! Needless to say, Huang Mingyi has been going to the United States for special training at his own expense since last year, and there is no doubt about his attitude towards basketball. In fact, Huang Mingyi did not play many games last season, and it was not until the start of the third stage of the game that he was gradually reused by Director Du and entered the regular rotation of players. Although Huang Mingyi's individual offensive tactics in the game are not much, it can be clearly seen that the task assigned to him by Du Feng's guidance is to "defend his opponent players, and run the team's tactics well, and Huang Mingyi can shoot three-point shots in his spare time."

Hongyuan new stars play in the Drew League! Next season or return from special training, join forces with Zhou Qi to dominate the CBA

For rookie players, Huang Ming has completed the task given to him by Du Feng very well, so after returning from special training in the United States next season, he must have more opportunities to be reused, which is needless to say. Another most anticipated player of the Guangdong Hongyuan men's basketball team, Xu Xin, is currently undergoing special training in Los Angeles, USA. Previously, many people saw him conducting closed training on Ersha Island, and the whole body seemed to be bigger, indicating that he had a good muscle gain and strength exercise. In fact, in the game last season, Xu Xin has always been considered by fans to be too soft, in fact, this is also related to his age, and now his bones are not completely closed at his age, so he is not suitable for some excessive strength training.

Hongyuan new stars play in the Drew League! Next season or return from special training, join forces with Zhou Qi to dominate the CBA

But now Xu Xin will definitely move towards the development of the power transition, which has recently been reported by the media that Xu Xin is about to play in the most famous Drew League in Los Angeles, which has aroused heated discussions among many fans. You must know that the Drew League is the most attractive amateur league in the United States except for the NBA, and the players participating in the league are all top-notch, and even many superstars from other professional leagues and retired professional players of the NBA are involved. Therefore, Xu Xin can participate in this game, not to mention anything else, the actual combat experience can definitely be involved, and in terms of actual combat, Xu Xin can also experience the international basketball level, compared with the domestic confrontation, what are the shortcomings, which can also teach him well in actual combat.

Hongyuan new stars play in the Drew League! Next season or return from special training, join forces with Zhou Qi to dominate the CBA

To be honest, Xu Xin's physical talent needs not be said much, but he has too little actual combat experience, so if he can learn useful experience in the Drew League, then he will definitely be able to play a huge role in the team's tactics when he returns next season. In fact, there are many fans who don't know about the Drew League, although it is only a basketball amateur league, but to be honest, its actual combat and confrontation level are only high compared to the CBA, and even for rookie players like Xu Xin who have more than talent but lack practical experience, it is definitely the most suitable.

Hongyuan new stars play in the Drew League! Next season or return from special training, join forces with Zhou Qi to dominate the CBA

And you must know that other top superstars in the CBA, such as Hu Mingxuan, Chen Guohao, Liao Sanning, etc., who go to the United States for special training, generally find local trainers and one-on-one personal training, and do not have enough opportunities to test his achievements and train his deficiencies like Xu Xin. In fact, this must be inseparable from the strong support of Guangdong Hongyuan men's basketball team, Hongyuan men's basketball team is very good for any player! Whether it is Yi Jianlian going to the NBA to pursue his dream, or Zhou Qi being able to recuperate safely in the United States in the first and second stages of this season, it is inseparable from the strong support of Guangdong Hongyuan. However, Xu Xin would like to thank Brother Shui, who we are most familiar with, and Jordan Bell's agent-Dong Hao, and it is Dong Hao's threading that gives Xu Xin the opportunity to appear in the Drew League.

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