
Iran's presidential election, the results may be reversed? In Khamenei's mind, he is looking for a successor to Raisi

author:The erudite fourth brother


Iran's 11th President Raisi's term ended, after which Khamenei appointed Raisman as interim president, and only after the next president took office, did Raisman announce the official inauguration of the next Iranian president, because the Iranian constitution stipulates that the president must be sworn in to the Iranian parliament within the time specified in the constitution, otherwise it will be deemed to automatically relinquish the presidency.

In the first three months of 2024, Iran will no longer be what it is now.

Iranian elections.

In May 2024, Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Ali Khamenei announced that Iran would hold presidential elections a year ahead of schedule and that Iran would also have its 14th president.

On June 28, Iran's general election officially began, and a total of six candidates ran for the presidency of Iran, but two of the candidates were "candidates" because of family relations, so there were essentially only four candidates.

Iran's general election is conducted on paper, and in this election, it may lead to a second round of voting, which means that no candidate has more than 50% of the vote, and the first round of ballots cast on July 19 and June 28 will be recast.

Iran's general election is a multi-poll process in which both liberal and conservative candidates are selected to elect a president who can negotiate on behalf of the country's interests.

Some people even say that this election method is known as the "old Hu style", and Khamenei himself is not very good at selecting the best relay runners in this relay race, so Khamenei is actually happy and sad about this election method, the joy is that this election method is indeed democratic, every Iranian can participate in it, and the democracy is very intense;

Sadly, the elected president may make the leader a little "dissatisfied".

Iran's general election has seen fewer voters turn out every year, with turnout reaching 57% in the 2017 election.

Iran's presidential election, the results may be reversed? In Khamenei's mind, he is looking for a successor to Raisi

The 2013 election, in which Raisi was born, had a turnout of just 51 percent.

And in 2024, the voter turnout in the general election will hit a new low in Iran's election history, less than 50%, or 46% to be exact.

On June 28, the first serious problem that will face the general election is the electronic voting system.

In the United States and China, it may not take even two hours, but in Iran, a ballot box can take up to two hours, leaving Iranian voters extremely unhappy.

But the voting went on well, and it wasn't until the last hour that voters were able to cast their ballots.

This may have something to do with the fact that after the voters voted, even on the last day, they thought that the elected president was almost the same, and they had a "careless" mentality.

Iran's presidential election, the results may be reversed? In Khamenei's mind, he is looking for a successor to Raisi

Urumqi formation.

In the 2017 general election, Khamenei's "relay player" is Raisi, a Christian who is very particular about tradition, and there is actually a certain antagonistic relationship between Khamenei, such as in religion and other aspects, and the Iranian presidential candidate is not allowed to have no religious beliefs, so only Khamenei will be so "bold" to choose Laisi.

Raisi is one of them, and Khamenei elected him to power, and Raisi came to power, but he is not the one who insists on Khamenei like Raisi.

Leahy is a person who thinks of Leahy and does things when he comes to power, not only doing things himself, but also letting them do their best in the team they choose, and Leahy is indomitable in what he does.

In Iran, this is something that Khamenei loves.

Raisi is undoubtedly the most "dissatisfied" of Khamenei among the previous presidents, but Raisi can also do "a little" under the coercion of Khamenei.

There was no flat pitch on the spot, and the mid-pitch rate was not high, which inevitably made Khamenei feel "cute", and he was worried that the next "relay player" would not be able to do anything.

Iran's presidential election, the results may be reversed? In Khamenei's mind, he is looking for a successor to Raisi

According to the survey, Khamenei is the most optimistic about the conservative candidate Kalibaf, and as long as Kalibaf is elected, Khamenei will definitely "take good care" of the next president.

Because Khamenei's own National Guard was shot down in the "Iran Air 655" incident and many people were killed, which also left a bad impression on the United States.

Among the US presidents, Obama was the better term for Iran, but after the agreement was announced, the Iranian people were disappointed in this "halo president";

In the Iranian parliament, the "president of peace" is also not highly evaluated, and even jokes that when the treaty is signed in the future, it is safer to "calculate the losses of the United States to Iran" first.

This can be said to be a sentence that expresses the hearts of Khamenei and others.

As they waited for the results of the votes, as soon as the numbers scrolled on the big screen changed, everyone looked at the glimmer of hope that the election might change.

On June 29, in the wee hours of the morning, Iran's general election began with many waiting, but there was no change in the world.

Iran's presidential election, the results may be reversed? In Khamenei's mind, he is looking for a successor to Raisi

The ballot boxes in most constituencies have not yet been opened, but even if they are mentally prepared, when the initial few liberal candidates are eliminated as usual, a few candidates who are mainly conservatives, and even the first president, who may have seriously affected the negotiations, may come to power.

Khalibaf, who is the most capable in the eyes of Khamenei, Zu Kalinial, the father of the chip industry who is favored by Khamenei, Raisi from the people, and the Urumqi formation composed of the president's family are also formed.

In this kind of formation of Urumqi, full of ambition but a formation of mutual checks and balances, Khamenei sees it in his eyes, and what he is afraid of is that no one has elected someone that Khamenei can see, so that he will not become the president who is elected and won by Khamenei, and Khamenei himself cannot understand everyone's thoughts.

The rescue of Urumqi.

The second round of voting in Iran's general election will begin at 10 a.m. local time and end at 10 p.m. that night.

In the first round of voting, the conservative Kalibav came first with 36 percent of the vote, while the reformist Pezeshkian came in second with 26.6 percent of the vote, less than 10 percent from the first place.

Kalibaf's rival, the president's family in the Urumqi formation, dressed in "Urumqi red", received less than 20% of the vote and was eliminated.

This time, Iran's conservatives are starting to worry and the liberals are striding forward, but Kalibaf has a different view.

Although Pezeshkian's 26.6 per cent of the vote was less than 10 per cent of the vote in Kalibaf, the 10 per cent calculated by Kalibav himself was invaluable to them.

This 10% is exactly the number of votes for those who chose Urumqi among those who chose Urumqi between the Urumqi formation and Pezeshkian.

If Urumqi in Khamenei's eyes "mainly reflects the opinions of the people at that time", then with the 18.5% of the individual votes in the Urumqi formation, Urumqi and Pezeshkian together have a vote rate of 26.6%, which is exactly the same as Kalibaf's vote rate, then there will be two situations, one is that Pezeshkian is elected president, and the other is that those who elected Urumqi are eliminated and enter the second round of voting.

In this way, the Urumqi formation and Pezeshkian's combined vote rate is as high as 26.6%, if Urumqi and Pezeshkian can enter the second round of voting, then all parties who voted for Pezeshkian in the previous round will choose the first Urumqi to make a clear statement, and the first person to join the Urumqi formation has two boats, if Pezeshkian is elected, the other Urumqi will be elected, but if Urumqi is elected, the first Urumqi will be elected.

Iran's presidential election, the results may be reversed? In Khamenei's mind, he is looking for a successor to Raisi

Faced with this dilemma, Khamenei can't help but start saying good things about Pezeshkian's counterattack, but there is something they didn't expect in Kalibaf's vote rate, not everyone who comes to vote is the kind of staunch conservative in Khamenei's heart, and Khamenei supports them not only because of their powerful formation, but also because Khamenei himself is very optimistic about them, but most of these people are more optimistic about Pezeshkian.


In the end, Kalibaf won the new president of Iran, but Iran is now facing a crisis at home and abroad, and Iran's economy has been severely affected by the United States because the United States has violated the agreement and reimposed sanctions on Iran.

In the next few years, Iran needs an economically strong president, which is also the new Iranian Kalibav in Khamenei's eye, but Kalibaf's ideas are contrary to Khamenei's.

In Khamenei's hope, they want to stand up in the Iranian election, if there is a "dark horse" in the emergency elections that does not appear, then the situation will change, and it will all be decided by Khamenei, and Khamenei wants to unite the conservatives to elect a figure who is better at negotiations and more willing to negotiate and cooperate with various countries.

Iran's presidential election, the results may be reversed? In Khamenei's mind, he is looking for a successor to Raisi

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