
It's OK! Chang'e-7 and Chang'e-8 will carry foreign payloads, but the United States is missing, and the United States is in pain

author:Ahsan talks about popular science


"We have received international cooperation applications from more than 30 countries, and countries around the world are looking forward to their own probes landing on the moon, and we will further strengthen cooperation with other countries, and we are confident that we can go to space together, and there are 18 international cooperation applications involving Chang'e-8."

"But it is precisely these international applications for cooperation that have made the United States and other Western countries uneasy."

The China Space Agency revealed some news of international cooperation to the media.

However, as the news about Chang'e-7 and Chang'e-8 carrying international payloads continues to come out, the United States and other Western countries are disgusted and opposed to China's continuous cooperation, so the question arises, what is the United States secretly doing while opposing cooperation?

Why is the United States so resolutely opposed to international cooperation on Chang'e-7 and Chang'e-8?

It's OK! Chang'e-7 and Chang'e-8 will carry foreign payloads, but the United States is missing, and the United States is in pain

China's lunar exploration program has a say.

From the mainland's first launch satellite "Dongfanghong" to the rapid development of China's aerospace industry, it is definitely a moving story of the back waves of the Yangtze River pushing the front waves.

Because of these rapid achievements, the mainland has made the whole world pay great attention to China's aerospace.

In recent years, the mainland's lunar exploration program has also been obvious to all, from the launch of Chang'e-1 to the successful launch of Chang'e-3 and Chang'e-4 satellites, China's lunar exploration program has also flourished and attracted wide attention from the international community.

The national propaganda media is even more sunrise and sunset.

After the successive launches of Chang'e-5 and Chang'e-6, the mainland's lunar exploration program has also taken a further step forward.

Since 2010, Academician Liu Hanyuan has announced to the world that "China will achieve a manned lunar landing by 2030", which is also the first time that mankind has opened the curtain of the lunar landing program.

With the progress of the mainland's lunar exploration program, the mainland has launched more than 30 applications for international cooperation, including 18 applications for international cooperation for Chang'e-7 and Chang'e-8.

It's OK! Chang'e-7 and Chang'e-8 will carry foreign payloads, but the United States is missing, and the United States is in pain

Chang'e-7 has been confirmed to have six international payloads, while Chang'e-8 can carry up to 220 kg of international payloads.

As soon as this news came out, it immediately aroused uneasiness and worry among Western countries, but the mainland's choice of cooperation was entirely based on its own will, and it simply opened its mind to the whole world, so that countries all over the world could participate in it.

In an interview with the China Space Administration, some media even asked whether the United States would carry a payload on the international voyage of Chang'e-7 and Chang'e-8, but the Chinese Space Agency's response simply vetoed the matter with one word, and the United States missed the last train on the mainland's lunar exploration.

Even so, after receiving the cooperation proposal from Western countries, China also gave its own application documents a year ago, proving that it has always wanted to cooperate.

It's OK! Chang'e-7 and Chang'e-8 will carry foreign payloads, but the United States is missing, and the United States is in pain

The U.S.-China Lunar Race.

As the world's two major aerospace powers, the United States and the mainland are bound to have friction in various aspects, not only in the development of aerospace forces, but also in the field of space exploration.

The French scholar Leopold Sidingsey wrote in his book "The Space Century": "In the 21 st century, space will be the most important new stage of competition between countries."

Space labs, manned flights, lunar exploration, and "infrared observatories" have all created a serious rivalry between China and the United States.

The discovery of water in the lunar soil brought back by lunar exploration on the mainland has successfully broken the old understanding, and this discovery is also of great significance for the subsequent global exploration mission.

Western countries are also very puzzled by the smooth success of the mainland's Chang'e lunar exploration program, and even astronauts from Israel and other countries have privately consulted about China's situation.

In the mainland's "Nine Steps of Lunar Exploration" program, the lunar exploration project has always been the most challenging task in the international space field.

It's OK! Chang'e-7 and Chang'e-8 will carry foreign payloads, but the United States is missing, and the United States is in pain

While the mainland is constantly pursuing advanced technology, it is also lagging behind Western countries in many aspects.

As a milestone in the mainland's lunar exploration program, the Chang'e-7 lunar exploration rover has undoubtedly made the United States and other Western countries feel a severe competitive relationship.

It is precisely because of this that the United States is very concerned about the mainland's Chang'e-7 and Chang'e-8.

First, if the mainland's Chang'e lunar exploration project is successful, it will not only be able to develop space technology, but will also be able to make huge gains in subsequent exploration missions.

Second, in terms of the mainland's Chang'e lunar exploration program, once successful, China will become the first country to succeed in the lunar exploration program, and will surpass the United States, which will undoubtedly accelerate the United States' exploration in the field of science and technology.

Although the mainland has fully cooperated with Western countries in the process of cooperation on the road of mainland lunar exploration, the attitude of the United States on the road of continental lunar exploration has always been not very good, not only is it not active in cooperation, but it has also blocked relevant technologies.

It's OK! Chang'e-7 and Chang'e-8 will carry foreign payloads, but the United States is missing, and the United States is in pain

Knowing that the mainland has indisputable strength in lunar exploration, the United States still "blocks" the mainland's scientific research cooperation.

In the mainland's scientific and technological research and development, our experts themselves have a very good ability to innovate, even if they lack foreign advanced technology, they can make full use of limited resources to create more advanced scientific and technological equipment.

It's OK! Chang'e-7 and Chang'e-8 will carry foreign payloads, but the United States is missing, and the United States is in pain

In terms of lunar exploration and spaceflight, it is precisely because it has not received technical support from the United States and other Western countries that it is lighter and more advanced than their lunar exploration vehicles.

It is precisely because the United States has repeatedly discriminated against and not cooperated with the mainland in lunar exploration that the mainland has no choice but to draw previous scientists to our side to carry out space exploration together.

It's OK! Chang'e-7 and Chang'e-8 will carry foreign payloads, but the United States is missing, and the United States is in pain

Break the information blockade.

The mainland has repeatedly proposed to cooperate with the United States in lunar exploration, but the United States has been piling up some low-level misjudgments on the mainland, saying that the mainland's technology is not up to par.

However, it is precisely because of the continuous propaganda of scientists in our country that has helped the international community to recognize the facts: the success rate of the mainland's lunar exploration vehicle has been successful six times in a row, while the United States has caused the lunar exploration vehicle to fail a record four times because of the low-level misjudgment of scientists.

Even Britain, an ally of the United States, has given up the United States' best area and switched to the mainland for cooperation, and this contempt for strength has not only accelerated the mainland's space exploration, but even helped the mainland break the information blockade of Western countries and increase its international influence.

Advanced exploration ships on the mainland have gradually embarked on a journey into space, breaking through the obstacles of Western countries.

The continuous progress in the mainland's lunar exploration and space flight has not only made Western countries feel anxious, but also made Western countries concerned and curious about the mainland.

The continuous progress in the mainland's lunar exploration and aerospace has caused more and more countries to gradually come to the mainland's exploration ships and apply for cooperation with the mainland.

The mainland controls the big discourse in the field of lunar exploration and decides who to cooperate with, which has also caused anxiety among Western countries, but the mainland has been responding in a low-key manner in the face of the information blockade and non-cooperation of the United States in lunar exploration.


The success of China's lunar exploration is of great significance to the world's aerospace, which will redefine the world's aerospace pattern, so that more and more countries will have a decisive power, the world pattern of lunar exploration will change, and the space station space exploration mission will also move towards multipolarity, which is conducive to promoting the space exploration of all mankind.

China's success in lunar exploration will undoubtedly inspire other countries to accelerate the pace of space exploration.

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