
TVB's old drama bone retired on his 79th birthday, divorced his wife and gave up his family property to get child custody

author:The past is like a cloud of smoke

When it comes to Hong Kong's star family, the first thing that comes to mind is the three heroes with Qin Pei as the eldest brother.

Qin Pei was born in an acting family, his father Yan Hua and mother Hong Wei are both actors, and the two gave birth to two children, one is Jiang Changnian (stage name: Qin Pei), and the other is Jiang Weinian (stage name: Jiang David).

The good times didn't last long, Qin Pei's father died of illness when he was a child, and when Qin Pei was 11 years old, his mother remarried producer Er Guang and gave birth to his younger brother Er Dongsheng.

TVB's old drama bone retired on his 79th birthday, divorced his wife and gave up his family property to get child custody

Even the third generation of the family has joined the entertainment industry. Qin Pei's daughter Jiang Liwen, son Jiang Wenjie, and Jiang David's son-in-law is TVB actor Cao Yonglian. Qin Pei won the Best Supporting Actor at the Hong Kong Film Awards twice, David Jiang won the Best Actor at the Asian Film Festival, and Er Dongsheng is a versatile director, screenwriter and producer. Each shines in his own realization.

Qin Pei, who has been in the film industry for more than 50 years, is currently in good physical condition and in good spirits. In his 70s, he never gives up, and he can still be on the screen.

TVB's old drama bone retired on his 79th birthday, divorced his wife and gave up his family property to get child custody

Qin Pei recently celebrated his 79th birthday, and his two children, Jiang Wenjie (Benji) and Jiang Liwen (Lesley), shared photos of their father on social platforms to celebrate. Jiang Liwen posted a photo of her father holding a longevity peach, and wrote: "Happy birthday to my best, most supportive, and cutest father!" Wishing you happiness and good health! We love you very, very much!"

Moreover, Qin Pei's appearance has flesh and cheeks, the older he looks, the more kind he becomes, and the big earlobes on both sides show that he looks like a Buddha, and it is obvious that he is an old man with a blessed future.

TVB's old drama bone retired on his 79th birthday, divorced his wife and gave up his family property to get child custody

It can be seen in the photo that Qin Pei is in good spirits, in excellent condition, with a happy smile on his face, and a group of friends Hu Beiwei, Zhong Jiaxin, Chen Ziyao, etc. have left messages to send blessings. It is enough to prove that Qin Pei is very popular and is respected by many young actors.

TVB's old drama bone retired on his 79th birthday, divorced his wife and gave up his family property to get child custody

And his son Jiang Wenjie shared a photo of a father and son riding a motorcycle on social platforms for a limited time, and congratulated: "Happy birthday! Lao Bean", with a cake sticker and a "Thank you for the sun!" to his father Qin Wen! Dialogue.

Although the photo looks humorous and funny, it can be seen that the relationship between the children and Qin Pei is very harmonious and loving. This is also thanks to Qin Pei's dedication when he was young.

TVB's old drama bone retired on his 79th birthday, divorced his wife and gave up his family property to get child custody

Qin Pei divorced his wife due to personality incompatibility when he was young, but he couldn't bear to live separately with his two children, and would rather give up most of his property than fight for child custody.

In order to give his children a better life, Qin Pei's father and mother are also working as mothers, making money while filming and taking care of the family. The emperor lived up to his wishes, the two children grew up healthily, and they were filial and grateful, so that Qin Pei could live a life under Chenghuan's knees.

TVB's old drama bone retired on his 79th birthday, divorced his wife and gave up his family property to get child custody

Jiang Liwen, who was depressed because of her relationship with Zheng Junhong in her early years, has now found her lifelong happiness and recruited half of her son for the Jiang family. I believe that Qin Pei has also let go of his heart.

Qin Pei once said that he would never give up, until one day he was unable to move, he could no longer remember the dialogue, and he would retire when he could not retire, otherwise he would still enjoy every day's work.

But Qin Pei is close to 80 years old, and the high-intensity filming work is really inadequate, and now Qin Pei lives in Vancouver, Canada to live a "semi-retired" life, and rarely appears in the entertainment industry.

TVB's old drama bone retired on his 79th birthday, divorced his wife and gave up his family property to get child custody

In his later years, Qin Pei relied on his excellent Mandarin pronunciation and filmed many TV series roles as grandfathers in the mainland. Only then did I find out that Qin Pei's Mandarin was so standard. has gained another group of mainland fans.

Qin Pei is a proper winner in life, he has an excellent career, filial children, and an optimistic personality. I wish this kind old man a happy birthday and good health!