
TVB male god Wu Zhuoxi reminisces about the dream of a pilot, and learns to be a boy in advance!

author:The past is like a cloud of smoke

Wu Zhuoxi (Ron) went earlier to participate in the captain season of the variety show "We Are New to the Workplace", and took the opportunity to relive the feelings of filming "Rushing to the Clouds", and shared the scene with many cute children to learn to be a boy in advance.

TVB male god Wu Zhuoxi reminisces about the dream of a pilot, and learns to be a boy in advance!

Wu Zhuoxi said that he learned a lot of new knowledge about aviation this time: "Because all the people who participated in the flight were real. First Officer, they're smart and adaptable, so I won't stop asking them.

TVB male god Wu Zhuoxi reminisces about the dream of a pilot, and learns to be a boy in advance!

In part of the show, Ron and the others had to move to a children's playground to interact with the children, which attracted a large number of onlookers and made the scene noisy. He was generous and not angry, and he didn't forget to wave his hand to greet the fans present, and the relevant photos went viral on the Internet.

TVB male god Wu Zhuoxi reminisces about the dream of a pilot, and learns to be a boy in advance!

Talking about getting along with the children in the local area, he said: "Although the children were very interesting, I had to find some way to coax them, as if they were telling a story, and then explain the plane to them by calling, but fortunately the shooting went smoothly and it was over in about 1 hour."

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