
Jump out of the contract! James wants to take a pay cut to renew his contract with the Lakers in order to recruit Harden, Klay, and Wallan

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Jump out of the contract! James wants to take a pay cut to renew his contract with the Lakers in order to recruit Harden, Klay, and Wallan

According to Shams of The Athletic, James has refused to execute a $54.1 million contract extension for next season, and can make sacrifices if the Lakers can sign an influential player, willing to sign the Lakers to a contract with a maximum salary of less than three years of $162 million. James has been aiming for the team to be able to bolster the roster, and now they are targeting players like Harden, Klay and Wallan.

Klay's talks with the Warriors have broken down, his departure is a foregone conclusion, and the Lakers, Clippers and Mavericks are expected to pursue him. James wants the team to sign Klay with an offer that is higher than that of the Mavericks. 克莱上赛季三分命中数为268个,联盟第4多‬,三分命中率38.7%,接球就投的三分依然精准,有詹姆斯和浓眉吸引防守,克莱会获得更多空位‬出手机会,为球队拉开进攻空间,适配度还是非常符合湖人。

Jump out of the contract! James wants to take a pay cut to renew his contract with the Lakers in order to recruit Harden, Klay, and Wallan

Harden chose to join the Clippers last year, and he wanted to hug Xiaoka and George's thighs, but he didn't expect his legs to be hugged, and he became a thigh. George has been unable to reach a contract extension with the Clippers for a long time, and now George has rejected the player option and entered the free market, Harden is also watching George's departure, once George leaves, the Clippers are left with a small card, and Harden, who is only winning the championship, has no intention of staying, and chooses to join the Lakers Four good options. Harden can make up for the shortcomings of the Lakers' No. 1 position, Harden with thick eyebrows, a strengthened version of Capela, James will play without the ball in the new season, and there is no need to worry about the distribution of the ball, James and thick eyebrows do not have to worry about health problems, Harden has a better chance of joining the Lakers to compete for the championship than the Clippers.

Jump out of the contract! James wants to take a pay cut to renew his contract with the Lakers in order to recruit Harden, Klay, and Wallan

If the Lakers fail to pursue Klay and Harden, they can choose Wallan, who has always wanted to play the No. 4 position, and the Lakers can sign Wallan to play the No. 5 position. Wallan, who has expired under contract, averaged 12.2 points, 8.8 rebounds and 2.1 assists per game with the Pelicans last season and 14.5 points, 11 rebounds and 1.3 assists in the playoffs.

Jump out of the contract! James wants to take a pay cut to renew his contract with the Lakers in order to recruit Harden, Klay, and Wallan

For the Lakers, whether it is the introduction of Klay, Harden or Wallan, it will be a substantial improvement for the team, and the key depends on how the Lakers management operates.

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