
"Black Silk Master" Shi Zhiding: live in a 40 million villa, intermarry with monks, and use the temple as a cash cow

author:Quack quack to see the world

Shi Zhiding's life trajectory is full of irony and helplessness. She has been pampered since she was a child, and she has a lazy personality but is greedy for glory and wealth. This contradictory personality trait laid the groundwork for her future behavior.

Marriage should be a turning point in life, and Shi Zhiding also looked forward to getting a lifetime of worry-free food and clothing through marriage. However, as fate would have it, she returned to square one overnight after the divorce.

The burden of life weighed her breathlessly, and the days of worrying about her livelihood made her feel tormented. Just when Shi Zhiding lost hope in life, a chance chance changed the trajectory of her life.

"Black Silk Master" Shi Zhiding: live in a 40 million villa, intermarry with monks, and use the temple as a cash cow

She saw the life of the nuns: sitting there every day, not having to worry about firewood, rice, oil and salt, but eating and drinking. This image was deeply imprinted in her mind and ignited her heart's desire.

For Shi Zhiding, who has been running for a living, the life of a nun is simply heaven. Her eyes flashed with envy, and she secretly wondered in her heart: how good would it be if she could live such a life? In this way, a bold idea sprung up in her mind: why not enter the temple in the name of faith? In this way, you can get rid of the troubles of real life and live a worry-free life.

Once this thought was born, it grew like a weed in her heart, and it could no longer be suppressed. So, Shi Zhiding began her carefully designed "performance". She pretended to be interested in Buddhism, and often had a thoughtful expression on her face, as if she was really thinking about the true meaning of life.

"Black Silk Master" Shi Zhiding: live in a 40 million villa, intermarry with monks, and use the temple as a cash cow

She also said something like "see through the red dust" from time to time, showing a look of wanting but red dust. This gesture really worked, and succeeded in impressing the abbot of the temple.

Under the kind gaze of the host, Shi Zhiding stepped into this coveted "paradise" as he wished. When the shaving scissors fell, the corners of Shi Zhiding's mouth rose slightly, as if he had seen a beautiful life beckoning to her.

However, when she actually walked into the Buddhist hall and saw the pilgrims offering a lot of incense money, a flame of greed ignited in Shi Zhiding's heart. Her eyes became hot, and her breathing quickened unconsciously.

"Black Silk Master" Shi Zhiding: live in a 40 million villa, intermarry with monks, and use the temple as a cash cow

She realized that this place would not only solve her food and clothing problems, but also be a shortcut to her dream of prosperity and wealth. From that moment on, Shi Zhiding completely changed the trajectory of his life and embarked on a path full of desire and betrayal.

Her heart is full of contradictions: she is a devout practitioner on the surface, but on the inside she is dominated by worldly desires. This dual personality is destined to lead her to an unpredictable end in the days to come.

In order to achieve his goal, Shi Zhiding embarked on a well-planned performance. She knew that in order to gain recognition and status in the temple, she had to completely change her image of the lazy past.

"Black Silk Master" Shi Zhiding: live in a 40 million villa, intermarry with monks, and use the temple as a cash cow

And so, she began an amazing transformation. Every morning, Shi Zhiding is always the first to get up. While the others were still asleep, she had already begun to clean the temple courtyard.

When night fell, she was the last to rest. This style is similar to her in the past, which has attracted the attention of the whole temple. Whenever there is any work in the temple, Shi Zhiding always rushes to do it.

Whether it is wiping Buddha statues, arranging scriptures, or receiving pilgrims, she does it carefully and carefully. Even the problem of dozing off within a few minutes of class was forcibly changed by her.

"Black Silk Master" Shi Zhiding: live in a 40 million villa, intermarry with monks, and use the temple as a cash cow

She listened attentively to each lesson, taking notes from time to time, and became the hardest working student. Never absent from morning and evening classes, chanting sutras and chanting Buddha with a loud voice, Shi Zhiding soon became the most eye-catching one in the temple.

Her pious appearance made people mistakenly think that she was a practitioner who sincerely wished to be Buddha. No one knows, it's all a disguise she has carefully devoted. This "diligence" quickly paid off wonders.

Shi Zhiding's performance was recognized and appreciated by everyone in the temple. The hosts often praise her in private, saying that she is a rare good seedling. Other nuns were also impressed by her, and some even began to secretly follow her example.

"Black Silk Master" Shi Zhiding: live in a 40 million villa, intermarry with monks, and use the temple as a cash cow

Opportunity always favors those who are prepared. When Dinghui Temple needed to select a new host, Shi Zhiding's past "performance" made her stand out. The people of the temple unanimously elected her, believing that this seemingly diligent and pious nun was the most suitable for the task.

The moment the power finally fell into her hands, Shi Zhiding's inner ecstasy almost erupted. She struggled to control her expression and pretended to accept the position with humility.

However, in a place that no one could see, the corners of her mouth inadvertently hooked up a smug smile. Finally, she has a chance to fulfill her desires. Shi Zhiding understood that this position of presiding not only meant a higher status, but more importantly, it gave her the power to control the resources of the temple.

"Black Silk Master" Shi Zhiding: live in a 40 million villa, intermarry with monks, and use the temple as a cash cow

And that's exactly what she's been longing for. However, Shi Zhiding did not know that she was about to embark on a road of no return. The temptation of power is like a poison that is slowly eroding her heart and pushing her against the moral precipice.

Her greedy desires will eventually lead to a scandal that shocks the world. When Shi Zhiding sat in the presiding position, a trace of greed flashed in her eyes. She knew that from this moment on, everything in the temple would be under her control.

The pleasure of this power made her almost forget her original intention. What she didn't know was that this was only the beginning of her path to depravity, and that greater temptations awaited her.

"Black Silk Master" Shi Zhiding: live in a 40 million villa, intermarry with monks, and use the temple as a cash cow

As the power of the host fell into the bag, Shi Zhiding could no longer hide his inner desires. She began to use the temple as her cash cow without hesitation, and kept all the incense money firmly in her hands.

Whenever the believers devoutly put their money into the merit box, a glimmer of greed flashed in Shakti's eyes. For the daily expenses of the temple, she has become extremely stingy and budget-conscious.

From food to incense candles, and even maintenance costs, she has compressed them to a minimum. Her image of an iron-faced and selfless "iron rooster" made the rest of the temple both fearful and puzzled.

"Black Silk Master" Shi Zhiding: live in a 40 million villa, intermarry with monks, and use the temple as a cash cow

However, this behavior soon aroused the suspicion of some. Some of the old nuns began to talk in private, questioning the temple's income and expenditure. In order to keep his secret, Shi Zhiding took a more radical approach.

She began to expel those who might discover the truth, creating more room for herself to play. The atmosphere in the temple gradually became tense, and everyone was in danger for fear of being the next to be driven away.

Shi Zhiding's eyes became more and more cold, as if he had forgotten his original intention of entering the temple under the pretense of faith. That's when an unexpected opportunity came. Some real estate developers have taken a fancy to the location of Dinghui Temple and want to acquire it.

"Black Silk Master" Shi Zhiding: live in a 40 million villa, intermarry with monks, and use the temple as a cash cow

For ordinary people, this may be an annoyance, but for Shi Zhiding, it has become a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to accumulate money. She pretended to be righteous and awe-inspiring and decisively rejected the developer's request.

She declared to the outside world: "This is a pure land of Buddhism, how can it be tainted by worldly money? These words not only won the praise of the people, but also strengthened the faith of the believers. Shi Zhiding's expression was solemn, as if he was really defending the rules of Buddhism.

However, this is only the first half of Shi Zhiding's elaborate drama. In front of the believers, she began to cry poverty, claiming that because of the difficulties in development, the temple was about to face the dilemma of being acquired.

"Black Silk Master" Shi Zhiding: live in a 40 million villa, intermarry with monks, and use the temple as a cash cow

With tears in her eyes and a choked voice, she described the temple's situation as extremely miserable. These words were like a hammer hammer on the heart of every believer. As a result, a large number of donations poured in.

Believers have donated money to help, and some have even given everything they have. Shi Zhiding sat in the Buddha hall, watching the believers bow down reverently, putting stacks of banknotes into the merit box, and his heart was filled with happiness.

She knew she was one step closer to the life of her dreams. However, as his desires continued to expand, Shi Zhiding's behavior became more and more unscrupulous. She began to live a very different and two-sided life, pretending to be a pious host during the day and indulging in worldly pleasures at night.

"Black Silk Master" Shi Zhiding: live in a 40 million villa, intermarry with monks, and use the temple as a cash cow

This kind of behavior not only desecrates the rules of Buddhism, but also a great betrayal of those believers who trust her. Shi Zhiding seems to have forgotten that no matter how perfect a lie is, it will one day be exposed.

Her greed is pushing her against a cliff, and she is overwhelmed by a false sense of security. Every night, as she counted the money from the faithful, her eyes flashed with a frenzied light, as if she had forgotten who she was and what she was doing.

Shi Zhiding's life has become an absurd double-sided drama. During the day, she wore a simple monk's robe, read scriptures and praised the Buddha in the temple, and looked devout and respectful of the Buddha. She always had a solemn expression on her face, as if she was really an enlightened monk.

"Black Silk Master" Shi Zhiding: live in a 40 million villa, intermarry with monks, and use the temple as a cash cow

When the believers saw her like this, they were all in awe and knelt down before her to seek the Dharma. However, when night fell, Shi Zhiding seemed to be a different person. She took off her monk's robe, put on a well-prepared hood, and put on stockings, so that she could not see the appearance of a monk at all.

Her eyes flashed with worldly desires, and the corners of her mouth hung a smug smile, like an urban woman who was addicted to pleasure. However, this is not the most shocking. Shi Zhiding even ignored the rules of Buddhism and boldly hooked up with a monk secretly.

This monk also lives a double-sided life, pretending to be a high-ranking monk during the day, but mingling with Shi Zhiding at night. This unruly love affair is a complete departure from the precepts of the monks, and it is a great blasphemy against the faith of the believers.

"Black Silk Master" Shi Zhiding: live in a 40 million villa, intermarry with monks, and use the temple as a cash cow

The two of them are like each other, and they often have trysts in the middle of the night. They drink in the glitz and drink and indulge in luxurious hotels, completely forgetting who they are. This relationship not only satisfied Shi Zhiding's desires, but also gave her an accomplice, allowing her to go further on this road of no return.

As time went on, Shi Zhiding's appetite grew. She began to pursue a more luxurious life. In a real estate transaction, she took a fancy to a luxury villa worth 40 million.

Located in an upscale area of the city, this villa is spacious, bright and luxuriously decorated, which is exactly what she imagined of a "paradise on earth". Without hesitation, Shi Zhiding bought this villa with the incense money he had accumulated over the years.

"Black Silk Master" Shi Zhiding: live in a 40 million villa, intermarry with monks, and use the temple as a cash cow

Since then, she has lived a life of waking up to the power of the world and drunk on the knees of beautiful women. There are luxury cars to pick up and drop off every day, just like a rich girl, where is there still a little bit of a monk? However, Shi Zhiding seems to have forgotten an old truth: arrogant soldiers will be defeated.

Her behavior not only violated the rules of Buddhism, but also violated the bottom line of the law. She is immersed in a life of luxury, unable to extricate herself, but she does not know that a storm is quietly brewing.

In the dead of night, Shi Zhiding sat alone on the balcony of a luxury villa, looking at the brightly lit city in the distance, and her heart would be filled with a trace of unease. But soon, this uneasiness was forced down by her, and it was replaced by a desire for more wealth and pleasure.

"Black Silk Master" Shi Zhiding: live in a 40 million villa, intermarry with monks, and use the temple as a cash cow

She seems to have forgotten that this kind of unscrupulous behavior will eventually attract the attention of others. And when the truth is revealed, what will be the ending waiting for her? Shi Zhiding's sweet dream is about to wake up after all.

What she did finally attracted the attention and dissatisfaction of the people around her. In a public occasion, Weng Jingjing could no longer hold back and made Shi Zhiding's actions public.

She described in detail how Shi Zhiding used the goodwill of his followers to enrich himself, how he secretly fornicated with monks, and how he squandered huge sums of incense money to buy luxury houses and cars. This revelation is like a bombshell and has caused a huge sensation in society.

"Black Silk Master" Shi Zhiding: live in a 40 million villa, intermarry with monks, and use the temple as a cash cow

At the same time, the disciples who had been expelled by Shi Zhiding also stood up one after another. They exposed how Shi Zhiding abused his power, deceived his devotees, and turned the temple into his own private ATM.

These testimonies further corroborated Weng Jingjing's statement and completely collapsed Shi Zhiding's lies. More believers are beginning to question what they have believed for years. Many of them did not hesitate to sacrifice their lives and donate their hard-earned money to the temple, but they never imagined that the money would eventually become the capital of Shi Zhiding's extravagant life.

The anger and disappointment of the believers swept through the Buddhist community like a monstrous wave. Under the pressure of public opinion, the relevant departments finally began to intervene in the investigation. Shi Zhiding's carefully woven lies finally collapsed completely at this moment.

"Black Silk Master" Shi Zhiding: live in a 40 million villa, intermarry with monks, and use the temple as a cash cow

Her reverent mask was torn off, revealing the true face of greed and ugliness. As the investigation deepened, Shi Zhiding's crimes were revealed one by one. The huge fortune in her name became the strongest evidence, and every income pointed to her crimes.

The luxury villa worth 40 million, those luxury goods and luxury cars have become ironclad evidence of her corruption and bribery. Eventually, Shi Zhiding was arrested, ending her so-called "free" life.

When the police took her away, her once haughty face finally showed fear and despair. She probably never imagined that her carefully woven dream would end in this way.

"Black Silk Master" Shi Zhiding: live in a 40 million villa, intermarry with monks, and use the temple as a cash cow

The monks who intermarried with her could not escape the punishment of the law. Their unruly love not only desecrates the rules of Buddhism, but also violates the bottom line of the law. Both will pay the price for their actions.

Shi Zhiding's case has caused huge repercussions in society. People began to reflect: Why would anyone do such a despicable thing in the name of faith? It was also a wake-up call for those who blindly believed, reminding them to look at the world with a rational eye.

In the end, Shi Zhiding paid a heavy price for his greed. She not only lost her freedom, but also lost the trust and respect of her followers. This former "Black Silk Master" can only regret what he did behind bars.

"Black Silk Master" Shi Zhiding: live in a 40 million villa, intermarry with monks, and use the temple as a cash cow

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and the story of Shi Zhiding once again confirms this ancient truth. Her experience also warns us that no matter what position we are in, we should keep the bottom line and not be lost by desire.