
The status quo of Zhao Benshan's 7 apprentices: When they are on fire, they will float and call the master, and live in the bridge cave to be an Internet celebrity?

author:Quack quack to see the world

In 2022, a shock bomb exploded in the entertainment industry: Zhao Benshan publicly broke with many lovers. This once radiant comedy group on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala is now in chaos.

Some of the apprentices claimed to be living on the streets, under bridges and caves; Some sell miserably online goods and try to make ends meet; What's more, he openly argued with his teacher, causing an uproar.

From the glory of "Country Love" to becoming an online anchor, what kind of ups and downs have these disciples of Zhao Benshan experienced? Why are they so different? Let's walk into the world of Zhao Jiaban and uncover the truth behind this controversial master-apprentice relationship.

The status quo of Zhao Benshan's 7 apprentices: When they are on fire, they will float and call the master, and live in the bridge cave to be an Internet celebrity?

In this disturbing master-apprentice grievance, we can't help but look back at the glorious moments of Zhao Jiaban. The Spring Festival Gala in 2009 is undoubtedly the pinnacle of Zhao Jiaban's career.

Zhao Benshan joined hands with Yadan and Xiao Shenyang to perform the sketch "Not Bad Money" on the same stage, which made the entire Zhao family class the focus of the national audience overnight. On the stage, Zhao Benshan was radiant, looking lovingly at the lively and lovely girl beside him.

Yadan combed a playful double ponytail, wore a bright green flower jacket, and sang "I'm not bad for money" in a cute manner, winning applause from the audience. This scene is still fresh in people's memories.

The status quo of Zhao Benshan's 7 apprentices: When they are on fire, they will float and call the master, and live in the bridge cave to be an Internet celebrity?

At the same time, the "Country Love" series has also become a phenomenal TV series work, and it has become popular with a group of Zhao Benshan's protégés. Zhao Si, played by Liu Xiaoguang, with his unique expressions and lines, has become the pistachio in the hearts of the audience.

Xie Guangkun, played by Tang Jianjun, has become a classic character that the audience loves and hates, and every time he appears, he can arouse heated discussions. Xie Yongqiang played by He Shufeng, although the role is gradually decreasing, he is still an indispensable and important role in the play.

On the stage of the variety show "Happy Comedian", Zhao Jiaban shined even more. With his honest appearance and unique poetry recitation style, Song Xiaofeng gradually won the love of the audience.

The status quo of Zhao Benshan's 7 apprentices: When they are on fire, they will float and call the master, and live in the bridge cave to be an Internet celebrity?

Jiaojiao (Zhang Yujiao) left a deep impression on the audience with her sexy and hot image and unique Hong Kong and Pu accent. Xiao Shenlong has become a dark horse on the stage with his precise imitation skills.

During this period, the Zhao family class can be said to be full of talents, and excellent works appear frequently. Whether it is on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, or in the TV series, or in variety shows, the members of the Zhao family class have shown a very high level of comedy talent and performance.

Their performances not only made the audience laugh, but also conveyed a lot of positive energy messages, which won the love and recognition of the audience. With the popularity of Zhao's class, the apprentices also ushered in their own highlight moments.

The status quo of Zhao Benshan's 7 apprentices: When they are on fire, they will float and call the master, and live in the bridge cave to be an Internet celebrity?

However, the temptation in Vanity Fair has caused some people to gradually lose their way and fall into a difficult predicament. Liu Xiaoguang rose to fame for playing the role of Zhao Si, but after becoming famous, he seems to be unable to resist the temptation of gambling.

Once, in order to pay off 200,000 gambling debts, he hid everywhere, and in the end, it was Zhao Benshan who helped to solve the dilemma. However, this lesson did not make him completely stop.

What's even more shocking is that he was also caught up in a cheating scandal, and the ambiguous chat records with female fans were exposed, which was a big surprise. This series of events not only greatly reduced Liu Xiaoguang's image, but also made Zhao Benshan deeply disappointed.

The status quo of Zhao Benshan's 7 apprentices: When they are on fire, they will float and call the master, and live in the bridge cave to be an Internet celebrity?

Tang Jianjun played Xie Guangkun in "Country Love", and once became Zhao Benshan's most important disciple. However, as his fame grew, so did the negative press.

His ex-wife Sun Xiaoyu exposed his cheating and patriarchal behavior in marriage in a live broadcast, which caused an uproar. What's more, there are also intimate videos of him and young women, as well as photos of passionate dancing with his wife, and even rumors of suspected illegitimate children.

These scandals seriously damaged Tang Jianjun's public image and also shaken Zhao Benshan's trust in him. However, not all apprentices were able to grasp the opportunity like Song Xiaofeng.

The status quo of Zhao Benshan's 7 apprentices: When they are on fire, they will float and call the master, and live in the bridge cave to be an Internet celebrity?

Although He Shufeng played the male number one Xie Yongqiang in "Country Love", he was gradually stolen the limelight by other supporting roles because of his mediocre performance. In search of a new direction, he tried to open a barbecue restaurant and a vocational college, but failed.

These setbacks forced He Shufeng to rethink his career direction. Yadan's story is more complicated. She fell into an emotional whirlpool at the peak of her career, first marrying Wang Jinlong, and then remarrying her junior brother Li Xuan, a series of events that made Zhao Benshan deeply disappointed.

From the lively and lovely little girl on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala to the Internet celebrity who is now working hard to bring goods in the live broadcast room, the transformation of Yadan is embarrassing. Jiaojiao's (Zhang Yujiao)'s development trajectory is also full of drama.

The status quo of Zhao Benshan's 7 apprentices: When they are on fire, they will float and call the master, and live in the bridge cave to be an Internet celebrity?

She went from being an amateur to a well-known actress, but then fell into the whirlpool of public opinion because of some controversial remarks. In order to maintain her popularity, she began to market the character of "poor single mother" in the live broadcast, but this practice caused disgust from many viewers.

Watching the ups and downs of these apprentices in Vanity Fair, we can't help but ask: what is it that makes them gradually deviate from their original path? Is it the temptation of fame and fortune, or the lack of self-restraint? Perhaps, this is the biggest challenge facing Zhao Jiaban.

With the passage of time, the contradictions within the Zhao family class gradually surfaced. The once happy master-apprentice relationship has turned into an open dispute, which has surprised the outside world.

The status quo of Zhao Benshan's 7 apprentices: When they are on fire, they will float and call the master, and live in the bridge cave to be an Internet celebrity?

In 2022, a storm suddenly swept through Zhao's class. Jiaojiao (Zhang Yujiao)'s remarks completely detonated the contradiction between master and apprentice. This girl, who once rose to prominence on the "Avenue of Stars" and became famous through Zhao Benshan's cultivation, has now chosen the path of betrayal.

Ignoring Zhao Benshan's cultivation over the years, she openly smeared and spread rumors on the Internet, causing an uproar. Jiaojiao's words and deeds not only made Zhao Benshan's team suffer from public opinion attacks, but he took the opportunity to hype up and try to attract more attention.

This kind of revenge has made the public question her character. Immediately afterwards, Tang Jianjun also joined the "rebel" camp. , a disciple who was entrusted with important tasks by Zhao Benshan, claimed in the live broadcast that he was suppressed by Zhao Benshan and was even kicked out of the crew of "Country Love".

The status quo of Zhao Benshan's 7 apprentices: When they are on fire, they will float and call the master, and live in the bridge cave to be an Internet celebrity?

However, considering Tang Jianjun's previous negative news, viewers were skeptical of his remarks. Many believe that this may be a story that Tang Jianjun made up to gain attention.

At the same time, Xiao Shenlong's behavior was also shocking. In order to gain attention, he even made up an absurd story about being swept away by a huge wave and drifting to an isolated island. This move not only worried the brothers of the Zhao family, but also made the fans who cared about him feel fooled.

When the truth was revealed, Xiao Shenlong's credibility completely collapsed. This kind of behavior of not hesitating to make up lies for the sake of traffic makes people wonder if he still remembers Zhao Benshan's teachings.

The status quo of Zhao Benshan's 7 apprentices: When they are on fire, they will float and call the master, and live in the bridge cave to be an Internet celebrity?

In this dispute, Yadan's transformation is also embarrassing. From the lively and lovely little girl on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala to the Internet celebrity who is now working hard to bring goods in the live broadcast room, her transformation is emotional.

Although she did not publicly break with Zhao Benshan, her behavior undoubtedly disappointed Zhao Benshan. The little apprentice who was once regarded by Zhao Benshan as his own, but now he has chosen a completely different path from what his master taught.

In the face of the various behaviors of the apprentices, Zhao Benshan's mood can be imagined. The master who used to be well cared for can now only helplessly watch his disciples lose their way in Vanity Fair.

The status quo of Zhao Benshan's 7 apprentices: When they are on fire, they will float and call the master, and live in the bridge cave to be an Internet celebrity?

He may be thinking, how did the Zhao family class, who was high-spirited and led his disciples to compete in the Spring Festival Gala, become like this now? However, not all of the apprentices chose betrayal.

In this turmoil, Song Xiaofeng's performance is particularly prominent. When someone questioned whether he also fell out with Zhao Benshan, he immediately came forward to clarify and publicly stated that he would always stay in Benshan Group.

This rare loyalty undoubtedly brought a trace of comfort to Zhao Benshan in this dispute. This sudden master-apprentice contradiction not only caused Zhao Jiaban to suffer a heavy blow, but also made the public think about the master-apprentice relationship in the entertainment industry.

The status quo of Zhao Benshan's 7 apprentices: When they are on fire, they will float and call the master, and live in the bridge cave to be an Internet celebrity?

One can't help but ask, what caused these once grateful apprentices to go down the path of betrayal? Is the temptation of fame and fortune too great, or is the environment of the entertainment industry too complicated? In any case, this turmoil has undoubtedly cast a shadow on Zhao Jiaban, and it has also given people a deeper understanding of the complex ecology of the entertainment industry.

With the shrinking of the traditional variety show and sketch market, many members of the Zhao family class began to set their sights on the Internet. However, the transformation from the stage to the live broadcast room is not as smooth as imagined.

Xiao Shenlong's transformation can be called the most controversial case in the Zhao family's class. In order to attract attention, he did not hesitate to make up lies that he had no fixed place to live and lived in bridges and caves. What's even more shocking is that he also planned a farce of "survival in distress in the wild", claiming that he was swept away by huge waves and drifted to an uninhabited island.

The status quo of Zhao Benshan's 7 apprentices: When they are on fire, they will float and call the master, and live in the bridge cave to be an Internet celebrity?

This kind of grandstanding behavior not only failed to win sympathy for him, but made the audience completely lose trust in him. When the truth was revealed, Xiao Shenlong's public image suffered a heavy blow, and his live broadcast career also fell into a trough.

Jiaojiao (Zhang Yujiao) chose the route of "selling miserably". She carefully created the image of a poor single mother in the live broadcast room, and posted a video of herself with a haggard face and cooking alone with her baby, trying to arouse the audience's sympathy.

However, this kind of overly deliberate marketing tactics has aroused the disgust of many audiences. People began to question her authenticity, believing it to be just a means to gain attention.

The status quo of Zhao Benshan's 7 apprentices: When they are on fire, they will float and call the master, and live in the bridge cave to be an Internet celebrity?

Yadan and Li Sui also joined the live broadcast army, but their performance seemed a little inadequate. From the radiant sketch actors on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala to the current efforts to promote goods in front of the camera, this huge gap makes people sigh.

They seem to be adapting to this new way of acting, and they seem a little restrained and unnatural in front of the camera. Liu Xiaoguang (Zhao Si) also tried to maintain the popularity through live broadcasts, but the effect was not satisfactory.

The audience seems to miss his classic image in "Country Love" more and has little interest in his live broadcast content. This contrast makes Liu Xiaoguang a little difficult on the road to transformation.

The status quo of Zhao Benshan's 7 apprentices: When they are on fire, they will float and call the master, and live in the bridge cave to be an Internet celebrity?

He Shufeng's (Xie Yongqiang)'s road to transformation is even more difficult. From starting a barbecue restaurant to opening a vocational college, to now livestreaming the sale of fruit from his orchard, every attempt he makes is full of poignant.

Although I tried all kinds of ways, it seemed that it was difficult to find a suitable position for me. Looking at these actors who once dominated the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, now racking their brains to attract the audience in the live broadcast room, many people can't help but sigh: What kind of changes has the Zhao family class experienced in the past? From the stage to the live broadcast room, they not only have to face new ways of performing, but also have to deal with the rapid changes in the online world and the diversity of audience tastes.

This kind of transformation road undoubtedly tests the adaptability and innovative spirit of every member of the Zhao family class. In the context of the continuous turmoil in Zhao Jiaban, Song Xiaofeng's performance is undoubtedly a clear stream.

The status quo of Zhao Benshan's 7 apprentices: When they are on fire, they will float and call the master, and live in the bridge cave to be an Internet celebrity?

Starting from "Happy Comedian", to the success of "Country Love", and now becoming a new predecessor in the comedy industry, Song Xiaofeng's growth trajectory can be called a model student of Zhao Jiaban.

Even in the difficult period when Zhao Benshan encountered the pressure of public opinion, Song Xiaofeng still stood firmly on the side of the master. When there were rumors questioning whether he also fell out with Zhao Benshan, he did not hesitate to stand up and clarify, and publicly expressed his gratitude to Zhao Benshan.

This attitude of gratitude and gratitude not only won the trust of Zhao Benshan, but also won the general favor of the audience. Song Xiaofeng's example proves that even in the entertainment industry full of temptations and challenges, you can still succeed through your own hard work and integrity.

The status quo of Zhao Benshan's 7 apprentices: When they are on fire, they will float and call the master, and live in the bridge cave to be an Internet celebrity?

His experience has undoubtedly set a positive example for other members of the Zhao family class, and even for the newcomers in the entire entertainment industry.

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