
Persistent crying bothering parents? Come and get the sleep trick to let your baby sleep peacefully

author:Festive breeze


10 ways to make the baby happy for a long time!

The growth and development of babies is one of the topics that every parent is most concerned about. Among them, sleeping on the stomach plays an important role in the baby's development, sitting, crawling and later walking. However, not every baby likes to sleep on their stomachs, which annoys many parents. Don't worry! I'm going to give you 10 ways to keep your baby happy and enjoy the fun and benefits of sleeping on their stomach.


Method 1: Make a warm bed

Persistent crying bothering parents? Come and get the sleep trick to let your baby sleep peacefully

The mattress for your baby to sleep on his stomach should be warm and comfortable, and you can choose soft cotton pads or breathable materials. Create a warm environment for your baby to lie on top of their stomach.

Method 2: Close figure

Persistent crying bothering parents? Come and get the sleep trick to let your baby sleep peacefully

Babies usually feel secure with their parents, and you can take advantage of this by sitting next to them and giving them warm company while they are sleeping. Gradually, your baby will feel at ease and enjoy sleeping on his tummy.

Method 3: Fun toys

Persistent crying bothering parents? Come and get the sleep trick to let your baby sleep peacefully

Putting some fun toys in front of your baby can attract their attention and prolong the time they spend sleeping on their stomach. For example, cute rag dolls, brightly colored puzzles, and sounding toys are all good options.

Method 4: Comfortable Lying Position

Persistent crying bothering parents? Come and get the sleep trick to let your baby sleep peacefully

It's important to help your baby find a comfortable tummy position. You can use a baby pillow or blanket to support your baby's chest or chin and make it easier for them to sleep on their stomach.

Method 5: Music to relax

Persistent crying bothering parents? Come and get the sleep trick to let your baby sleep peacefully

Soft and upbeat music can help your baby relax and make it easier for them to fall asleep. You can play some relaxing nursery rhymes or pure music for your baby to listen to on their stomachs happily.

Method 6: The call of intimacy

Persistent crying bothering parents? Come and get the sleep trick to let your baby sleep peacefully

By talking softly, humming, telling stories, etc., you can convey the call of closeness to your baby. This kind of close contact can make the baby feel safe and happy, and he prefers to sleep on his stomach.

Method 7: The company of a small partner

Persistent crying bothering parents? Come and get the sleep trick to let your baby sleep peacefully

If your baby has siblings or other friends, you can arrange for them to sleep together. The interaction between children will make sleeping on their stomachs more fun, and babies will be more willing to stick to their sleeping time.

Method 8: Moderate amount of time control

Persistent crying bothering parents? Come and get the sleep trick to let your baby sleep peacefully

At first, your baby may not be comfortable sleeping on his tummy, so you can start with a few minutes and work your way up to a few minutes. Slowly, your baby will get used to sleeping on his stomach and have fun.

Method 9: Create a tummy sleeping environment

Persistent crying bothering parents? Come and get the sleep trick to let your baby sleep peacefully

In the environment where the baby sleeps on his stomach, you can set up some small props, such as ocean texture sheets, intimate pillows, etc., to create a warm sleeping atmosphere and increase the baby's interest.

Method 10: Patience and care

Persistent crying bothering parents? Come and get the sleep trick to let your baby sleep peacefully

The most important thing is to give your baby patience and love. Every baby develops at a different rate, and some need more time to get used to sleeping on their stomachs. Please give them plenty of care and encouragement, and slowly let them fall in love with sleep.

Through the above 10 methods, I believe you can help your baby to be happy for a long time. Sleeping on your stomach is essential for the development of your baby's neck, back and other muscles as they develop. At the same time, it also has a positive impact on your baby's kindergarten preparation. Let your baby enjoy this journey of growth!

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