
The survey found that most diabetic patients who lived past the age of 85 quit 4 things at the age of 55

author:Surgeon Dr. Lee

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"Lao Li, how are you doing? I heard you're not well? ”

While arranging the roses in the flower bed, Aunt Li asked her next-door neighbor Lao Li with concern.

Lao Li sighed and shook his head: "Hey, this old bone has more and more problems." The doctor said that my blood sugar was high again, and I had to take medicine every day. ”

The survey found that most diabetic patients who lived past the age of 85 quit 4 things at the age of 55

"Hey, this diabetes is such a nuisance." Aunt Li also sighed, she herself suffers from diabetes, and she has to carefully control her diet every day.

"I heard that most diabetic patients who live past the age of 85 have quit 4 things at the age of 55." Lao Li suddenly said mysteriously, with a hint of disbelief in his tone.

Aunt Li was stunned for a moment, and asked curiously, "What 4 things?" Where did you hear that? ”

The survey found that most diabetic patients who lived past the age of 85 quit 4 things at the age of 55

"I saw it on the Internet, saying that these 4 things are the main causes of diabetes, and after quitting, you can stay away from diabetes and even live to be 85 years old!" Lao Li explained excitedly, his eyes flashing with hope.

Aunt Li was skeptical, but Lao Li's words planted a seed in her heart, a seed about the "85-year-old secret".

The survey found that most diabetic patients who lived past the age of 85 quit 4 things at the age of 55

Lao Li's words made Aunt Li fall into deep thought.

She began to seriously think about whether she should also quit these 4 things to fight the torture of diabetes?

With questions, Aunt Li began to search for relevant information on the Internet.

She found that rumors about the "85-year-old secret" were indeed widely circulated on the Internet.

Many netizens claim that by quitting these 4 things, they have successfully controlled their blood sugar and even got rid of diabetes.

The survey found that most diabetic patients who lived past the age of 85 quit 4 things at the age of 55

These 4 things are:

1. High-sugar diet: Quit high-sugar foods such as sugary drinks, sweets, and processed foods, and choose low-sugar, low-calorie foods such as fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, etc.

The survey found that most diabetic patients who lived past the age of 85 quit 4 things at the age of 55

2. Lack of exercise: Quit a sedentary lifestyle and do moderate exercise every day, such as brisk walking, swimming, yoga, etc., to enhance physical function and improve insulin sensitivity.

The survey found that most diabetic patients who lived past the age of 85 quit 4 things at the age of 55

3. Excessive stress: Quit the stressful pace of life, learn to relax, and relieve stress through meditation, yoga, listening to music, etc., to avoid stress causing blood sugar to rise.

The survey found that most diabetic patients who lived past the age of 85 quit 4 things at the age of 55

4. Lack of sleep: Quit the habit of staying up late and not getting enough sleep, and ensure 7-8 hours of quality sleep every day to allow the body to get enough rest and regulate blood sugar levels.

The survey found that most diabetic patients who lived past the age of 85 quit 4 things at the age of 55

Quit 4 things and really get rid of diabetes?

The more Aunt Li looked at it, the more excited she became, but she also knew that the information on the Internet was mixed and could not be trusted.

She decided to consult a professional doctor to verify the authenticity of the "85-year-old secret".

The survey found that most diabetic patients who lived past the age of 85 quit 4 things at the age of 55

Aunt Li found Dr. Wang, an endocrinologist at the community hospital.

Dr. Wang patiently listened to Aunt Li's questions and explained in detail the causes and treatment of diabetes.

"Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disease caused by insufficient insulin secretion or insulin resistance, which leads to an increase in blood sugar." Dr. Wang explained, "And the four things you mentioned are indeed closely related to the occurrence and development of diabetes. ”

The survey found that most diabetic patients who lived past the age of 85 quit 4 things at the age of 55

It's not just about quitting, it's about scientific management

After listening to Dr. Wang's explanation, Aunt Li finally understood the truth of the "85-year-old secret". Quitting these 4 things is just an important part of controlling diabetes, and it is not a panacea.

"How can I manage my diabetes scientifically?" Aunt Li asked.

The survey found that most diabetic patients who lived past the age of 85 quit 4 things at the age of 55

Dr. Wang patiently explained the management of diabetes to Aunt Li:

1. Control your diet: Follow your doctor's advice, make a reasonable eating plan, control sugar, fat, and calorie intake, and choose low-sugar, low-calorie foods such as fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, etc.

The survey found that most diabetic patients who lived past the age of 85 quit 4 things at the age of 55

2. Regular exercise: Insist on moderate exercise, at least 3-5 times a week, for more than 30 minutes each time, and choose an exercise method that suits you, such as brisk walking, swimming, yoga, etc.

The survey found that most diabetic patients who lived past the age of 85 quit 4 things at the age of 55

3. Monitor blood sugar: Monitor blood sugar regularly, understand the fluctuation of blood sugar, and adjust the treatment plan in time.

The survey found that most diabetic patients who lived past the age of 85 quit 4 things at the age of 55

4. Medication: Take hypoglycemic drugs as prescribed by your doctor to control your blood sugar levels.

The survey found that most diabetic patients who lived past the age of 85 quit 4 things at the age of 55

5. Regular physical examination: Conduct regular physical examinations to monitor the complications of diabetes and treat them in a timely manner.

The survey found that most diabetic patients who lived past the age of 85 quit 4 things at the age of 55

Aunt Li carefully recorded Dr. Wang's advice, and she realized that controlling diabetes is not only about quitting 4 things, but also about scientific management and a healthy lifestyle.

The secret to being 85 years old is actually a healthy lifestyle. Dr. Wang said with a smile, "Quit these 4 things is only part of it, and more importantly, you must develop good lifestyle habits and maintain a positive and optimistic attitude in order to have a healthy and long life." ”

Aunt Li thought so. She decided to change her lifestyle from now on, quit the habits of high-sugar diet, lack of exercise, excessive stress, and lack of sleep, and adhere to scientific management, so that she could have a healthy and happy old age.

The survey found that most diabetic patients who lived past the age of 85 quit 4 things at the age of 55

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(The story in the article is purely fictional, if there is any similarity is purely coincidental, if the body is not well, seek medical help in time)