
Why can't middle-aged and elderly people drink green tea often? The doctor sighed: You can't afford these 3 hazards

author:Surgeon Dr. Lee
Why can't middle-aged and elderly people drink green tea often? The doctor sighed: You can't afford these 3 hazards

Disclaimer: The content of the article is for reference only, the storyline is purely fictional, intended to popularize health knowledge, if you feel unwell, please seek medical attention offline.

The afternoon sun shines through the window lattice, sprinkled on Lao Li's tea table, the fragrance of tea curls, and the quiet atmosphere of the years is filled.

Lao Li is in his 60s this year, and his biggest hobby after retirement is to make a pot of green tea, savor it carefully, and enjoy this moment of tranquility.

Recently, he has been a little uneasy, because the words of his neighbor Aunt Wang have made him have deep doubts about this cup of green tea.

Why can't middle-aged and elderly people drink green tea often? The doctor sighed: You can't afford these 3 hazards

"Lao Li, have you been drinking green tea lately?" Aunt Wang handed Lao Li a plate of cut fruit, and asked with concern, "I heard that middle-aged and elderly people often drink green tea is not good for their health and is easy to cause various problems, so you better drink less." ”

Lao Li was stunned, he always thought that green tea was a healthy drink, why did he suddenly become the "culprit"? He rummaged through his mobile phone, searching for "the dangers of middle-aged and elderly people drinking green tea", but it turned out to make him even more confused.

There are various theories on the Internet, some say that green tea will increase the burden on the heart, some say that it will affect sleep, and some say that it will cause osteoporosis...... For a while, Lao Li's love for green tea turned into a deep worry.

Why can't middle-aged and elderly people drink green tea often? The doctor sighed: You can't afford these 3 hazards

"Could it be that after drinking green tea for so many years, my body has been damaged?" Lao Li was uneasy and decided to go to the hospital to consult a doctor.

When he came to the hospital, Lao Li found Dr. Liu from the cardiovascular department.

Dr. Liu, an experienced expert, patiently listened to Lao Li's narration, and then said earnestly: "Lao Li, the problems you mentioned are not groundless, green tea does have some potential risks, but it also needs to be analyzed on a case-by-case basis. ”

Why can't middle-aged and elderly people drink green tea often? The doctor sighed: You can't afford these 3 hazards

Dr. Lau explained that green tea is rich in tea polyphenols, caffeine and other substances, which have both benefits and disadvantages for the human body.

1. Caffeine: excites nerves and affects sleep

Dr. Lau first mentioned caffeine, noting that caffeine has a nerve-stimulating effect that can keep people awake and improve concentration.

But for middle-aged and elderly people, the stimulant effect of caffeine may cause insomnia, heart palpitations, anxiety and other problems.

"Lao Li, have you noticed that it has become more and more difficult to fall asleep at night recently, and you often wake up in the middle of the night?" Dr. Lau asked.

Why can't middle-aged and elderly people drink green tea often? The doctor sighed: You can't afford these 3 hazards

Lao Li nodded, he did feel that his sleep quality had deteriorated recently, and he often woke up in the middle of the night, and it was difficult to fall asleep again.

"That's probably why you drink green tea." Dr. Lau explains, "Green tea contains caffeine, and even if you drink it at night, it can affect your sleep quality. ”

Why can't middle-aged and elderly people drink green tea often? The doctor sighed: You can't afford these 3 hazards

2. Tea polyphenols: stimulate gastric acid secretion and aggravate stomach problems

Dr. Liu went on to talk about tea polyphenols, which he pointed out are beneficial to human health due to their antioxidant, lipid-lowering, and blood pressure-lowering effects.

But at the same time, tea polyphenols can also stimulate gastric acid secretion, which may aggravate the condition for people with stomach problems.

Why can't middle-aged and elderly people drink green tea often? The doctor sighed: You can't afford these 3 hazards

"Lao Li, how is your usual appetite?" Dr. Lau asked.

"My stomach has always been not very good, I often have stomach acid, and I am prone to acid reflux." Lao Li replied.

"Then you need to pay more attention." "Tea polyphenols stimulate stomach acid secretion, which may worsen your stomach problems if you drink green tea regularly. ”

Why can't middle-aged and elderly people drink green tea often? The doctor sighed: You can't afford these 3 hazards

3. Tannic acid: affects iron absorption and aggravates anemia

Finally, Dr Lau mentioned tannins, which he noted can affect the body's absorption of iron, which can aggravate the condition for people with anemia.

"Lao Li, how is your usual face?" Dr. Lau asked.

"I've been feeling a little pale lately and a little tired easily." Lao Li replied.

Why can't middle-aged and elderly people drink green tea often? The doctor sighed: You can't afford these 3 hazards

"That's probably why you drink green tea." Dr Lau explains, "Green tea contains tannic acid, which can affect iron absorption, and if you drink green tea regularly, it may aggravate your anemia. ”

Dr. Liu also reminded Lao Li that the brewing time and concentration of green tea can also affect its effects on the body.

If the brewing time is too long and the concentration is too high, the content of caffeine, tea polyphenols, and tannic acid will be increased, and the negative impact on the body will be greater.

Why can't middle-aged and elderly people drink green tea often? The doctor sighed: You can't afford these 3 hazards

Dr. Liu suggested that Lao Li can reduce the amount of green tea drunk in moderation, or choose some green tea varieties that are low in caffeine and tea polyphenols, such as Longjing and Biluochun.

At the same time, you should also pay attention to your physical condition and seek medical attention in time if you experience any discomfort.

Why can't middle-aged and elderly people drink green tea often? The doctor sighed: You can't afford these 3 hazards

After listening to Dr. Liu's explanation, Lao Li finally understood the "two-sidedness" of green tea.

He realized that while green tea has many benefits, for middle-aged and older people, it is also important to be aware of its potential risks.

He decided that in the future, he would no longer drink green tea without restraint as before, but drink it in moderation according to his physical condition, and pay attention to choosing the right tea variety and brewing method.

Why can't middle-aged and elderly people drink green tea often? The doctor sighed: You can't afford these 3 hazards


1. Xie M, Zhang Y, Li M, et al. Effect of tea polyphenols on gastrointestinal tract[J]. Food Science,2010,31(18):256-259.]

2. Sun Xiaoyan, Wang Xiaoming, Zhang Li, et al. Effect of caffeine on human health[J]. Food Science,2011,32(1):284-287.]

3. Zheng M, Li H, Wang W, et al. Effect of tannic acid on iron absorption[J]. Food Science,2012,33(10):265-268.]

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