
后续来了‬! 女主子撞人‬后声称‬认识‬所长‬,警方通报打脸

author:Small new highlights
后续来了‬! 女主子撞人‬后声称‬认识‬所长‬,警方通报打脸

The incident happened on the streets of Chengdu, Sichuan. A seemingly ordinary traffic accident becomes dramatic because of a woman who claims to "know the head of the police station". As soon as this righteous lady appeared on the stage, she performed a good show of "fox fake tiger might" for everyone, which stunned everyone present!

后续来了‬! 女主子撞人‬后声称‬认识‬所长‬,警方通报打脸

According to eyewitness accounts, at the time of the incident, a truck driver accidentally knocked down a woman riding an electric scooter while reversing. It was an ordinary traffic accident, but then an enthusiastic crowd made things unusual.

After the woman who claimed to know the head of the police station appeared, she immediately turned into a "messenger of justice" and began to support the truck driver. She took out her mobile phone and said to the injured lady sitting on the ground: "I know the head of the police station, I have a long call, you get up and go, if I were you, I would leave."

后续来了‬! 女主子撞人‬后声称‬认识‬所长‬,警方通报打脸

These words are called righteous words and full of confidence! It was as if she could summon the elder to administer justice at any moment. The crowd present was stunned, thinking, "Where is this great god?" Can you be on an equal footing with the elder director?"

However, things turned out unexpectedly. Soon, the Chengdu police issued a report on the matter, and the result can be said to be a resounding slap in the face to this "messenger of justice"!

后续来了‬! 女主子撞人‬后声称‬认识‬所长‬,警方通报打脸

According to the police report, the woman who claimed to know the director was named Leng Moumou and was an employee of a nearby store. She did not actually know the so-called police station chief and did not have any personal relationship. So where does the "director's phone" come from? It turned out to be a dispute resolution record from 2017, when she left this phone number at the police station.

It's a good thing now, an old number seven years ago was blown by her into a "personal relationship" with the director. This operation, even the director himself was estimated to exclaim: "Why didn't I know that I still had such an 'iron buddy'?"

After hearing about this, netizens said: "This sister, your imagination is too rich, right?" If you can know the director with a phone number, then can't I know the entire public security system?" Someone else joked: "After the director heard this, he probably regretted knowing you!"

To be honest, this kind of behavior is really undesirable. In public, threatening behavior by using one's power or pretending to be one's authority will not only cause dissatisfaction among the masses, but will also bring unnecessary trouble to the work of law enforcement personnel. Even if there is a personal relationship, the problem should be dealt with in accordance with the law, rather than relying on so-called "connections" to solve the problem.

The enlightenment of this incident is that when encountering disputes, we should deal with them calmly and rationally, instead of moving out of "knowing who and who" to oppress others. Everyone is equal before the law, and no one is above the law.

At the same time, this incident also warns us not to easily believe the "big words" of others. It is inevitable that you will meet some bragging rights in life, and they may make up all kinds of "relationships" for the sake of momentary vanity. However, real gold is not afraid of fire, and lies will eventually be exposed.

Finally, we also need to reflect on why this kind of thinking of "knowing what is good can make things right" arises. This reflects that there are still some bad tendencies in our society that need to be changed through our joint efforts.

I hope that through this incident, more people can realize that they should abide by the law when encountering problems, rather than thinking about going through the "back door". Only when everyone respects the law can our society become more fair and just.