
I had a cat for ten years and was snatched away by my dad...

author:Meow and Wang

Abroad, there is a shoveler named Linderman.

He's been upset lately, and the reason for his distress is because his dad snatched his cat!

I had a cat for ten years and was snatched away by my dad...

Ten years ago, when Lin Mande went to the parking lot to pick up his car, he noticed a kitten under the car.

It should only be a few weeks old, the weather is cold, and the kitten is crying helplessly under the car.

Lindemann couldn't bear to watch the kitten freeze to death, so he took a piece of clothing and wrapped the cat and prepared to take it home.

After returning home, Lin Mande fed the kitten with a bottle of milk powder, so that the kitten was fed and warm, and named the kitten Harry.

Since then, the kitten has become very dependent on Limmande, and even has to stay by Limmande's side at night when he sleeps.

I had a cat for ten years and was snatched away by my dad...

In this way, Lynman and Harry live a happy life of one man and one cat.

Until one day, Lindemann's father arrived, breaking the silence.

Lindeman's parents came to Lindeman's house that day, and his father liked Harry very much when he saw him.

It's kissing and hugging, and one more thing, that is, Harry is not disgusted at all, but likes Lindeman's father very much.

I had a cat for ten years and was snatched away by my dad...

After a few days of staying, Dad and Harry were inseparable.

When he was leaving, his father asked if he could give Harry to him, and Lindeman refused on the spot.

Seeing that his daughter refused to give it to him, his father could only leave "angrily".

Since that time, Dad has come to see Lindeman more often, mainly to see Harry.

I had a cat for ten years and was snatched away by my dad...

It's not a big deal to see Harry, but every time Dad wants to leave, he always asks, "Can you give Harry to me!"

Lindeman's reply was still the same: No, go back to your house quickly.

On several occasions, Dad tried to sneak Harry away, but each time he was stopped by Lindeman.

Lin Mande is also very helpless, why does this father always want to rob his daughter's things?

I had a cat for ten years and was snatched away by my dad...

Until one time, Lynmand was going on a business trip for a month, and Harry had no one to take care of him, so Limmand sent Harry to his father and picked him up a month later.

I didn't expect this to be sent, and I couldn't get it back.

A month later, Lin Mande came back from a business trip and said that he wanted to take Harry away, but he didn't expect his father to let him in.

Lindemann was dumbfounded, this is too much!

In the end, it was Mom who went out and explained that your dad and Harry had been inseparable for the past month, and Harry loved being with your dad too.

There was no way, Lin Mande finally agreed to give Harry to his father, and his father was very happy when he found out.

I had a cat for ten years and was snatched away by my dad...

Dad liked Harry very much, and he renovated the balcony of the house for Harry, turning it into Harry's observation deck and entertainment area.

Dad goes to work at eight in the morning and sits on the couch at half-past seven, when Harry would come over and sleep on Daddy's lap, and Dad would hold Harry.

Harry usually gets up after sleeping for ten or twenty minutes, and sometimes after 8 o'clock, his father will not wake Harry up and let Harry continue to sleep on his lap.

Every day Harry would wait for his dad to get off work, and when he came back from work, Harry would sleep on his dad's lap again.

I had a cat for ten years and was snatched away by my dad...

Mom also said that if Dad had nothing to do, they would be able to stay like this all day.

It seems that Dad really likes Harry, and Lin Mande is also relieved, anyway, Harry and Dad are very happy, so let's be hard!

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