
As a teacher, I took a student to a doctor's visit for the first time

author:Under the catfish mountain

Yesterday on the street, a middle-aged man stepped forward and called affectionately, hello teacher. I looked up for a moment, unable to remember who the person in front of me was. The man sneered, Teacher, have you forgotten? You once took me to the county hospital to see a doctor, called Lu Han.

As a teacher, I took a student to a doctor's visit for the first time

After the man's reminder, I suddenly remembered this student. It was more than 20 years ago, not long after I stepped onto the podium, in a mountain middle school, teaching first-grade history, and Lu Han was my student. One day after lunch, Lu Han suddenly felt unwell. The head teacher went out to participate in teaching and research activities, and the parents could not catch up with the school for a while. It just so happened that I didn't have classes in the afternoon, so the principal asked me to take the students to the township hospital to have a look, and I was going to ask the accountant to get some money for backup. I didn't ask for it, I just got paid, and I still have a few hundred yuan in my pocket. The township hospital was not far from the school, and I walked there with my students, and the school did not have a private car at that time. In the township hospital, after a simple diagnosis, a doctor said that Lu Han's condition was more serious and it was safer to go to the county hospital.

As a teacher, I took a student to a doctor's visit for the first time

I was a little worried about whether to take the students to the hospital by myself, or to sit and wait for the parents to come at the township hospital and let the parents take the children to the county hospital. After thinking about it for a while, life comes first, and in the end I took Lu Han to the county hospital by bus. On the way, I called the head teacher and told the parents to go to the county hospital to find someone. When I arrived at the county hospital, it was nearly three o'clock in the afternoon, and I registered, went to the outpatient clinic, and did various examinations. During the examination, when he heard that his son was going to the county hospital, Lu Han's father was in a hurry, so he quickly chartered a tricycle and came to the county hospital at about four o'clock.

As a teacher, I took a student to a doctor's visit for the first time

The father is an honest farmer, and when he arrives at the hospital, he can hardly tell the difference, and he doesn't know the process of taking the child for blood tests and taking films. I didn't feel at ease, so I had to stay and help, in fact, to be a guide. The test report came out, and the condition was not serious, but it would take a few days to stay in the hospital. When I helped my parents and put Lu Han in the ward, it was already a light on in thousands of homes. I worked at a remote village school, and there didn't seem to be any taxis at the time. I had to spend one night in the county guest house. Baihua Guest House, the name is particularly easy to remember.

As a teacher, I took a student to a doctor's visit for the first time

When I returned to school the next morning, school leaders and colleagues listened to me take the students to the hospital. Everyone laughed out loud, laughing at me for being so honest that I didn't know how to be slippery. Said that I could wait for the parents at the town hospital, or at the county hospital, and seeing the parents coming, my task was completed and I could go back. Later, the principal was very kind and reimbursed me for all my car and accommodation expenses. The money I paid for the medical treatment for the students was handled by the class teacher, and I returned it to me.