
Fairy sister Liu Yifei: With her unique charm, she interprets what is the coexistence of real beauty and strength

author:Seikansha Seishu
Fairy sister Liu Yifei: With her unique charm, she interprets what is the coexistence of real beauty and strength

Liu Yifei, a Chinese film and television actress and singer born in Wuhan, Hubei Province on August 25, 1987, has conquered the hearts of countless audiences with her unique temperament and excellent acting skills since she stepped into the entertainment industry. Her acting career began in the 2002 TV series "The Family of Gold Powder", and the role of Bai Xiuzhu gave the audience their first acquaintance with this pure and beautiful girl. Subsequently, Liu Yifei played Wang Yuyan in "Dragon Babu" and Zhao Linger in "The Legend of Sword and Fairy", which were even more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and established her status in the film and television industry.

In 2005, Liu Yifei played the image of the little dragon girl in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", which was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, making her win the reputation of "fairy sister", and this role also became a milestone in her acting career. In the same year, Liu Yifei released her first music album, and the name of the album was "Liu Yifei". Liu Yifei's acting career did not stop at China, and her talent and hard work have also given her a place in the international film industry. With the vigorous development of her acting career, Liu Yifei began to move towards the international stage.

In 2008, at the age of 21, she starred in the Hollywood movie "The King of Kung Fu", becoming the first Asian actress to top the IMDB movie newcomer list, marking her emergence in the international film industry. made her the center of international attention, and her acting talent and English line skills were fully displayed in this film. Since then, Liu Yifei has starred in a series of films such as "New Chinese Ghost Story", "Hongmen Banquet", "Four Famous Catches", and every appearance is eye-catching.

Fairy sister Liu Yifei: With her unique charm, she interprets what is the coexistence of real beauty and strength

On October 27, 2006, Liu Yifei was invited to become the first "Golden Eagle Goddess" in the history of the Golden Eagle Festival, and attended the opening ceremony of the 6th China Golden Eagle TV Art Festival.

In 2012, Liu Yifei starred in films such as "The Four Famous Catches" and "Tongquetai", among which the ruthless role she played in "The Four Famous Catches" made her gain a box office result of 199 million. In 2014, she starred in "Dew and Red Face" directed by Gao Xixi, in which she played the role of a descendant of a declining aristocracy. In 2015, Liu Yifei played the heroine Elsa in "Night Peacock", and was shortlisted for the main competition unit of the Montreal International Film Festival with this film.

In the same year, she collaborated with Nicolas Cage and starred in the Hollywood movie "The Legend of the White Ghost: Desperate Escape", playing the role of Zhao Lian, the princess of the East. In addition, in the following years, Liu Yifei participated in many movies such as "Beacon Fangfei", "To Youth: So You Are Still Here" and "The Second Generation of Goblins: Lucky in This Life". In 2017, although her performance in "Three Lives, Three Worlds and Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms" won the 9th Golden Broom Award for the Most Disappointing Actress, her acting skills and efforts were still recognized by the audience.

Fairy sister Liu Yifei: With her unique charm, she interprets what is the coexistence of real beauty and strength

In the same year, Liu Yifei ushered in a major turning point in her career, she was selected by The Walt Disney Company to play the role of Mulan in the movie "Mulan". This role requires not only a strong martial arts foundation for the actor, but also fluency in English. Liu Yifei, with her life experience in the United States and her previous martial arts experience, perfectly meets all of Disney's requirements for the role. Her innocent image is also loved by Chinese audiences. When talking about starring in Mulan, Liu Yifei expressed her desire to explore Mulan's inner world in depth, as well as Mulan's growth process from a girl to a female warrior.

In 2020, Liu Yifei ushered in another peak of her career, she starred in the Disney live-action film "Mulan", the global success of the film not only nominated her for the Saturn Award for Best Actress, but also once again proved her status and influence in the international film industry. Liu Yifei's success is not accidental, and her every step of growth and transformation embodies her hard work and persistence. Her life is not only a legend of talent and beauty, but also an apocalypse of perseverance and dreams. Whether on the domestic or international stage, Liu Yifei has interpreted what true beauty and talent are with her unique charm and strength.

In addition to her wonderful performance on the screen, Liu Yifei's "beauty without makeup" has also become a hot topic of public discussion. In the video auditioning for "Mulan", she appeared without makeup, using English lines throughout the whole process, with rich and natural expressions, showing extraordinary acting ability and real beauty. This not only proves Liu Yifei's unique status in the hearts of the audience, but also reflects the high recognition of "true beauty" by the society.

Fairy sister Liu Yifei: With her unique charm, she interprets what is the coexistence of real beauty and strength

In 2022, Liu Yifei cooperated with Chen Xiao and starred in the costume idol drama "Menghualu", which exceeded 200 million views within 15 hours after it was launched on Tencent Video, and reached 4 billion views at the end. The play was also included in the collection as one of the first outstanding works by the National Version Museum of China.

In the field of music, Liu Yifei has achieved good results. In 2006, she released her first Japanese single "Door to the Night" and her first self-titled album "Liu Yifei", the title song "Flying Beautiful" quickly topped the major music charts, winning the championship for many consecutive weeks, the album led in sales within a month of its release in Asia, and the sales in mainland China exceeded 600,000 copies, showing Liu Yifei's strong appeal in the music market. In the field of film, Liu Yifei has won many awards.

For her outstanding performance in the film "Bronze Bird Terrace", she won the Golden Lotus Award for Best Actress at the 5th Macao International Film Festival. Her performance in "The Third Love" won the Most Watched Actress Award at the 16th Chinese Film Media Festival. Liu Yifei was nominated for Best Actress in the Top 100 Chinese TV Dramas at the 35th Huading Awards and won the Best Actress Award at the 13th Macao International Television Festival for "Menghualu". She was nominated for Best Actress at the Saturn Awards for her role in "Mulan" and was selected as a "Rising Star in Hollywood" by The Hollywood Reporter.

Fairy sister Liu Yifei: With her unique charm, she interprets what is the coexistence of real beauty and strength

Whether it is the affectionate interpretation in "Bronze Bird Terrace" or the modern role in "The Third Love", she can handle it with ease, and has won many domestic and foreign awards for these roles. Liu Yifei's acting career is full of diversity and challenges, she continues to prove herself with her talent and hard work, whether on the big screen or the small screen, she has shown her unique charm and infinite possibilities.

Liu Yifei's life is a legend about growth, talent and true beauty. With her own efforts and talents, she has crossed the boundaries of language and culture, and has left a deep mark in the film and television circles at home and abroad. Whether it is the pure image of "Fairy Sister" or the multiple identities of international movie stars, Liu Yifei has interpreted what real beauty and strength coexist with her unique charm.


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