
There is a "snake" in the Forbidden City, which has survived for more than 600 years and still guards the Forbidden City

author:Be a happy teacher

Let's talk about the Forbidden City today, everyone must know this place, even if you haven't been there, you have seen it on TV.

The Forbidden City, formerly known as the Forbidden City, was the imperial palace of the Ming and Qing dynasties and has been a center of power and culture for hundreds of years.

Friends who have been to the Forbidden City, I don't know if you have noticed a river next to the Forbidden City?

The river surrounds the Forbidden City, and from a distance, it looks like a snake guarding this ancient palace.

Some people joke that this is the oldest "snake" in the Forbidden City, which has accompanied the Forbidden City through more than 600 years of ups and downs and witnessed the rise and fall of history.

There is a "snake" in the Forbidden City, which has survived for more than 600 years and still guards the Forbidden City

In fact, this "snake" really has a name, called Jinshui River.

The Jinshui River is divided into two parts, the inner and the outer parts, the river comes from the Yuquan Mountain in the west, and meanders all the way to finally converge here.

Everyone knows that water flows lower, so the spring water from the mountains converges into this river and nourishes this ancient city.

When it comes to the name Jinshui River, it is actually exquisite.

There is a "snake" in the Forbidden City, which has survived for more than 600 years and still guards the Forbidden City

In the Five Elements, Jin represents the West, so the name also hints at the source of the spring water.

In addition, gold also symbolized wealth and dignity in ancient times, and the name of the river surrounding the palace with gold water also reflects the majesty and grandeur of the royal family.

Speaking of which, you may ask, why is the river said to be snake-like?

This starts with the ancient architectural feng shui.

There is a "snake" in the Forbidden City, which has survived for more than 600 years and still guards the Forbidden City

Whether it was in the past or now, building a house pays attention to feng shui, and the Forbidden City, as a royal palace, is naturally even more so.

In ancient times, Feng Shui was considered to be a science that could predict good fortune and bad fortune, and everyone from the royal palace and temple to the common people attached great importance to Feng Shui.

The ancients believed that water was the source of life, and that the surrounding water flow could gather qi and bring good luck, acting as a natural barrier against the intrusion of evil spirits.

In traditional Chinese culture, snakes are often regarded as the embodiment of dragons, symbolizing auspiciousness and protection, and in folklore, many gods who protect one side are in the image of snakes.

There is a "snake" in the Forbidden City, which has survived for more than 600 years and still guards the Forbidden City

Therefore, the existence of the Jinshui River is not only for aesthetics, but more importantly, it reflects the importance that the ancients attached to feng shui, hoping that this snake-like river can protect the safety of the Forbidden City and bring auspiciousness and tranquility.

In fact, there are many similar feng shui in the Forbidden City, such as the various mythical beasts on the roof, the layout of the palace, etc., all of which contain the wisdom of the ancients and the yearning for a better life.

Take the mythical beasts on the roof, they are not placed casually, each mythical beast has its own meaning, such as the dragon symbolizes imperial power, the phoenix symbolizes auspiciousness, the lion symbolizes majesty and so on.

There is a "snake" in the Forbidden City, which has survived for more than 600 years and still guards the Forbidden City

The existence of these sacred beasts is not only for decoration, but also to pray for the protection of the gods, to bless the peace of the palace and the prosperity of the country.

These seemingly mysterious Feng Shui theories actually reflect the ancients' observation and thinking about the laws of nature.

Just like the Jinshui River, it is not only a moat, but also regulates the humidity and temperature of the Forbidden City, and also played a role in ancient firefighting.

The ancients did not have advanced science and technology, so they could only guide their own life and production by observing natural phenomena and summing up experience.

There is a "snake" in the Forbidden City, which has survived for more than 600 years and still guards the Forbidden City

Therefore, in many cases, traditional culture is not superstition, but the crystallization of the experience and wisdom of the ancients, which is our precious cultural heritage.

Understanding these can not only help us better appreciate the architectural beauty of the Forbidden City, but also allow us to have a deeper understanding of traditional Chinese culture and feel the wisdom and feelings of the ancients.

Next time you go to the Forbidden City, don't forget to pay attention to the Jinshui River, the "snake" that has guarded the Forbidden City for more than 600 years, and feel the ancients' understanding of feng shui and architecture.