
The article is niche, not necessarily not the essence!

author:Lack of desire for good
The article is niche, not necessarily not the essence!

Han yu

Today I will talk to you about Han Yu, knowing that this topic is very niche and does not meet the appetite of people at the moment, but why don't I talk about Han Yu when I introduced the part of "Guwen Guan Zhi" to the Tang Dynasty?

Throughout the entire ancient text, one person's articles have been included in more than 30 articles, from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period to the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it can be said that it is unique. That is, it was called by Su Shi "the decline of the Wen Dynasty, and the drowning of the world; Loyal to the wrath of the master, and bravely won the commander of the three armies. Han Yu Han Changli.

Speaking of Han Yu, it reminds people of the ups and downs of life. He unfortunately lost both his parents when he was a child, and when he was a teenager, he lived with his brother and sister-in-law, but his brother also died when he was young, and he could only live with his nephew and sister-in-law, and his fate was really tragic to the extreme.

But it was in such a difficult and difficult childhood and adolescence that Han Yu was trained to be strong and indomitable. When he was young, he embarked on the road of the imperial examination, failed three times, and finally passed the Jinshi examination, in order to enter the official career, he took the macro word examination three times, and failed three times. But he became more and more frustrated, and finally entered the bureaucracy with his hard work.

The article is niche, not necessarily not the essence!

Tang and Song Dynasty eight families

When Han Yu was young, it was the period when the pun was prevalent and the Buddha culture was prevalent. Since the Han Dynasty, after Sima Qian, through the Han, the Three Kingdoms, the Jin, the Southern Dynasties of the Song, Qi, Liang, Chen, Sui. The article is prevalent in four or six gorgeous sentences, with ornate rhetoric, moaning without illness, and obscene style, which is seriously divorced from the people's daily life and political needs.

In the face of such a situation, Han Yu, Liu Zongyuan and others severely criticized the obscene style, advocated the restoration of Confucian orthodoxy in the pre-Qin and Han dynasties, and advocated the ancient literature movement, and made great achievements, making Han Yu the head of the famous Tang and Song Dynasty prose "Eight Masters" in history.

He has a famous article "The Original Way"

The article is niche, not necessarily not the essence!

The original way

The article is niche, not necessarily not the essence!

Ancient monuments

The article is niche, not necessarily not the essence!


In this article, he criticized the hypocrisy and social harm of the Buddhist culture by discussing the benevolence, righteousness, Taoism, and virtue of Confucianism, and advocated that deception and morality without benevolence and righteousness are deception, building so many Buddhist temples and Taoist temples, providing for so many monks and Taoists, and increasing the burden on the people, and advocating the restoration of the orthodox culture of Confucianism since Zhou Gong and Confucius. I have to say that at that time, when Buddhism was prevalent, it took a lot of courage to say this.

Han Yu also suffered numerous blows because of his opposition to the Buddha culture. Once, the emperor held a ceremony to welcome the Buddha bone relics to the palace, wasting manpower and material resources. Han Yu strongly objected, saying that historically, there were few emperors who welcomed the Buddha's relics to live long, and this was reported to the emperor by those who opposed him, and the emperor was furious, and some ministers who were jealous of him took the opportunity to frame him, saying that he cursed the emperor and he was almost killed. Fortunately, the emperor at that time knew his upright character very well, so he demoted him to an official.

Han Yu no matter whether it is adversity or good times, he has always been upright, and he has won the trust of the emperor, although because of his uprightness, there are times when he is demoted, but his career is still relatively smooth, in addition to some minor officials, he has also been a high-ranking official such as supervising the imperial history, Zhongshu Sheren, the soldier of the military department, the criminal department, and the etiquette department. Why does Guwen Guan Zhi respect Han Yu so much, and regard Han Yu's articles as a compulsory subject in the imperial examinations of literati in the past dynasties, which may be inseparable from Han Yu's upright personality, huge learning, and successful career. I also suggest that some people let them read more Han Yu's articles when educating their children, which will be of great help to their later personal lives.

Han Yu is not only an epoch-making figure in the literary world, but also famous in the martial arts of Anbang and Dingguo.

The article is niche, not necessarily not the essence!

Wang Ting's rebellion

Han Yu once participated in the pacification of the Huaixi rebellion and suggested a sneak attack to solve the rebels, but it was not adopted for a long time, and Li Shuo used his strategy to successfully sneak attack, and "Li Shuoxue entered Caizhou at night" in our high school textbook is about this matter. Another time, Jiedu made Wang Tingzuo rebel, seriously threatening the central power, Han Yu volunteered, went deep into the rebel barracks, and finally persuaded the rebels to be corrected, shaking the government and the opposition, it can be said that the wisdom and courage are unsurpassed.

Even the famous writers of the same period as him were also convinced by him, and Liu Yuxi and others respected him as the "leader of the article alliance". Zeng Gong wrote in "Miscellaneous Poems": "Han Gong embellishes his words, and his pen power is God's gift. And drive the six classics, after thousands of years of independence. ”

The article is niche, not necessarily not the essence!

Han yu

To read Han Yu's articles, you must calm down and read intensively, in order to appreciate his breadth and profundity, if you want future generations to engage in politics, reading his books is a must!

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