
She is Du Yuesheng's eldest daughter, and when she returned to China in 2017, she learned that her father had already predicted her husband's name

author:Shi Yan said

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She is Du Yuesheng's eldest daughter, and when she returned to China in 2017, she learned that her father had already predicted her husband's name


Who would have thought that the daughter of a tycoon who was once a powerful tycoon would experience such ups and downs in life?

From bustling Shanghai to post-war Taiwan to the far Middle East, she has traveled halfway around the world.

And when she returned to her homeland, she found that her father had already used four big characters to lay the groundwork for her future marriage.

What kind of legend is this?

She is Du Yuesheng's eldest daughter, and when she returned to China in 2017, she learned that her father had already predicted her husband's name

The splendid years of the "little princess": Du Meiru's childhood

In Shanghai in the 30s of the 20th century, the Du Mansion was undoubtedly one of the most striking buildings in this bustling city.

This mansion worth 300,000 oceans is not only a symbol of power, but also a testimony of a little girl's happy childhood.

Du Meiru, the "little princess" who was pampered by her father, spent her carefree early years here.

She is Du Yuesheng's eldest daughter, and when she returned to China in 2017, she learned that her father had already predicted her husband's name

Du Meiru was born in 1926 and is the eldest daughter of Du Yuesheng and her fourth aunt's wife, Yao Yulan.

When she was full moon, Du Yuesheng held a banquet, and the pomp and circumstance were almost comparable to his ancestral hall.

This high-profile celebration not only shows Du Yuesheng's preference for this daughter,

It also foreshadows Du Meiru's unusual life trajectory.

She is Du Yuesheng's eldest daughter, and when she returned to China in 2017, she learned that her father had already predicted her husband's name

In the Du Mansion, Du Meiru's life can be described as "brocade clothes and jade food".

According to her later recollections, there were more than 100 people up and down the entire mansion, and there were several servants who served her alone.

Every morning she was dressed up in the finest clothes,

Enjoy a completely different life from ordinary children.

She is Du Yuesheng's eldest daughter, and when she returned to China in 2017, she learned that her father had already predicted her husband's name

However, although Du Yuesheng dotes on her daughter, she is extremely strict on education issues.

He is well aware of the importance of knowledge, so he has high requirements for his children's learning.

Du Meiru once recalled that once because of her poor grades in foreign languages, Du Yuesheng wanted to beat her.

The aunt at home felt sorry for her and asked her to wear two more pairs of pants.

But after Du Yuesheng found out, she hit harder and didn't allow her to cry.

This kind of harsh education was not uncommon in the rich families at that time.

It not only reflects Du Yuesheng's expectations for her children, but also lays the foundation for Du Meiru's tenacity in the face of life's challenges in the future.

She is Du Yuesheng's eldest daughter, and when she returned to China in 2017, she learned that her father had already predicted her husband's name

Ups and downs in troubled times: from Shanghai Tang to the banks of the Xiangjiang River

May 19, 1949 is destined to be an important turning point in the history of the Du family.

That day, Du Yuesheng and his family hurriedly boarded a ship to Hong Kong.

Standing on the deck, looking at the fading Shanghai skyline, Du Yuesheng's mood can be imagined.

And Du Meiru, who is only 23 years old, may not fully understand the meaning of this parting.

She is Du Yuesheng's eldest daughter, and when she returned to China in 2017, she learned that her father had already predicted her husband's name

The ship slowly sailed away from the Pujiang River, carrying the Du family to the unknown future.

During the voyage, the waves fluctuated, as if to indicate the twists and turns of life they were about to face.

Du Meiru stood on the side of the ship, looking at the rough sea, and her heart was full of anxiety and anticipation for the future.

After arriving in Hong Kong, the Du family's life changed dramatically.

Here, the once illustrious family history becomes meaningless, and they have to face financial hardship.

The tens of thousands of dollars left by Du Yuesheng when he died were quickly exhausted in the high cost of living.

She is Du Yuesheng's eldest daughter, and when she returned to China in 2017, she learned that her father had already predicted her husband's name

Du Meiru and her mother Yao Yulan had to start budgeting carefully and live a frugal life that they had never experienced before.

Sometimes, in order to pay for rent and daily expenses, Yao Yulan has to reluctantly sell the jewelry she has treasured for many years.

Every time she opened the jewelry box, Yao Yulan's heart was dripping blood,

Those sparkling gemstones and gold jewellery represent not only wealth, but also memories of her past glory.

She is Du Yuesheng's eldest daughter, and when she returned to China in 2017, she learned that her father had already predicted her husband's name

"Phoenix Nirvana": Taiwan's rebirth

Just when the Du family was in trouble, an unexpected invitation changed their fate.

In the early 1950s, Soong Meiling, an important member of the Kuomintang, extended a helping hand and invited Du Meiru's mother and daughter to settle in Taiwan.

This is undoubtedly a rare opportunity for them in difficult circumstances.

In Taiwan, Du Meiru and her mother have been given a relatively stable living environment.

Although it is not as luxurious as it used to be in Shanghai, it is far better than the embarrassment in Hong Kong.

Du Meiru began to re-examine her life and think about the direction of the future.

She is Du Yuesheng's eldest daughter, and when she returned to China in 2017, she learned that her father had already predicted her husband's name

On a spring day in 1955, Du Meiru was invited to a dance party held in Chiayi.

She wore an elegant long dress and was graceful on the dance floor.

Just then, a handsome young officer approached her and invited her to dance a song.

That officer was none other than Shigeru Kuaimatsu, a lieutenant colonel in the Air Force who had just returned from flight training in the United States.

She is Du Yuesheng's eldest daughter, and when she returned to China in 2017, she learned that her father had already predicted her husband's name

To the rhythm of the dance music, the two spin on the dance floor.

Shigeru Kuai talks about his experience flying in the United States and his love for aviation.

Du Meiru was attracted by his enthusiasm and talent, and the two soon fell in love.

This encounter is not only a turning point in Du Meiru's life, but also the most beautiful arrangement of fate for her.

She is Du Yuesheng's eldest daughter, and when she returned to China in 2017, she learned that her father had already predicted her husband's name

The "Pearl of the Orient" blooms in a foreign country: the Jordanian years

Soon after their marriage, they accepted a new mission to Jordan.

This is both a challenge and an opportunity for Du Meiru.

In 1969, the couple moved to Amman, Jordan, hand in hand, to begin their life in a foreign country.

When she first arrived in Jordan, the biggest challenge she faced was cultural differences.

From language to living habits, everything is so unfamiliar.

However, with her adaptability and support for her husband, she quickly settled into local life.

She learned Arabic, learned about Islamic culture, and even tried her hand at cooking local cuisine.

She is Du Yuesheng's eldest daughter, and when she returned to China in 2017, she learned that her father had already predicted her husband's name

In 1975, a major diplomatic change disrupted the rhythm of their lives.

Due to the establishment of diplomatic relations between Jordan and Chinese mainland, the Taiwanese embassy in Jordan was forced to evacuate.

Faced with this situation, Kuaimatsu made a bold decision to stay in Jordan.

It was at this time that King Hussein of Jordan made a proposal that changed the course of the lives of the Dumeiru couple.

The king suggested that they open a Chinese restaurant in Amman, which would allow the locals to taste authentic Chinese food.

It can also provide a taste of home for Chinese in Jordan.

She is Du Yuesheng's eldest daughter, and when she returned to China in 2017, she learned that her father had already predicted her husband's name

The couple happily accepted the suggestion and started their catering business.

To Meiru is responsible for menu design and kitchen management, while Tsui Songmao is responsible for operations and customer relations.

Their "Chinese Restaurant" quickly became a popular spot in Amman.

Not only did it attract locals, but it also became a frequent destination for diplomats from all over the world.

She is Du Yuesheng's eldest daughter, and when she returned to China in 2017, she learned that her father had already predicted her husband's name

"Leaves fall back to the roots": the moving of returning to the homeland

In 2001, at the age of 75, Du Meiru finally had the opportunity to return to her long-lost motherland.

The moment she stepped onto Beijing Capital International Airport, she was thrilled beyond words.

She can't wait to travel to Shanghai to find the familiar streets and alleys that are hidden deep in her memory.

She is Du Yuesheng's eldest daughter, and when she returned to China in 2017, she learned that her father had already predicted her husband's name

In Shanghai, Du Meiru revisited the Bund and Yu Garden, each of which evoked countless childhood memories.

But what she is looking forward to the most is the visit to the former residence Du Mansion.

In 2017, 91-year-old Du Meiru returned to the Du Mansion again. Despite the passage of time, the magnificent building still stands.

When she stood in front of the mansion, her eyes were attracted by the four big characters on the lintel - "bamboo buds and pine trees".

She is Du Yuesheng's eldest daughter, and when she returned to China in 2017, she learned that her father had already predicted her husband's name

At this moment, Du Meiru suddenly realized.

These four words are not only a blessing to the family, but also like a prophecy of her father Du Yuesheng about her marriage.

The word "Songmao" is very similar to the name of her husband Kuai Songmao.

This discovery made Du Meiru have mixed feelings, as if she had seen the magical arrangement of fate.

Walking into the mansion, every corner evokes Du Meiru's memories.

She introduced the past of each room to the people who accompanied her, as if she had stepped back in time and returned to that carefree childhood.

In the courtyard, she saw the magnolia tree that her father had planted in memory of her mother, which had grown taller than three stories.

She is Du Yuesheng's eldest daughter, and when she returned to China in 2017, she learned that her father had already predicted her husband's name

Du Meiru sat in the courtyard, recalling the laughter and laughter of the past.

The once bustling compound is now the only one left.

She was full of emotion, both sad for the passing of the past and relieved to be able to return to her hometown.

"Life is like a play": Du Meiru's philosophy of life

After experiencing such ups and downs in life, Du Meiru has a deeper understanding of life.

She often said: "Life is like a big drama, each of us is the protagonist, but the script is not written by ourselves." "

In Shanghai, she is the much-loved "little princess"; In Hong Kong, she experienced the hardships of her family's downfall;

In Taiwan, she found the other half of her life; In Jordan, she became an ambassador of cultural exchange.

Each stage has shaped Du Meiru's unique outlook on life.

She is Du Yuesheng's eldest daughter, and when she returned to China in 2017, she learned that her father had already predicted her husband's name

Du Meiru admits that despite many twists and turns, she has never regretted her life choice.

"My life may not be as glorious as I imagined when I was younger, but it is colorful and full of meaning," she said.

I have been fortunate to witness the changes of the times and experience the baptism of different cultures, which are priceless treasures. "

For her father Du Yuesheng, Du Meiru has always had deep respect.

She believes that no matter what the outside world says about her father, he is always a patriot.

"I'm very proud that he didn't betray his country like everyone else," Mr. Du said.

She is Du Yuesheng's eldest daughter, and when she returned to China in 2017, she learned that her father had already predicted her husband's name


Du Meiru's legendary life is not only a personal story, but also a historical microcosm spanning half a century.

Her experience allows us to see the changes of the times, the fusion of cultures, and the magical arrangement of fate.

For each of us, Du Meiru's story may provide some inspiration:

No matter what the situation is, stay optimistic and have the courage to adapt, and life will eventually have a good arrangement.

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