
Pi Dingjun saw that the women in the village were not wearing pants, and turned around and scolded the director angrily: Your women don't wear pants either?

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Pi Dingjun saw that the women in the village were not wearing pants, and turned around and scolded the director angrily: Your women don't wear pants either?


In the long history of the Communist Party of China, there is such a general,

His name may not be as thunderous as Peng Dehuai and Liu Bocheng, but his deeds are also worth remembering.

He was a "leather monkey", "a leather tiger", "a leather donkey",

What kind of military strategist with a distinctive personality do these three seemingly contradictory nicknames reflect?

How would he react when he saw the sight of poor rural women without pants to wear?

Pi Dingjun saw that the women in the village were not wearing pants, and turned around and scolded the director angrily: Your women don't wear pants either?

From "Leather Monkey" to "Leather Tiger": Pi Dingjun's military career

Pi Dingjun was born in 1914 in Bazhong County, Sichuan Province.

At the age of 17, he joined the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army and began his legendary military career.

During the long revolutionary struggle, Pidingjun gradually grew into an outstanding military commander.

His talent was also on full display.

Pi Dingjun saw that the women in the village were not wearing pants, and turned around and scolded the director angrily: Your women don't wear pants either?

The nickname "Leather Monkey" originated from a wonderful performance of Pi Dingjun during the Anti-Japanese War.

In 1940, on the eve of the Battle of the Hundred Regiments,

Pi Dingjun, then the head of the special service regiment of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army, was ordered to reconnoiter the Japanese garrison in Wu'an County.

In order to obtain first-hand information, he decided to enter the city in disguise himself.

This bold decision was not even known to the staff officer on duty.

Pi Dingjun saw that the women in the village were not wearing pants, and turned around and scolded the director angrily: Your women don't wear pants either?

Pi Dingjun disguised himself as an ordinary person, successfully infiltrated the county seat, and obtained important information.

However, when he left the city, he was still recognized by the Japanese army.

At the last moment, our scouts, who had long been ambushed at the city gates, opened fire in time, attracting the attention of the enemy.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Pi Dingjun rode on a donkey and left the city gate unhurriedly.

The angry leader of the Japanese army yelled: "Leather monkey, big ghost! "

Since then, the nickname of "leather monkey" has spread within a radius of 100 miles in Wu'an County.

Pi Dingjun saw that the women in the village were not wearing pants, and turned around and scolded the director angrily: Your women don't wear pants either?

With the promotion of military ranks and the enhancement of command ability, Pi Dingjun gradually gained the new nickname of "Leather Tiger".

This nickname reflects his strict style of governing the army and enforcing orders and prohibitions.

Under his leadership, the troops were strictly disciplined and their combat effectiveness was significantly enhanced.

His subordinates respected and feared him, but more than that, they respected him from the bottom of their hearts.

Pi Dingjun saw that the women in the village were not wearing pants, and turned around and scolded the director angrily: Your women don't wear pants either?

"Pants Turmoil": A general's people-oriented feelings

In 1969, at the age of 55, Pi Dingjun was appointed commander of the Lanzhou Military Region.

At the same time, he also serves as the secretary of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee and the deputy director of the Provincial Revolutionary Committee.

Pi Dingjun, who first arrived in Gansu, knew very little about this vast northwest land.

In order to carry out his work better, he decided to conduct a comprehensive inspection and investigation of Gansu in accordance with the usual practice.

Pi Dingjun's research journey started from Tianshui and went all the way west, crossing the entire Hexi Corridor.

Along the way, there was a scene of poverty and backwardness.

The people toiled for a year, and the harvest was barely enough to make ends meet. Such a situation made Pi Dingjun deeply worried.

Pi Dingjun saw that the women in the village were not wearing pants, and turned around and scolded the director angrily: Your women don't wear pants either?

However, the scene that really shocked Pi Dingjun took place in a remote commune in Zhangye.

At noon that day, Pi Dingjun and his party came to this commune to prepare for a meal and rest here.

After the director of the commune learned of Pi Dingjun's identity, he hurriedly arranged a room to prepare lunch.

However, only coarse tea and light rice such as sweet potatoes, corn and multigrain steamed buns were served on the table, and there was not even a trace of meat.

Pi Dingjun saw that the women in the village were not wearing pants, and turned around and scolded the director angrily: Your women don't wear pants either?

"Your women don't wear pants either?" : The General's Thunderous Fury

After lunch, Pideon did not leave immediately, but visited the masses accompanied by the director of the commune.

At this moment, an incredible scene appeared before his eyes: several women from the village were not even wearing pants!

Pi Dingjun was immediately furious, and he sharply questioned the director of the commune: "What's going on?" "

The director of the commune replied hesitantly: "This... This is our special custom here..."

Pi Dingjun saw that the women in the village were not wearing pants, and turned around and scolded the director angrily: Your women don't wear pants either?

Pi Dingjun was even more angry when he heard this, and he looked directly into the eyes of the commune director,

Word by word, he asked, "Is this custom also true for your wife and daughter?" "

In the face of Pi Dingjun's questioning, the director of the commune was ashamed, lowered his head, and could no longer say a word.

This scene deeply pierced Pi Dingjun's heart.

He was well aware that this was not a custom at all, but naked poverty.

The common people can't even afford a piece of cloth to make trousers, what a poverty!

Pi Dingjun saw that the women in the village were not wearing pants, and turned around and scolded the director angrily: Your women don't wear pants either?

The stubbornness of the "leather donkey": asking for the life of the people is not afraid of the powerful

After returning to Lanzhou, Pi Dingjun immediately took action.

He called on the officers and men of the Lanzhou Military Region to donate their old military uniforms that they did not wear free of charge and give them to the people in poor areas.

Not only that, but he also personally took the lead in donating all the old clothes at home and the cloth tickets distributed to the whole family at that time.

Pi Dingjun saw that the women in the village were not wearing pants, and turned around and scolded the director angrily: Your women don't wear pants either?

Pi Dingjun's move evoked strong repercussions inside and outside the military region.

Some people praise him for caring for the people, while others think he is making a big fuss.

In the face of doubts, Pi Dingjun showed the stubborn nature of "leather donkey".

He insisted on his decision, and further demanded that every spring ploughing and autumn harvest season,

Officers and men should be sent to the rural areas to help the masses do farm work.

This decision not only increased agricultural productivity, but also deepened the situation between the military and civilians.

Pi Dingjun's practice has won the love and support of the broad masses.

Pi Dingjun saw that the women in the village were not wearing pants, and turned around and scolded the director angrily: Your women don't wear pants either?

"Three-handed" rectification: Vigorous and resolute reform of the armed forces

In 1973, Pi Dingjun was transferred to the commander of the Fuzhou Military Region.

In his new post, he still maintained the style of strictly administering the army.

In the early spring of 1975, Deng Xiaoping stressed the need to rectify the work style of the army at the enlarged meeting of the Central Military Commission.

Pi Dingjun was deeply encouraged and decided to organize a training camp for senior and middle-ranking officers of the military region at a certain military academy in Nanchang.

Pi Dingjun saw that the women in the village were not wearing pants, and turned around and scolded the director angrily: Your women don't wear pants either?

On the first day of the training, Pi Dingjun gave a vivid lesson to the officers present.

He pointed out the "three-handed" phenomenon that exists in the army: two hands in their pockets like foreign students,

Standing by like an old gentleman, holding hands behind like a landlord and old wealth.

Pi Dingjun emphasized: "We are soldiers, and soldiers must have the demeanor of soldiers!" "

From then on, every morning, Pidding would stand solemnly in the middle of the playground,

Personally supervise and urge officers at all levels, from army commanders to regiment commanders, to conduct running training.

This style of rectification, which started with senior cadres, soon became a common practice in the entire military region.

Pi Dingjun saw that the women in the village were not wearing pants, and turned around and scolded the director angrily: Your women don't wear pants either?

"Bright and upright": the last years of a general

In mid-1976, in order to deter the enemy on the other side of the strait,

The Fujian Military Region decided to hold a large-scale joint naval and air exercise in the waters east of Xiamen.

Regardless of the dissuasion of everyone, Pi Dingjun insisted on taking a helicopter to the islands and reefs in the far sea to station and command.

However, the helicopter crashed unexpectedly on the way, and the 62-year-old General Pi Dingjun unfortunately died.

Pi Dingjun saw that the women in the village were not wearing pants, and turned around and scolded the director angrily: Your women don't wear pants either?

Pi Dingjun's life was a life of the party and the people, and a life of dedication to the revolution and the people.

He used his practical actions to interpret the character and feelings that a Communist Party member should have.

As Zhang Aiping wrote a memorial poem for him: "The light shines on the liver and gallbladder, and the southeast folds the pillars." "

Pi Dingjun saw that the women in the village were not wearing pants, and turned around and scolded the director angrily: Your women don't wear pants either?


The story of General Pi Dingjun shows us what a real communist should look like.

He is witty and brave like a "skin monkey", strict management of the army is like a "skin tiger", and asking for the people's life is like a "skin donkey".

Such a general deserves to be remembered forever.

Readers, have you also been touched by the deeds of General Pi Dingjun? Feel free to share your thoughts and feelings in the comment section!

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