
Chen Changhao had an adjutant Wu Chengwen at the headquarters of the 43rd Division who was very mysterious, and Chen Changhao went to find out a big problem

author:Accustomed to spring, moon and autumn
Chen Changhao had an adjutant Wu Chengwen at the headquarters of the 43rd Division who was very mysterious, and Chen Changhao went to find out a big problem

[Chen Changhao led the guard company of the Military Commission of the sub-bureau to continue to carry out the task]

There are also some individual comrades who really have a good relationship with the old superiors and the old leaders, and the political level of the ordinary cadres is not so sensitive. This kind of statement is enough to drink a pot later, so it is sometimes important to stand in line.

After the matter of the military headquarters of the Red Fourth Army was settled, the key question was where Comrade Wu Jicheng of the 11th Division was. In order to ensure the safety of the personnel who went to the 11th Division to convey the orders of the Central Sub-Bureau and the Central Sub-Military Commission, the Military Headquarters of the Red Fourth Army suggested that Comrade Chen Changhao bring more troops to the 11 th Division's station.

Chen Changhao had an adjutant Wu Chengwen at the headquarters of the 43rd Division who was very mysterious, and Chen Changhao went to find out a big problem

[Chen Changhao said that there is no need to mobilize the army, I can bring the guard company]

Comrade Chen Changhao said: I firmly believe that the vast number of the 11 th Division of the Fourth Army of the Red Army is an army under the leadership of the party, and I firmly believe that the vast number of officers and soldiers of the 11 th Division will obey the orders of the Central Sub-Bureau and the Central Sub-Military Commission. I will go to the headquarters of the 11th Division tomorrow, and I will take the guard company of the Military Commission of the Central Sub-Bureau.

In fact, Comrade Chen Changhao is now the political commissar of the Red Fourth Army, although the political commissar Chen Changhao took the guard company to the 11th Division to convey the order of the Central Branch Military Commission. However, the Red Fourth Army still made some necessary military preparations, just in case.

The headquarters of the 11th Division is about 30 miles away from the county seat of Yingshan, and the division headquarters is located in a bay with beautiful mountains and rivers, and is a residence of a large local family. In addition to the pistol company, most of the division headquarters are civilian communications and other civilian personnel. The three regiments under the 11th Division were stationed in villages 2-5 miles from the division headquarters.

Chen Changhao had an adjutant Wu Chengwen at the headquarters of the 43rd Division who was very mysterious, and Chen Changhao went to find out a big problem

Comrade Chen Changhao led the guard company of the secretary of the Central Subbureau and several cadres of the Political Security Bureau of the Fourth Army of the Red Army to the headquarters of the 11th Division, and the neighing of more than 100 war horses immediately aroused the vigilance of the personnel of the 11th Division.

But all the men and horses of the pistol company stood at the entrance of the division and maintained a high degree of vigilance. When Political Commissar Chen Changhao came to the gate of the 11th Division, the commander of the guard company of the Military Commission of the Sub-bureau dismounted and informed the sentry at the gate to ask the division commander Wu Jicheng to come out, and the Military Commission of the Central Sub-Bureau and the political commissar of the Red Fourth Army Chen Changhao had something to look for him.

Chen Changhao had an adjutant Wu Chengwen at the headquarters of the 43rd Division who was very mysterious, and Chen Changhao went to find out a big problem

[Chen Changhao announced the order of the Military Commission of the Sub-Bureau]

When Division Commander Wu Jicheng heard that Chen Changhao, the political commissar of the Red Fourth Army, was looking for him at the door, he knew that things were a little bad. Yesterday he was still the political commissar of Ren Qianshen, how can he be the political commissar of Chen Changhao today? Is it Chen Changhao, the leader of the boy scouts of the International Division of the Young Communist Party? A bad omen came to my mind. But after all, Division Commander Wu Jicheng was a man of the army, and he heard that the Military Commission of the Central Branch Bureau and Political Commissar Chen Changhao were looking for him at the door, and he called other leaders of the division headquarters to come to the gate of the 12th Division headquarters together.

After Chen Changhao saw Division Commander Wu Jicheng, he still said to him very politely: Master Wu, I am now announcing the order on behalf of the plenipotentiary representative of the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Central Sub-Bureau and the Central Sub-Bureau Military Commission. Political Commissar Chen Changhao used a standard Hanyang Xianshan dialect: He read out the order of the Central Sub-Bureau Military Commission, which was to remove Ren Qianshen from his post as political commissar of the Fourth Army of the Red Army from his post of suspension for reflection, to remove Comrade Wu Jicheng from his post as commander of the 11th Division of the Fourth Army of the Red Army for reflection, to announce that Comrade Chen Changhao and Changhao were to be appointed to the post of political commissar of the Fourth Army of the Red Army, and to announce that the Fourth Army of the Red Army should immediately stop the combat operation of crossing the river in the south and immediately go north.

Chen Changhao had an adjutant Wu Chengwen at the headquarters of the 43rd Division who was very mysterious, and Chen Changhao went to find out a big problem

[Chen Changhao held a meeting in the Red Fourth Army to announce the order of the Military Commission of the sub-bureau]

Comrade Chen Changhao also said that in accordance with the orders of the Central Sub-Bureau and the Military Commission of the Central Sub-Bureau, the office of Comrade Wu Jicheng, commander of the 11 th Division, was immediately searched, and the search was carried out by the Political Commissar Security Bureau of the Fourth Army of the Red Army. When the pistol company of the 11th Division heard that it was going to dismiss Wu Jicheng, the commander of the 11th Division, and that it was going to search the office of the commander of the 11th Division, all the members of the pistol company immediately drew their pistols and surrounded Comrade Wu Jicheng, forming a situation of being far away from the enemy.

Chen Changhao had an adjutant Wu Chengwen at the headquarters of the 43rd Division who was very mysterious, and Chen Changhao went to find out a big problem

[The divisional pistol company also used a twenty-shot box gun]

The guard company of the Military Commission of the Central Sub-bureau saw that the pistol company of the 11th Division dared to disobey the military order and resist by force. Within a few seconds, all the two guns were drawn, and more than 200 brand-new German 20-shot box guns were aimed at the pistol company of the 12th Division, and they formed a guard posture around Chen Changhao's political commissar.

At this time of urgency, if Commander Wu Jicheng crooked his mouth or moved his eyes, it would be a rain of bullets and flesh flying. It should be said that Commander Wu Jicheng is still good, knowing that he is going to be unlucky, he did not choose to resist by force. Comrade Wu Jicheng straightened his hand to stop the pistol company's action of firing guns, and Director Wu of the division's political department came out and said: Political Commissar Chen Changhao and all the leaders are invited to the hall for a meeting, we will resolutely carry out the orders of the Central Sub-bureau and the Military Commission of the sub-bureau, and the pistol company will immediately return to the barracks so as not to cause chaos here.

Chen Changhao had an adjutant Wu Chengwen at the headquarters of the 43rd Division who was very mysterious, and Chen Changhao went to find out a big problem

[Director Wu of the division came out to speak]

After returning to the hall, all the cadres at and above the battalion level of the 11th Division were in place, and Political Commissar Chen Changhao once again announced the relevant orders of the Central Branch and the Central Branch Military Commission. He also asked all the participants to express their stance that most of the relevant cadres of the 11th Division had already heard some rumors, and that all the cadres above the battalion level of the 11th Division had expressed their stance and resolutely obeyed the orders of the Military Commission of the sub-bureau. At the meeting, Political Commissar Chen Changhao demanded that Comrade Wu Jicheng's residence be searched immediately, and the Political Security Bureau of the Fourth Army of the Red Army took out a document and asked Wu Jicheng to sign it. Comrade Wu Jicheng said: There is no cold disease in the heart, even if you eat watermelon. Search it, I have no opinion.

Chen Changhao had an adjutant Wu Chengwen at the headquarters of the 43rd Division who was very mysterious, and Chen Changhao went to find out a big problem

[The relevant personnel of the Security Bureau went to Wu Jicheng's residence to carry out a search, and a huge bomb was exploded]

When the personnel of the Security Bureau took out this letter, all the people attending the meeting dislocated their mouths and jaws, and the power of this bomb was too great. The full text of the letter is as follows:

"My brother is safe.

   Former Comrade Zhong Jun was sent to my brother, Xinghe Chana, admired Wuji! When Comrade Peter Zhong returned to his life, he submitted the school seat in detail and was approved to do so. When a prostrate son returns, his parents can only cry tears and pity, or even hurt themselves and ignore him, and would rather endure and blame his son! The sky of the firmament, in filial piety. There is no goodbye, but a return. Although it is still a thousand miles, my heart is really happy. As long as the name is needed, Comrade Zhong Jun went to Jiangxi to ask for a school seat, and he should give it to him. The school seat is back in Beijing to be decided, so I can't show it for a while, and I don't have to worry about my brother. Looking west at the clouds, my heart is tired. Zhu Xi cherishes himself in order to wait for his life. And praise Rong An!

  The younger brother once extended his affection and said goodbye

  September 19th"

There were still many people in the original 11th Division headquarters who sympathized with the commander of the martial arts division, and they found such a letter of rebellion, and everyone talked about it: It's a plank, no wonder it is impossible to mobilize every day to cross the river to fight in the south a few days ago, and it turned out to be like this. If this is after crossing the river, what will happen to the devil? There are also most comrades who originally thought that the martial arts commander had just made a little mistake and made a mistake, but he was still a good comrade when he corrected it at that time. But this one is unbelievable, it turns out that there is such a thing, this belongs to the upgrade, terrifying.

Chen Changhao had an adjutant Wu Chengwen at the headquarters of the 43rd Division who was very mysterious, and Chen Changhao went to find out a big problem

Where was this letter found? Could it be that the martial master is so imprudent and dares to keep such a letter, what is this called? This is called giving a man a handle. If Soviet experts came to China in the 50s to aid the construction, there were many Chinese personnel who were partners in the work. After the Soviet expert left, he wrote a letter to his partner to join the Soviet intelligence service, if you don't hand over such a letter to the organization, and the organization finds out, what does it mean? Then it's definitely a dead end, where did the martial master find this counter-letter?

The commander of the martial arts division has a personal adjutant named Wu Chengwen, who usually doesn't show up much in the division headquarters, and he hasn't been here for a long time. Everyone thinks that this Wu staff officer is naked, which is weird. When the Security Bureau searched the residence of the commander of the martial arts division, someone reported the problem of Staff Officer Wu to the Security Bureau.

Chen Changhao had an adjutant Wu Chengwen at the headquarters of the 43rd Division who was very mysterious, and Chen Changhao went to find out a big problem

[The commander of the martial arts division has a personal adjutant Wu Chengwen who has a suspicious appearance, does not attend the meeting, rarely interacts with comrades, and hides in the residence of the commander of the martial arts all day long]

The Security Bureau also felt that this Wu staff officer was suspicious, and he did not attend the meeting, but rarely interacted with his comrades, and hid in the residence of the martial arts commander all day long, chattering. The Security Bureau decided to search Staff Officer Wu's office, and when he ordered Staff Officer Wu to open his briefcase, Staff Officer Wu turned white with fright, and when he checked it, he found out that there was a letter from the Kuomintang reactionaries and a book similar to a cipher code. Chen Changhao saw that the case was serious, and immediately ordered the Security Bureau to immediately arrest Staff Officer Wu, who was tied up by Wuhuada, and his face turned pale and his feet trembled, and under the pressure of the personnel of the Security Bureau, he admitted that he was a spy sent by the Kuomintang reactionaries to lobby Wu Jicheng.

As soon as Political Commissar Chen Changhao saw this important situation, he immediately ordered Division Commander Wu Jicheng to be put under armed custody and immediately convened an emergency meeting at the military headquarters of the Red Fourth Army. On the contrary, Wu Jicheng said indifferently: I will surrender to the enemy? Is there any mistake? It's impossible for me to surrender to the enemy.

Ren Qianshen, political commissar of the Fourth Army of the Red Army, and comrade commander-in-chief of the division commander at that time all knew that there was indeed a person named Zhong Shuwu, also known as Zhong Jun, who brought me a lobbying letter from my classmate Zeng Guangqing in the first phase of the Huangpu Army.

Chen Changhao had an adjutant Wu Chengwen at the headquarters of the 43rd Division who was very mysterious, and Chen Changhao went to find out a big problem

[In the twilight, more than 200 military horses wrapped in the vast night and galloped towards Yingshan County, where the military headquarters of the Red Fourth Army was stationed]

After listening to Wu Jicheng's statement, Political Commissar Chen Changhao said: Don't worry, the martial arts commander can't be fake, it can't be true, and it can't be fake. Immediately ordered the guard company of the Central Branch Military Commission and the Political Security Bureau of the Red Fourth Army to escort Wu Jicheng and Wu Staff to the military headquarters of the Red Fourth Army. At the same time, the political commissar of the 11th Division was ordered to immediately act as the commander of the 11th Division, and the military and political forces were to shoulder the stabilization force.

In the twilight, more than 200 military horses wrapped in the vast night and galloped towards Yingshan County, where the military headquarters of the Red Fourth Army was stationed.

In the forty-fifth round, the Red Fourth Army was tried in three halls, and Wu Jicheng had a hard time arguing.

After political commissar Chen Changhao led a delegation from the guard company of the Central Branch Military Commission and the Political Security Bureau of the Red Fourth Army, together with the detained division commander Wu Jicheng and the division commander's personal adjutant Wu Chengwen, they returned to the military headquarters of the Red Fourth Army in Yingshan.

At the same time, in order to expand his influence, Political Commissar Chen Changhao allowed cadres at and above the battalion level of the military headquarters to observe, and this conference room was packed. The spies of the Kuomintang reactionaries have all penetrated the core of the Red Fourth Army. The laborers and management are fighting with the Kuomintang reactionaries every day, and the spies of the reactionaries are coming to our 11th Division, and the division commander is also in trouble.

The first to pass the trial was Staff Officer Wu Chengwen, this Staff Officer Wu is also a fart candy (cowardice), and he poured beans into the bamboo tube without starting the fight, and said it all, Staff Officer Wu admitted that he was here to plot against Wu Jicheng, because the last time Zhong Jun came to rebel, Wu Jicheng directly handed Zhong Jun over to the Political Department of the Red Fourth Army.

Therefore, Staff Officer Wu felt that the time was very premature, and he came to Wu Jicheng to wait for the opportunity, wait for the change to occur after the troops crossed the river, and then give Wu Jicheng a showdown. For the sake of insurance, he put the letter of Wu Jicheng's first-phase classmate Zeng Guangqing in the briefcase of the 11th Division, where did he expect that there would be a search, so the black paper and white words were seized on the spot, and there was nothing to say .......

To be continued