
Ouyang Nana posted a photo of her sister's proposal, and the comment area was stench, netizens: Isn't my best friend Chen Yanxi coming?


The statements in this article are based on reliable sources of information and are detailed at the end of the article

"No, who are the two of them, why do they have to be hot searches when they propose."

Ouyang Nana posted a photo of her sister's proposal, and the comment area was stench, netizens: Isn't my best friend Chen Yanxi coming?

It is said that celebrities gossip a lot, but as family members of public figures, are they also considered celebrities?

On the day of June 29, Taiwanese artist Ouyang Nana posted a good news on her social platform that her sibling sister Ouyang Nini was proposed to by her boyfriend.

Ouyang Nana posted a photo of her sister's proposal, and the comment area was stench, netizens: Isn't my best friend Chen Yanxi coming?

In the video, Ouyang Nini is wearing a pure white bandeau skirt, and she looks at her fiancé Zhang Shuhao putting a ring on her face with a smile, because she is too excited, Ouyang Nini's eyes still have tears flashing.

Ouyang Nana posted a photo of her sister's proposal, and the comment area was stench, netizens: Isn't my best friend Chen Yanxi coming?

Everyone also knows that marriage is one of the most important things in each of our lives, so every girl is very happy and excited the moment she is proposed to the person she likes.

Ouyang Nini obviously had this feeling at that time, so when she saw the banquet that her sister and fiancé had carefully prepared for her, she was so excited that she couldn't even speak clearly.

Ouyang Nana posted a photo of her sister's proposal, and the comment area was stench, netizens: Isn't my best friend Chen Yanxi coming?

Even when she saw her second sister Ouyang Nana and her younger sister Ouyang Didi appear, Ouyang Nini finally couldn't hold back her emotions and cried directly at the scene.

Ouyang Nana posted a photo of her sister's proposal, and the comment area was stench, netizens: Isn't my best friend Chen Yanxi coming?

After seeing that she was secretly crying and was discovered by her sister, Ouyang Nini also turned her head directly to the camera and began to wipe her tears, and it can be seen that the relationship between the three sisters of the Ouyang family is indeed very good.

Ouyang Nana posted a photo of her sister's proposal, and the comment area was stench, netizens: Isn't my best friend Chen Yanxi coming?

The two younger sisters not only lined up their schedules in advance to celebrate their sisters, but also deliberately came to the proposal site one day in advance, and planned and arranged the venue with their unmarried brother-in-law Zhang Shuhao.

The two younger sisters even gave their favorite dresses and shoes to their sister, just so that she could make a beautiful appearance at their own marriage proposal.

Ouyang Nana posted a photo of her sister's proposal, and the comment area was stench, netizens: Isn't my best friend Chen Yanxi coming?

It's no wonder why Ouyang Nini, who was still very calm, was so excited that she cried when she saw her two younger sisters, it turned out that she was moved to see her sisters so attentive to their life events.

Ouyang Nana posted a photo of her sister's proposal, and the comment area was stench, netizens: Isn't my best friend Chen Yanxi coming?

Of course, in addition to the three Ouyang sisters who were extremely excited and nervous at the proposal scene, their fiancé Zhang Shuhao also kept scratching his head and wiping his sweat beside him, and it could be seen that as a prospective groom, he was very worried about whether this proposal banquet would fit his wife's heart.

Ouyang Nana posted a photo of her sister's proposal, and the comment area was stench, netizens: Isn't my best friend Chen Yanxi coming?

Even when Ouyang Nini was talking, Zhang Shuhao would look at her side from time to time, showing everyone what it means to "want to wear a wife".

Ouyang Nana posted a photo of her sister's proposal, and the comment area was stench, netizens: Isn't my best friend Chen Yanxi coming?

Although Ouyang Nini's proposal banquet was held very grandly, the atmosphere at the meeting was also very harmonious and warm, and relatives and friends also sent blessings to her and Zhang Shuhao.

Ouyang Nana posted a photo of her sister's proposal, and the comment area was stench, netizens: Isn't my best friend Chen Yanxi coming?

But most netizens in the comment area are very optimistic about them, and some even left messages saying that they don't know these two people at all, and asked why they came out to occupy public resources.

Ouyang Nana posted a photo of her sister's proposal, and the comment area was stench, netizens: Isn't my best friend Chen Yanxi coming?

Some people even complained about Ouyang Nini's fiancé in public, thinking that Zhang Shuhao was not very good-looking, and he looked more delicate than Ouyang Nini, without any masculinity.

Ouyang Nana posted a photo of her sister's proposal, and the comment area was stench, netizens: Isn't my best friend Chen Yanxi coming?

Someone also deliberately asked Ouyang Nini in the comment area, saying why didn't Chen Yanxi participate, aren't she and Zhang Shuhao good friends?

Ouyang Nana posted a photo of her sister's proposal, and the comment area was stench, netizens: Isn't my best friend Chen Yanxi coming?
Ouyang Nana posted a photo of her sister's proposal, and the comment area was stench, netizens: Isn't my best friend Chen Yanxi coming?

As we all know, Chen Yanxi and Zhang Shuhao are both Taiwanese actors, and the two didn't know each other before.

Ouyang Nana posted a photo of her sister's proposal, and the comment area was stench, netizens: Isn't my best friend Chen Yanxi coming?

But just because in 2019, Chen Yanxi, Feng Xiaoyue and Zhang Shuhao starred in a romance film "Traveling with Your Wife", because of their relatively good personalities, the two became friends.

Ouyang Nana posted a photo of her sister's proposal, and the comment area was stench, netizens: Isn't my best friend Chen Yanxi coming?

Although Chen Yanxi and Zhang Shuhao's development paths are completely different, the relationship between the two has always been very close, and before Chen Yanxi and Chen Xiao got married, Zhang Shuhao has always been a frequent visitor to Chen Yanxi's Weibo.

Ouyang Nana posted a photo of her sister's proposal, and the comment area was stench, netizens: Isn't my best friend Chen Yanxi coming?

In the photo, Chen Yanxi often hugs Zhang Shuhao very affectionately, and every time they take a group photo, their bodies are very close, and they look like a couple in love.

Ouyang Nana posted a photo of her sister's proposal, and the comment area was stench, netizens: Isn't my best friend Chen Yanxi coming?

And every time Chen Yanxi appears, Zhang Shuhao's eyes are like magnets, firmly sucking on Chen Yanxi's body, and looking at it makes people feel that the relationship between the two of them is very close.

Ouyang Nana posted a photo of her sister's proposal, and the comment area was stench, netizens: Isn't my best friend Chen Yanxi coming?

Although neither of them responded to their friendship, Zhang Shuhao still sent his blessings on Chen Yanxi's birthday.

Ouyang Nana posted a photo of her sister's proposal, and the comment area was stench, netizens: Isn't my best friend Chen Yanxi coming?

Even after Chen Yanxi got married, she continued to promote and send blessings to Chen Yanxi's program, and words like wife appeared in the article.

Ouyang Nana posted a photo of her sister's proposal, and the comment area was stench, netizens: Isn't my best friend Chen Yanxi coming?

You must know that at that time, Zhang Shuhao was already in love with Ouyang Nini, and he also officially announced their relationship on his personal social platform.

Ouyang Nana posted a photo of her sister's proposal, and the comment area was stench, netizens: Isn't my best friend Chen Yanxi coming?

If you have a girlfriend, you still call other people's daughters-in-law wives, even if you are good friends, you don't have such a close relationship, this is too no sense of boundaries.

No wonder some netizens asked Ouyang Nini why they didn't invite Chen Yanxi when they saw Zhang Shuhao's marriage proposal video, the relationship is that there is such a relationship between the three of them.

Ouyang Nana posted a photo of her sister's proposal, and the comment area was stench, netizens: Isn't my best friend Chen Yanxi coming?

Although the recent divorce gossip between Chen Yanxi and Chen Xiao has been rumored, there are still many people who are privately speculating about what the reason for the divorce of Chen Yanxi and his wife is.

But judging from the current situation, there should be quite a lot of people who will pick up the relationship between Chen Yanxi and Zhang Shuhao, and even feel that the main reason is Chen Yanxi.

Ouyang Nana posted a photo of her sister's proposal, and the comment area was stench, netizens: Isn't my best friend Chen Yanxi coming?

Of course, although we don't know much about the specific things, for the vast number of netizens, it is estimated that everyone will soon find the truth of the matter by themselves.

But then again, although everyone doesn't like the relationship between Ouyang Nini and Zhang Shuhao very much, some people even dig out the relationship between Zhang Shuhao and Chen Yanxi to study it deeply.

Ouyang Nana posted a photo of her sister's proposal, and the comment area was stench, netizens: Isn't my best friend Chen Yanxi coming?

But as the saying goes, feelings are like a pair of shoes, only you know if they fit or not.

For Ouyang Nini's family, many people may have only heard of Ouyang Nana's name and knew that she was a little girl with great musical talent.

Ouyang Nana posted a photo of her sister's proposal, and the comment area was stench, netizens: Isn't my best friend Chen Yanxi coming?

can raise such a beautiful and talented scholar, no matter how you look at her family, it is not something that ordinary families can climb.

But those who are familiar with Ouyang Nana know that their family is indeed well-known in Taiwan, their parents are both actors, and the three sisters also have different developments in the entertainment industry.

Ouyang Nana posted a photo of her sister's proposal, and the comment area was stench, netizens: Isn't my best friend Chen Yanxi coming?

Although the sister and the younger sister are not as famous as Ouyang Nana, because of the support of the family and the aura of Ouyang Nana's talented daughter, the star road of the other two sisters is also very smooth.

Now, her sister Ouyang Nini not only has a smooth career, but even her love life has stabilized, and the road ahead must be natural.

Ouyang Nana posted a photo of her sister's proposal, and the comment area was stench, netizens: Isn't my best friend Chen Yanxi coming?

No matter what happens later, seeing that Ouyang Nini can find her own happiness, as an audience, we will still send our blessings, hoping that the newcomer will be happy!

Reference Sources:

Sina Entertainment released a report on "Ouyang Nini was proposed" on June 29, 2024

Ouyang Nana posted a photo of her sister's proposal, and the comment area was stench, netizens: Isn't my best friend Chen Yanxi coming?

Weibo big V Mango fishing Xiaomeng master released on June 22, 2024 "Chen Yanxi's male girlfriend Zhang Shuhao's extranet account exposed" report

Ouyang Nana posted a photo of her sister's proposal, and the comment area was stench, netizens: Isn't my best friend Chen Yanxi coming?

In order to improve the readability of the article, there may be polishing of the details, please read sensibly, for reference only!

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