
Why are female compatriots now reluctant to get married?

author:Strive for ABC

Why are female compatriots now reluctant to get married?

Hey, readers and friends, have you noticed recently that the female compatriots around you seem to have become a little hesitant or even repulsive about getting married? Don't worry, this is not an isolated case, but a social phenomenon that is gradually emerging. Today, let's sit down and talk, what the hell is going on? Could it be that marriage has really become a "besieged city" for modern women?

Why are female compatriots now reluctant to get married?

First of all, we have to understand that modern women are becoming more and more independent. In the past, "starting a family" was our traditional concept, but now, "independence" is gradually becoming a label for women in the new era. This independence is not only economic independence, but also spiritual independence.

Why are female compatriots now reluctant to get married?

Female friends are enjoying their time alone more and more, they have their own careers, their own circle of friends, and their own hobbies. Why rush into the siege of marriage? This siege can bring all the constraints and pressures of expectation that is not as comfortable as being free.

Why are female compatriots now reluctant to get married?

Moreover, today's female compatriots are more and more aware of the essence of things. Before getting married, sweet words, flowers before the moon; After getting married, he faced the real life of firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea. Once the dream of love collides with the cruelty of reality, it is easy to produce disappointment and contradictions.

Why are female compatriots now reluctant to get married?

What's more, today's social interpersonal relationships are complex and changeable, the pressure of workplace competition is huge, and all kinds of trivial matters and pressures in marriage often make modern women feel powerless. Rather than this, it is easier to be single.

Why are female compatriots now reluctant to get married?

Also, the older generation often said that "marry a chicken and marry a dog with a dog", this traditional attachment idea is no longer in line with the ideological cognition of modern women. Modern society no longer regards "marrying well" as the only criterion for a woman's success. Female friends pay more attention to the realization of self-worth and the space for self-growth. They are more willing to devote their time and energy to their careers and hobbies, rather than simply contributing to their families.

Why are female compatriots now reluctant to get married?

Wouldn't this life be more colorful? Why limit yourself to the framework of marriage? After all, "if the love between the two is long, how can it be in the morning and twilight". Instead of marrying for the sake of form, it is better to be together for the sake of true affection for a lifetime.

Why are female compatriots now reluctant to get married?

Of course, we can't deny the beauty and importance of marriage. Marriage, after all, is a symbol of responsibility and commitment. But now female compatriots are looking at this issue more rationally. They no longer blindly pursue the form of marriage, but pay more attention to emotional communication and mutual growth with their partners. They hope to find someone who can really know each other and face the ups and downs of life together.

Why are female compatriots now reluctant to get married?

This rational attitude is a true respect and understanding of marriage. As the so-called "one day husband and wife for a hundred days", instead of getting married hastily and regretting it, it is better to understand each other in-depth first. At the end of the day, "love is an art". If we can truly understand and respect each other's thoughts and needs, we may be better able to face the important issue of marriage. Perhaps one day in the future, we will be able to discover that "marriage is a journey of happiness for two people". It's just that before that, we have to find our own direction and goal first!

Why are female compatriots now reluctant to get married?

Whether you are married or unmarried, let's work together on the road to happiness and freedom! Let true happiness come as expected! After all, life is too short. Why not slow down and enjoy the beauty of every moment?

Why are female compatriots now reluctant to get married?