
The south is so humid that the trees have grown out of breath and taken root, and netizens exclaimed "natural magic"!

author:Chang'an Fang

Recently, some netizens posted on social platforms and shared a set of amazing photos: In the white embankment of West Lake in the rainy season, clusters of small red buds have emerged from the thick willow trees, which are as spectacular as dragon's teeth. This phenomenon quickly aroused widespread attention and heated discussions among netizens.

The south is so humid that the trees have grown out of breath and taken root, and netizens exclaimed "natural magic"!

According to experts, these small red shoots are actually the aerial roots of the willow tree. Stimulated by humid air or high temperatures, plants grow aerial roots to absorb moisture and oxygen from the air. This phenomenon is especially common in the summer, not only on the trunks of willow trees, but also on the succulents that everyone usually raises are prone to aerial roots.

The south is so humid that the trees have grown out of breath and taken root, and netizens exclaimed "natural magic"!

As a plant that is naturally close to the water's edge, the willow tree is often at risk of flooding. And aerial roots are a special structure for willows to cope with this environmental stress. It helps the willow tree to continue breathing when it is flooded and avoids suffocation. The presence of aerial roots not only reflects the strong vitality of willow trees, but also demonstrates the plant's adaptability to the environment and survival wisdom.

The south is so humid that the trees have grown out of breath and taken root, and netizens exclaimed "natural magic"!

According to the data of the China Science Expo, aerial roots are special organs formed by plants to adapt to the hot and humid environment during the long survival process. They come from the stems or branches of the plant and are exposed to the air, where they act to aid respiration and support the upward growth of the plant body. The presence of such roots is of great significance for plants, especially when the underground root system is undernutrient or the respiratory state is not ideal, and the aerial roots are able to absorb moisture and oxygen from the air, providing the necessary growth conditions for the plant.

The spectacle of the willow tree growing aerial roots in West Lake this time not only opened people's eyes, but also once again proved the magic and charm of the natural world. These small red buds not only show the tenacious vitality of the willow tree, but also remind us to pay more attention to the natural environment and the importance of ecological protection.