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"The Land of the Pyramids"

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Written by Yan Haiying


Professor Gong Yushu of Peking University and Professor John Baines of Oxford University highly recommend

It shows the breathtaking material civilization and mysterious and grand spiritual world of ancient Egypt

Based on modern archaeological materials, this book shows the origin and development of ancient Egyptian civilization in the context of geographical environment and cosmology, pyramid age, classical culture era, and imperial age, covering ancient Egyptian temple culture, tomb culture, mummy portraiture and plastic arts, and unfolds a panorama of ancient Egypt for readers, including the breathtaking material civilization and the mysterious and grand spiritual world, revealing how the origin of civilization is related to history and the future.

Yan Haiying is a professor in the Department of History at Peking University, and her research focuses on ancient world history and Egyptology. He is the author of monographs such as "Ancient Egyptian Cultural Relics Collected in China" and many academic articles.


Understanding China from History

Journal of Academic Affairs and Chinese Historical Research

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Cui Huajie


It has been an English-language publication in China for 74 years

Look at the history of civilization exchanges in middle school

Founded by Westerners in China for 74 years, the Journal of Academic Affairs is not engaged in disseminating Western studies and Western civilization, but is committed to helping Westerners understand Chinese society and its long history and culture, so the magazine has published a considerable number of articles on Chinese history and culture.

This book focuses on the magazine's research on Chinese history, reproducing the thoughts and activities of Westerners in China since the late Qing Dynasty, presenting the intellectual process of Chinese history and culture in contact with and interpretation of Chinese history and culture, as well as the hidden Chinese view behind such contact and interpretation.

Cui Huajie is a professor at the School of History at Shandong University, specializing in the history of cultural exchanges between China and the West in modern times and the history of the Boxer Rebellion. He has published more than 10 translations, including "Violence and Panic in North China: The Spread of Christianity and Social Conflict on the Eve of the Boxer Rebellion" and "Collection of Western Literature on the Study of the Boxer Rebellion".


On the Fundamental Difference between Chinese and Western Philosophy

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Wu Xiaoming


Enlighten the future path of China's ideological and cultural development

Re-examine the core and mission of philosophy

This book is a collection and revision of the author's research papers on Chinese and Western philosophy published in the past three years, and the theme is to discuss the fundamental differences between Chinese and Western philosophy. The book is divided into two parts, the first part is "Preparatory Discussion", which provides necessary clarification on basic issues such as the legitimacy of Chinese philosophy, different types of civilization and their philosophical orientations, and the premise reflection of Chinese and Western philosophy; The second part is "Thematic Studies", that is, in-depth theoretical elaboration and multiple concretization of the fundamental differences between Chinese and Western philosophies.

Wu Xiaoming is currently a senior professor of liberal arts, a professor in the School of Philosophy, and the director of the Center for Contemporary Foreign Marxist Studies at Fudan University. He is the author of 9 books, including "The Logical Development of Marx's Early Thought" and "The Decline of Metaphysics".


"Saving the Phenomenon"

On the notion of the theory of physics from Plato to Galileo

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By Pierre Dieng

Translated by Pang Xiaoguang


The famous French physicist Dieng's representative work on the history of scientific thought

In a sense, the pamphlet "Saving the Phenomenon" can be seen as a summary of Dion's magnum opus on the history of science, The System of the Universe (10 volumes). Plato's definition of the purpose of astronomy is "saving phenomena" as the wisest and most logical guiding principle for scientific thought to flourish after centuries in the history of science. It provides us with the most direct texts and interpretations of the theoretical elaboration of physics (astronomy) from the time of Plato to the time of Galileo, presenting the debate between the two main traditions of astronomical research, the formalist approach and the realist approach. Pierre Duhem (1861-1916), a famous French theoretical physicist, historian of science, and philosopher of science, was a crucial figure in the field of scientific thought.


Thucydides on Strategy

Grand Strategy in the Peloponnesian War and Its Implications for the Present

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Athanassis G. Platias

Written by Constantinos Koliopoulos

Translated by Liu Wei and Guo Caixin


What is War? What does war mean? How to win the war?

Focusing on these questions, Thucydides provided profound insights comparable to the Art of War and the Theory of War through a History of the Peloponnesian War, which still injects the wisdom of ancient Greece into modern military and international relations research.

Focusing on Thucydides' concept of "strategy", this book provides an in-depth analysis of the game between the parties before and after the Peloponnesian War, and excavates universal and enlightening strategic principles from Thucydides' book based on the concerns of modern strategy, thus forming a vivid mirror of the history of ancient and even modern warfare.

Athanassis S. G. Platias, Professor of Strategy and Dean of the School of Economics, Business Management and International Studies, University of Piraeus, Greece.

Konstantinos Kolyopoulos is Professor of International Relations and Strategic Studies, Department of International and European Affairs, University of Piraeus, Greece.


The World of Knowledge and Human Civilization

The center and periphery of the study of world history

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Chen Heng and Chen Huiben Editor-in-Chief


Systematically sort out the development of global world history

Promote the discourse power of mainland scholars in the field of world history

"The World of Knowledge and Human Civilization" is an annual report on the development of international and domestic world history, which is based on the current situation of knowledge production in world history, and conducts research on countries, regions, fields and topics, takes stock of the specific data and development paths of each discipline, and systematically sorts out the development of global world history. The theme for 2023 is "The Center and the Periphery of World History Research". This collection includes relevant articles by scholars at home and abroad around this theme, covering specific topics such as global history writing, Judaism, regional and country studies, historiographical discourse, and nationalist historiography.

Chen Heng is a professor in the Department of World History at Shanghai Normal University, with research interests in the history and theory of Western historiography and Western urban history. He is the author and translator of World History and Contemporary China, Western Urban Historiography, etc.

Chen Huiben is a lecturer in the Department of World History, School of Humanities, Shanghai Normal University. His research interests include the theory and history of German historiography in the 19th and 20th centuries.


The World of the Han Dynasty: Xuzhou Chuyun

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Tan Ping, Shi Yong, Li Xiaojun, editors-in-chief

Wen Yadi waited


Walk into the Xuzhou Museum and learn about every aspect of the Han world

In this book, the compilation team carefully selected 20 cultural relics from the collection of the Xuzhou Museum, divided them into five themes, and gave in-depth descriptions, with more than 100 exquisite cultural relics and carefully hand-drawn cultural relics illustrations. The content of the story involves the daily life, artistic aesthetics, funeral culture and regional exchanges of the ancients, etc., you can learn about the cultural relics, follow the historical context, feel the stories of those histories, and discover the connection and integration between different civilizations.

Tan Ping is currently the director of the China Cultural Heritage Exchange Center.

Shi Yong is currently a researcher at the Taicang Yangtze River Delta Research Institute of Northwestern Polytechnical University.

Li Xiaojun is the director of Xuzhou Museum.


"History of Zen Thought"

Chinese Roll (Upper and Lower Roll)

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[Day] Slippery Valley is fast in the sky

Translated by Zhu Qianzhi


He is the culmination of the study of Chinese Buddhist thought

An epoch-making masterpiece in the field of Japanese Zen studies and Zen Buddhism

It is known as a masterpiece in the study of the history of Zen thought

Based on the Chinese translation of Buddhist classics and Chinese Buddhist writings, the author discusses the evolution history of Chinese Zen from the Northern and Southern Dynasties to the early Qing Dynasty from six aspects: the era of preparation, the era of pure Zen, the era of Zen machine, the period before the era of Zen Taoism, the period after the era of Zen Taoism and the era of Zen Taoism decline, and points out the characteristics of Zen Buddhism in different historical stages.

Kuaitani Kuaiden (1867-1934) was a Japanese monk and doctor of literature from the Soto sect, and was the president of Komazawa University. He is the author of "History of Zen Thought", "Critical Theory of Zen", "New Theory of Zen", "Bodhidharma and Yangming", etc.


Translation and Modern Japan

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Masao Maruyama, Shuichi Kato

Translated by Chen Liwei


Outline the outline of modern Japanese history with the clues of translation history

A concise history of modern Japan or a history of modern Japanese thought in a different way

Why does the history of Japanese thought attach so much importance to Ogiyu's wandering? Why is Yukichi Fukuzawa's influence so great? Why did modern Japan overthrow the shogunate under the slogan of honoring the emperor and conquering the country? How did Japan move toward nationalism?

Maruyama Maruyama and Monday Kato, two leading figures in the Japanese intellectual circles, held a Q&A dialogue in the form of a question and answer, focusing on the great changes in Japanese thought and culture in the process of Japanese modernization from the perspective of translation, with a particular emphasis on the contribution of intellectuals through translation in the transition from the acceptance of Zhuzi studies to the absorption of Western studies.

Maruyama Mao (1914-1996), a representative and influential political scientist and intellectual historian in Japan after World War II, was known as "Maruyama Political Science" by Japanese academics.

Kato Monday (1919-2008), a Japanese thinker, historian of civilization, critic, novelist, and a Japanese "national treasure" intellectual giant, is known as an "encyclopedic" scholar in contemporary Japan.


The Primordial Complexity of Origins

Relaying the foundation for metaphysics

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Written by Shang Jie


In the adventure of the mind, the original impulse of human beings to "love wisdom" is found

This book examines the intellectual origins of modern continental European philosophy. All of the criticisms point to the fact that traditional philosophy is an oversimplistic grand narrative that ignores the primordial complexity of the origins of philosophy. With the help of re-reading the works of Heidegger, Sartre, Deleuze, Lacan, Derrida, and others, the author points out that they all criticize the ready-made and inevitable nature of thought from different fields such as language, history, and morality. The author argues that necessity should be changed into possibility, and identity should be regarded as repeatable, and repetition means difference, and difference makes the old ideological structure in a state of instability and dissolution. This has led to a shift in philosophy from the macro to the micro, and the face of thought has been completely renewed.

Shang Jie is a researcher at the Institute of Philosophy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. His main research interests include modern continental European philosophy and postmodern thought. His main works include: The Road to Retreat: Traces of French Philosophy in the 20th Century, French Philosophy in the Age of Enlightenment, From Husserl to Derrida, etc.

Kenneth Clark: Life, Art, and Civilization

Book a day

My Worldview

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The word of the day

Dictionary of Ancient Chinese Culture

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