
The woman took her stepson to see a doctor and met her ex-husband and daughter, and was ignored by her daughter as a stranger: I regret it now!

author:Free artboard LrGa8

In the misty rain of Hunan, a woman brought her stepson to the hospital, which was a simple medical treatment, but unexpectedly encountered her ex-husband and biological daughter. In the crowded waiting room, she saw a familiar back, the owner of the past that she didn't want to look back. The daughter has obviously grown up, and the ex-husband next to her also has a bit of the vicissitudes of time. With a hint of expectation and a hint of apprehension, the woman stepped forward to say hello, but was hurt by her daughter's ignorance, and her heart sank to the bottom all of a sudden.

The woman took her stepson to see a doctor and met her ex-husband and daughter, and was ignored by her daughter as a stranger: I regret it now!

At that moment, her heart was like a knife, tears swirling in her eyes, but she forcibly held back to prevent them from falling. She had rehearsed such scenes in countless late nights, but when it actually happened, she realized that she could not rehearse the pain of being regarded as a stranger by her own flesh and blood no matter what.

Back to three years ago, the turning point that determined her fate, the woman and her ex-husband came to the road of divorce due to some trivial conflicts. At that time, she firmly believed that she would have a better choice, and that her looks and talents could help her find new happiness. But reality is cruel, and it doesn't give a person everything she expects because of her self-confidence.

The woman took her stepson to see a doctor and met her ex-husband and daughter, and was ignored by her daughter as a stranger: I regret it now!

In this new marriage, she spent almost every day in cold words with her mother-in-law and estrangement from her husband. In the dead of night, she would recall the bits and pieces with her ex-husband, although there were quarrels and contradictions in those memories, but there were also laughter and the happiness of raising a daughter together. She began to regret why she gave up that marriage and gave up the opportunity to accompany her daughter to grow up on the spur of the moment.

At the time of divorce, the woman was desperate to take her daughter, but was dissuaded by her family, who said that with the child, her chances of remarriage would be greatly reduced. Under the pressure of her family and the prejudice of society, she chose to compromise and chose to leave her daughter.

The woman took her stepson to see a doctor and met her ex-husband and daughter, and was ignored by her daughter as a stranger: I regret it now!

Now, when this woman, who left her daughter for the so-called "better life", saw her daughter as a stranger to her, the guilt and regret in her heart came like a flood. She learned that her ex-husband had been single since the divorce, he had not remarried, and all his energy was focused on his daughter, just for one belief: not to let her daughter suffer a little more grievance.

All this is like the most merciless mockery of the woman's choice. She finally understood that those contradictions that she once thought were irreconcilable, under the baptism of time, were actually just trivial things in life. She began to reflect on whether she had really fulfilled her responsibilities as a mother. Have you ever really thought about your daughter? Is it just selfishly pursuing one's own so-called "happiness"?

The woman took her stepson to see a doctor and met her ex-husband and daughter, and was ignored by her daughter as a stranger: I regret it now!

The woman's experience sparked heated discussions on social networks, with some sympathizing with her plight and believing that anyone has the right to pursue happiness. But more voices were harsh criticisms, pointing out her selfishness and irresponsibility to her marriage. Among those criticisms, some people said: "Marriage is not child's play, and you can't give up because of temporary unhappiness." The child is even more innocent, and maternal love should not be conditional. ”

Today's woman is no longer the woman who was full of confidence and thought that she could easily find happiness. She began to understand that the most important thing in marriage is not the gains and losses, but the shared responsibilities and responsibilities of the two. She also began to understand that true happiness needs to be managed and paid, not blindly demanded.

The woman took her stepson to see a doctor and met her ex-husband and daughter, and was ignored by her daughter as a stranger: I regret it now!

She began to try to communicate with her ex-husband in the hope of reconnecting with her daughter, and despite the difficulties, she knew that she had to pay for her past and must make an effort for her daughter, even if it was only to get her forgiveness.

When facing marriage and family, everyone should carefully consider their own choices and do their best to maintain the purity and integrity of the relationship. Marriage and affection are not child's play, once decided, it means that you have to take on the corresponding responsibilities. And when we make mistakes, we must also have the courage to face them, learn to reflect, and continue to grow, so that we can get out of the shadow of the past and move towards a more mature and complete self.