
Yu Rongguang: Go all the way, what is the reason behind being divorced by your first love at the age of 63


First, Yu Rongguang's life trajectory has taken a major turn. His parents made a crucial decision: to send the young Yu Rongguang to the Shaolin Temple to learn kung fu.

Although this decision seemed risky at the time, it laid a solid foundation for his future acting career. In the days of Shaolin Temple, Xiao Rongguang lived a very different life from ordinary children.

Every morning, when the first rays of sunlight fall on the ancient monastery, he begins his training day. From basic skills to various martial arts routines, the young Yu Rongguang sweated like rain and practiced hard.

Those calloused hands due to long-term martial arts practice have witnessed his efforts and growth. However, Yu Rongguang is not just a martial artist who has been practicing hard. In addition to practicing martial arts, he is also keen to watch various martial arts movies.

Yu Rongguang: Go all the way, what is the reason behind being divorced by your first love at the age of 63

Those heroes on the screen have become idols in his heart. In the dead of night, the young Yu Rongguang often looked up at the starry sky, fantasizing that one day he would be able to show his strength on the screen like those martial arts stars.

Second, this simple dream planted a seed in his heart, waiting for the day it blooms. The experience of Shaolin Temple not only exercised Yu Rongguang's physique, but also cultivated his spirit of hardship and hard work.

This experience became an important spiritual pillar for him to face various challenges in the film and television industry in the future. Although he may not have imagined at the time that this martial arts career would have such a profound impact on his life, it was this experience that laid a solid foundation for his future success in the film industry.

The year 1982 was a turning point for Glory. This year, he became famous in one fell swoop with his outstanding performance in the movie "Shaolin Temple". Although he is only a small supporting role in the film, Yu Rongguang's tough appearance and solid kung fu foundation make him stand out among many roles.

Yu Rongguang: Go all the way, what is the reason behind being divorced by your first love at the age of 63

This play not only established his status in the film industry, but also earned him the reputation of "Screen Stallone". From obscurity to attention, Yu Rongguang's life has undergone earth-shaking changes.

However, fame did not make him lose himself. On the contrary, he honed his acting skills more diligently and constantly tried to break through himself. In the years that followed, Yu Rongguang played many roles, from tough guys to delicate literary dramas, he worked hard to interpret the unique charm of the role.

However, as time passed, Yu Rongguang gradually realized that relying only on appearance and kung fu was far from enough. He began to inject his own understanding and emotion into each character, striving to make each character have a unique soul.

Three, as he himself said: "Every role I play has a unique personality charm. This attitude of pursuing perfection has made his position in the hearts of the audience more and more solid.

Yu Rongguang: Go all the way, what is the reason behind being divorced by your first love at the age of 63

In this process, Yu Rongguang also began to try some delicate and subtle character interpretations. He is no longer satisfied with a simple tough guy image, but tries to integrate more layers and connotations into the role.

This transformation has made his performances more colorful and has also made his position in the entertainment industry more solid. However, success has not been without its challenges. While his acting career is thriving, Yu Rongguang is also facing tremendous pressure.

In order to maintain the image of "Screen Stallone", he had to work harder to keep himself in top shape. At the same time, he also needs to continue to learn and improve his acting skills to meet the challenges of increasingly diverse roles.

Despite this, Yu Rongguang has always maintained his love and dedication to acting. Starting from "Shaolin Temple", he has stepped up to the peak of his acting career step by step and has become a powerful actor loved by the audience.

Yu Rongguang: Go all the way, what is the reason behind being divorced by your first love at the age of 63

Fourth, this brilliant acting career is not only Yu Rongguang's personal success, but also a microcosm of the development of China's film and television industry. While his career was booming, 23-year-old Yu Rongguang ushered in another important turning point in his life.

In 1986, he met an ordinary communication girl on the set. Although this encounter was ordinary, it started Yu Rongguang's 35-year married life. The young Yu Rongguang was attracted by the girl's innocence, and the two quickly fell in love.

In the entertainment industry at that time, there were not many stars who could stick to their first love and not be moved by fame and fortune. Yu Rongguang resolutely chose this simple love. However, married life is not a fairy tale.

Yu Rongguang, who has just stepped into the film industry, is facing great pressure and temptation in his career. In order to gain a foothold in the highly competitive film and television industry, he had to devote most of his time and energy to his work.

Yu Rongguang: Go all the way, what is the reason behind being divorced by your first love at the age of 63

This dedication has undoubtedly brought challenges to his married life. The long-term gathering of less and more separation, inevitably led to emotional alienation. Yu Rongguang rotated on the set, while his wife waited at home, and the life trajectory of the two gradually drifted apart.

His wife silently supported Yu Rongguang's career and took on the responsibility of taking care of the family. She gave up her career development to become a full-time housewife and devote herself wholeheartedly to her family.

Fifth, this kind of silent dedication is the greatest support for glory and an important factor in the maintenance of their marriage. As Yu Rongguang himself said, his wife's dedication allowed him to film with peace of mind and no worries.

However, as time goes on, conflicts between husband and wife continue to accumulate. For the sake of his career development, Yu Rongguang had to film outside for a long time, and spent less time with his wife and children.

Yu Rongguang: Go all the way, what is the reason behind being divorced by your first love at the age of 63

Their married life gradually fell into the actual state of the so-called "shaped marriage life". Despite this, the two still worked hard to maintain this relationship, like thousands of ordinary families, looking for the temperature of love in firewood, rice, oil and salt.

35 years of marriage has witnessed the whole process of Yu Rongguang from a young man to a successful man, and then to the twilight of his life. However, in 2021, this seemingly stable marriage still came to an end.

63-year-old Yu Rongguang is facing the painful choice of divorcing his first wife. As soon as this news broke, it immediately attracted wide attention from the media. However, Yu Rongguang chose to remain silent and did not reveal any details about the divorce to the outside world.

The end of this marriage is not only a major turning point in Yu Rongguang's personal life, but also makes people reflect on how to balance career and family in the entertainment industry. Yu Rongguang's experience tells us that even successful people cannot escape the trials of life.

Yu Rongguang: Go all the way, what is the reason behind being divorced by your first love at the age of 63

Sixth, 35 years of marriage, after all, cannot compete with the erosion of years and the pressure of reality. However, we cannot deny that this marriage has given Yu Rongguang support and warmth, and it is an indispensable part of Yu Rongguang's life journey.

After reaching the peak of his acting career, Yu Rongguang began to think about his future development direction. Years of screen career have allowed him to accumulate a wealth of experience, but at the same time, he has also felt a certain degree of bottleneck.

He realized that relying only on being an actor could no longer satisfy his artistic pursuits. So, in 2018, Yu Rongguang, who is over half a hundred years old, resolutely decided to try to transform and began to get involved in directing work.

Yu Rongguang's directorial debut was the "Furious Wars" series of films. This attempt gave him a taste of directing and strengthened his determination to continue exploring. Although the results were not satisfactory, this experience made Yu Rongguang more aware of the complexity and challenges of directing.

Yu Rongguang: Go all the way, what is the reason behind being divorced by your first love at the age of 63

He knew that the road to transformation would be full of thorns, but he still chose to move forward. While working hard to transform, Yu Rongguang did not give up his identity as an actor. He participated in the filming of important works such as "Changjin Lake", and proved that he is still an excellent actor with superb acting skills.

Seventh, this attempt to act and guide shows Yu Rongguang's persistent pursuit of art and the courage to constantly break through himself. In 2022, Yu Rongguang once again showed his acting strength with "The Mistake by the River" and was successfully selected for China's "Seeing Emperor" training class.

This is not only an affirmation of his acting skills, but also injects new vitality into his career. However, the road to transformation has not been easy. Industry insiders questioned Rongguang's directing ability, believing that he lacked overall control ability and in-depth understanding of the plot.

Some people pointed out that Yu Rongguang's directorial works have the problem of "greed for perfection and lack of overall view and distinctive characteristics". These critical voices undoubtedly brought tremendous pressure to Yu Rongguang.

Yu Rongguang: Go all the way, what is the reason behind being divorced by your first love at the age of 63

In the face of these doubts, Yu Rongguang was not discouraged. On the contrary, he maintained his usual tenacity and perseverance, working harder to learn and improve himself. He believes that as long as he perseveres, he will eventually achieve something on the road to directing.

As he himself said, "I'm like a rookie director now, and I need to learn from scratch. This humble attitude and unremitting efforts demonstrate Yu Rongguang's courage and determination in the face of challenges.

Despite the challenges of transformation, Yu Rongguang has always maintained his love for the film industry. His experience has taught us that no matter how old you are, it's never too late to dream.

Eighth, from a tough guy on the screen to a director behind the scenes, Yu Rongguang is interpreting what a real film and television person is with his own actions. In 2021, 63-year-old Yu Rongguang ushered in the darkest moment of his life.

Yu Rongguang: Go all the way, what is the reason behind being divorced by your first love at the age of 63

This year, he suffered a double blow to his career and marriage, which made this former screen tough guy have to re-examine his life. In terms of career, Yu Rongguang's new work "Shaking Kyushu" suffered an unprecedented failure.

This new original film directed by him with all his heart and soul is not only mediocre in terms of word-of-mouth, but also a big disappointment for fans. After the release of the film, the audience responded coldly, and some industry insiders even bluntly pointed out that Yu Rongguang's directorial works have the problem of "greed for perfection, lack of overall view and distinctive characteristics".

This defeat made Yu Rongguang deeply feel the changes in the audience's tastes and the cruelty of the market. At the same time, he experienced the end of his 35-year marriage. This relationship, which has accompanied him for most of his life, has not escaped the erosion of time in the end.

After the news of the divorce came out, Yu Rongguang once became the focus of media attention. However, in the face of all kinds of speculation and discussion from the outside world, he chose to remain silent and did not reveal any details about the divorce to the outside world.

Yu Rongguang: Go all the way, what is the reason behind being divorced by your first love at the age of 63

Ninth, this low period not only tested Yu Rongguang's will, but also made him have to face various challenges brought by age. In this rapidly changing film and television industry, 63-year-old Yu Rongguang seems to be a little powerless.

However, it was these setbacks and blows that made him more aware of his situation and inspired him to regain his strength. Despite the setback, Yu Rongguang did not choose to give up.

He knows that in this rapidly changing film and television industry, only by continuous learning and progress can he keep up with the pace of the times. In the face of doubts and challenges, he chose to respond with practical actions.

Yu Rongguang continues to work hard in the film and television industry, trying to find a balance between being an actor and a director. He believes that his years of experience in film will definitely play a role in directing work.

Yu Rongguang: Go all the way, what is the reason behind being divorced by your first love at the age of 63

Ten, at the same time, he did not give up his identity as an actor, and still treated every role with a professional attitude. In this young people-dominated film and television industry, 63-year-old Yu Rongguang may no longer be the focus, but he is still working silently.

He uses his persistence to interpret what a real film and television person is. For the future, Yu Rongguang is full of expectations, and he believes that as long as he continues to work hard, he will be able to create brilliance again.

In the face of negative comments in the media, Yu Rongguang chose to respond positively. In a follow-up interview, he said: "My fans are warm-hearted. This attitude shows his optimism and strength in the face of adversity.

At the same time, he is constantly reflecting on and improving his working methods, and strives to improve his directing ability. In order to re-establish his image, Yu Rongguang began to choose projects more carefully.

Yu Rongguang: Go all the way, what is the reason behind being divorced by your first love at the age of 63

11. He said that in the future, he will pay more attention to the quality of his works, rather than blindly pursuing quantity. This attitude shows his responsible attitude towards his career and also reflects his growth after experiencing setbacks.

Although facing the double pressure of age and the market, Yu Rongguang has not given up his film dream. He continued to work silently in the film and television industry, proving with his practical actions that as long as you have a dream, it is never too late.

For the future, Yu Rongguang is full of confidence, and he believes that with his own efforts and experience, he will eventually find his place in this industry again.

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