
The film version of Water Margin 33 years ago, Yu Rongguang's early martial arts film, cut 20 minutes, still became a classic

author:A story gallery

During the Northern Song Dynasty, the world was turbulent and the people were struggling to make a living. In this era of injustice and oppression, a group of heroes from all walks of life were forced to gather in Liangshanbo, Shuibo, the Yellow River.

Among these people are wronged generals, framed officials, and ordinary people who have been forced to helpless, and each of them has a desire for justice and a yearning for freedom burning in their eyes.

The film version of Water Margin 33 years ago, Yu Rongguang's early martial arts film, cut 20 minutes, still became a classic

These people fled to Shuibo Liangshanbo, which became their refuge and base camp against injustice. At first, they were wary and distrustful of each other, and they set up a rudimentary camp in the woods of Yangsan, sat around a campfire at night, and began to tell their stories.

One man clenched his fists and gritted his teeth about the injustice he had suffered; On the other side, someone sobbed under his breath, reminiscing about his lost loved ones; Still others have a firm eye on the future of overthrowing tyranny.

Over time, these stories ignited the blood in everyone's hearts like sparks, making them gradually let down their guard and start trusting and supporting each other.

The heroes of Liangshan recognized that although they came from different backgrounds, they all experienced the same hardships and ideals. Therefore, they decided to unite and form a strong resistance force.

The film version of Water Margin 33 years ago, Yu Rongguang's early martial arts film, cut 20 minutes, still became a classic

They began to train and make plans to prepare for future operations.

In this process, Song Jiang, Lu Junyi and others showed excellent leadership and strategic thinking, and became the core leadership force of Liangshan, who led this group of heroes to gradually grow, so that Shuibo Liangshanbo is no longer just a hiding place, but has become a symbol of resistance to tyranny and justice.

With the passage of time, the reputation of the heroes of Liangshan gradually spread among the people. More and more people who are struggling in the sea of suffering are pinning their hopes on them. The heroes of Liangshan felt a great responsibility and decided to seek justice for the people of the world.

The film version of Water Margin 33 years ago, Yu Rongguang's early martial arts film, cut 20 minutes, still became a classic

Their rise heralds the imminent start of a thrilling battle for justice.

The popularity of the heroes of Liangshan grew, and the conflict with the official forces became more and more intense. In the face of powerful oppression, everyone must make a difficult choice: whether to bow to reality and survive in secret, or choose to stand up and defend their beliefs and principles.

It's a tough choice. Many were once members of the imperial court, but now they have to fight against them. Their hearts are full of contradictions and struggles. However, when they remembered the suffering of the people and the expectations of their brothers, their eyes became firm.

The film version of Water Margin 33 years ago, Yu Rongguang's early martial arts film, cut 20 minutes, still became a classic

As shown in the movie, the heroes of Liangshan chose to stand on the side of justice, even if it meant a complete break with the imperial court and no turning back.

From this moment on, the heroes of Liangshan embarked on a path full of thorns, and they went through a series of thrilling adventures and struggles to finally achieve their goal.

They infiltrated the government in the dark of night and bravely rescued the people who had been wronged; In the mountains and forests, he fought with the agile pursuers and launched a thrilling chase battle; In the city, they confronted corrupt officials and bullies head-on, engaging in fierce duels.

The film version of Water Margin 33 years ago, Yu Rongguang's early martial arts film, cut 20 minutes, still became a classic

Every battle is a test of their faith. In the shadow of swords and swords, the figures of the heroes of Liangshan became taller and taller; After the baptism of blood and fire, their will was strengthened.

They have proved by their actions that justice is not absent despite difficulties.

The movie "Water Margin" perfectly shows the thrill and intensity of these struggles through well-choreographed action scenes and martial arts scenes. With the superb acting skills of outstanding actors such as Jiang David and Dillon, the bravery of the heroes of Liangshan in battle and their tenacity in difficult situations are vividly displayed.

The film version of Water Margin 33 years ago, Yu Rongguang's early martial arts film, cut 20 minutes, still became a classic

Although some of them were cut by 20 minutes later, these wonderful fight scenes and character portrayals still became the highlight of the film, allowing the audience to deeply experience the determination and courage of the heroes of Liangshan to fight for justice.

In these struggles, the heroes of Liangshan not only rebelled against the official forces, but also challenged the injustice of the whole society. Although their actions are often on the edge of the law, they have won the love and support of the people, because they have become the bulwark of the vulnerable and the bastion of justice, and have become the embodiment of justice.

This movie, "Water Margin", uses a journey full of hardships and trials to create the heroic image of the heroes of Liangshan, and profoundly interprets the chivalrous spirit in traditional Chinese culture.

The film version of Water Margin 33 years ago, Yu Rongguang's early martial arts film, cut 20 minutes, still became a classic

Their stories have become timeless classics that inspire future generations to pursue justice and resist injustice.

In many confrontations with foreign enemies, the heroes of Liangshan gradually established a deep brotherhood. This kind of righteousness has become their greatest strength to resist strong enemies, and it is also one of the core themes of the movie "Water Margin".

Everything stems from a war, a war that took place twenty years ago......

The film version of Water Margin 33 years ago, Yu Rongguang's early martial arts film, cut 20 minutes, still became a classic

The movie "Brothers' Battalion" depicts a group of soldiers from different backgrounds in wartime, who come from different countries and nationalities, united by a deep brotherhood, and face the cruelty of war together.

At first, there was a gap and mistrust between this group of people, they came from different countries and nationalities, with different cultures and values, and they did not have a good relationship.

However, under the brutality of war and the pressure of life and death, this group of soldiers gradually builds a deep bond, and the film shows the formation of this brotherhood through several wonderful scenes.

The film version of Water Margin 33 years ago, Yu Rongguang's early martial arts film, cut 20 minutes, still became a classic

The main character in the movie is an American soldier who has lost his comrades in the war and feels very lonely and helpless. At this time, he met a soldier from Germany, who, like him, was a lonely soldier, and they began to help each other, support each other, and gradually developed a deep relationship.

The other protagonist in the film is a soldier from Russia, he is a sniper, he excels in the war, his sniping skills are very high. During the war, he met a soldier from China, a paramedic who saved many lives in the war.

They began to help each other, supported each other, and gradually built a deep bond.

The film version of Water Margin 33 years ago, Yu Rongguang's early martial arts film, cut 20 minutes, still became a classic

The group of soldiers in the movie, they come from different countries and nationalities, have different cultures and values, and the relationship between them is not harmonious. However, under the brutality of war and the pressure of life and death, they gradually developed a deep bond.

They helped each other, supported each other, faced the cruelty of war together, and they became true brothers.

The movie "Brothers' Battalion" shows the audience the cruelty of war and the beauty of humanity by telling the story of this group of soldiers. The group of soldiers in the movie, although they come from different countries and nationalities, have different cultures and values, they have developed a deep bond during the war, and they have become real brothers.

The film version of Water Margin 33 years ago, Yu Rongguang's early martial arts film, cut 20 minutes, still became a classic

The group of soldiers in the movie, their stories are moving, making people think, and making people feel the beauty of human nature.

For example, in a fierce battle, a heroic man accidentally fell into the encirclement of the enemy. Seeing that they were about to become enemies, the other brothers bravely rushed into the enemy line and tried to save them, regardless of their personal safety.

And this kind of heroic behavior of sacrificing life and forgetting death is the true embodiment of the righteousness of the rivers and lakes.

The film version of Water Margin 33 years ago, Yu Rongguang's early martial arts film, cut 20 minutes, still became a classic

The film delicately depicts how heroes get along with each other in their daily lives. Together, they shared the joy of victory, but also the pain of defeat. In Liangshanzhai, no matter how high or low they are, everyone is an equal brother.

This spirit of sharing weal and suffering is a perfect example of the chivalrous spirit in traditional Chinese culture.

The directors of the Water Margin have cleverly chosen a variety of techniques to show brotherhood. The subtle facial close-up makes it easy to feel the trust and tacit understanding in the eyes of the heroes; The powerful dialogue allows us to listen deeply to their care and encouragement for each other; The group drama scene is even more shocking, allowing us to see the strength of the unity of the heroes of Liangshan.

The film version of Water Margin 33 years ago, Yu Rongguang's early martial arts film, cut 20 minutes, still became a classic

This deep sense of brotherhood is revealed through mutual cover on the battlefield and many details of daily life, not just blood relations.

Not only does it transcend the boundaries of blood, but it forms a purer and more solid emotional bond.

It is this kind of righteousness that makes the heroes of Liangshan transform from a scattered and disorderly team into a united collective. This kind of righteousness not only enhanced their combat effectiveness, but also made them firm and full of determination in the struggle.

The film version of Water Margin 33 years ago, Yu Rongguang's early martial arts film, cut 20 minutes, still became a classic

This brotherhood gives them endless courage and strength when faced with a formidable enemy.

"Water Margin" takes this deep brotherhood as the core, tells a moving story, and inherits a priceless spirit. This spirit has gone through the baptism of time and space and has become an indelible bright light in Chinese culture.

In 1972, among many directors, Zhang Che, Bao Xueli and Wu Ma's decision reached its peak, and they decided to put the reverberation of Water Margin on the screen. Although this decision was full of challenges, their inner enthusiasm and determination drove them to move forward and be determined to bring the charm of this classic of Chinese literature to the big screen.

The film version of Water Margin 33 years ago, Yu Rongguang's early martial arts film, cut 20 minutes, still became a classic

During the preparation, the directors have been working around the clock on the script, striving to show the essence of the Water Margin story as much as possible under the limited screen time. They know that it is not easy to condense such a grand story into a single film.

The choice of every scene, the consideration of every dialogue, have poured their hearts and souls.

In order to make the lifelike images of the heroes of Liangshan come alive, the directors spared no cost and invited the first-line actors at that time, including Jiang David, Dillon and others. These actors live up to the trust and show the image of the Water Margin heroes vividly with their superb acting skills.

The film version of Water Margin 33 years ago, Yu Rongguang's early martial arts film, cut 20 minutes, still became a classic

During the filming, everyone gave their all and put their heart and soul into it. Song Jiang, played by Jiang David, is sometimes kind and kind, sometimes majestic and decisive, and vividly interprets a wise and brave lord of Liangshan.

Dillon's role shows the bravery and heroism of the heroes of Liangshan, and the other actors also do their best to interpret their roles to the extreme.

The difficulty of shooting action scenes cannot be ignored. In order to present the most realistic fighting effect, the actors did not hesitate to get hurt. According to reports, during the filming of the fight scene, some actors were accidentally injured, but they still insisted on completing the filming.

The film version of Water Margin 33 years ago, Yu Rongguang's early martial arts film, cut 20 minutes, still became a classic

Their professionalism infects the entire crew and makes everyone work with 200 percent enthusiasm.

The directors especially focus on portraying the righteousness of the rivers and lakes in the story of the Water Margin. They used delicate facial close-ups, infectious dialogues and shocking group scenes to successfully show the deep friendship between the heroes of Liangshan.

This work came out amazingly, and countless efforts were solidified in it. The film unfolds slowly in the projector, and the images presented on the screen take all the audience away. The heroism of the heroes of Liangshan, the joys and sorrows of the children of the rivers and lakes, seem to have passed through thousands of years and appeared vividly in front of the audience.

The film version of Water Margin 33 years ago, Yu Rongguang's early martial arts film, cut 20 minutes, still became a classic

Since its inception, "Water Margin" has not only been widely praised for its colorful storyline and exquisite production skills, but more importantly, it has successfully put the chivalrous spirit of traditional Chinese culture on the screen, allowing the audience to deeply feel the unique charm of Chinese culture in the audio-visual feast.

The birth of this work marks the birth of a new martial arts movie classic.

As soon as the work "Water Margin" was released, it caused quite a stir in Hong Kong and the international market. The audience was shocked by the thrilling fight scenes in the film, attracted by the intricacies of the relationship between the characters, and even more moved by the chivalrous spirit conveyed by the film.

The film version of Water Margin 33 years ago, Yu Rongguang's early martial arts film, cut 20 minutes, still became a classic

This work successfully brought the heroism and righteousness of traditional Chinese culture to the screen, and won wide praise from the audience.

However, the original version was 160 minutes long, which was slightly lengthy for the audience at the time. In order to make the story more tight-paced, the producers made a difficult decision: cut 20 minutes of content.

The decision has caused a lot of controversy, with some fearing that the cuts would affect the integrity of the story, while others believe that it would make the film more concise.

The film version of Water Margin 33 years ago, Yu Rongguang's early martial arts film, cut 20 minutes, still became a classic

Eventually, after much discussion and careful editing, a 140-minute version was born. Surprisingly, the cut version not only did not affect the viewing experience, but made the story more compact and the pace more bright.

The audience has said that this version has made them more enjoyable to watch, and even unsatisfied.

"The Deleted Water Margin" retains the most exciting action scenes and the most touching plots, such as the heroic battles of the heroes of Liangshan and the brotherhood of sharing hardships. In the film, the superb acting skills of the leading actors Jiang David and Dillon are still vividly expressed, and the heroism and brotherhood of the heroes of Liangshan deeply touched the hearts of the audience.

The film version of Water Margin 33 years ago, Yu Rongguang's early martial arts film, cut 20 minutes, still became a classic

The successful abridged version proves the truth of "less is more" in the art of cinema, it is like a sword that has been tempered a thousand times, sharper and more memorable. It is this version that has become a classic that has been handed down to this day.

Now, 33 years later, when we revisit this film, we can still feel its unique charm. The chivalrous spirit, brotherhood, and pursuit of justice shown in the film can still arouse strong resonance among the audience.

"Water Margin" is not only a wonderful martial arts film, but also a monument in the history of Chinese cinema.

The film version of Water Margin 33 years ago, Yu Rongguang's early martial arts film, cut 20 minutes, still became a classic

The success of this work not only opened up a new path for Chinese martial arts films, but also expanded the prospects of traditional Chinese cultural themes in the international market, inspiring more directors to devote themselves to the creation of this theme.

The success of "Water Margin" is not only a victory for a film, but also a victory for Chinese culture on the world stage.

The success of "Water Margin" lies not only in the wonderful story and excellent production, but also in the profound theme and practical significance it conveys. This 33-year-old TV series can still resonate and think among the audience even if you watch it today.

The film version of Water Margin 33 years ago, Yu Rongguang's early martial arts film, cut 20 minutes, still became a classic

The struggle of the heroes of Liangshan in the film "Water Margin" triggered the audience's deep reflection on social justice. The choices made by leaders such as Song Jiang in the face of injustice have led to reflection on the relationship between the individual and the collective, and what actions should be taken when faced with injustice.

These themes still have vivid relevance in modern society, making "Water Margin" a mirror that reflects the brilliance and darkness of human nature, and the fairness and injustice of society.

At the same time, the success of "Water Margin" has also greatly promoted the progress and development of martial arts films. The film pioneered a number of techniques and artistic techniques, drawing on the valuable experience of martial arts filmmaking.

The film version of Water Margin 33 years ago, Yu Rongguang's early martial arts film, cut 20 minutes, still became a classic

Many directors and actors have said that this work is their enlightenment work in the field of film and television performance, and it has had a profound impact on their later creative path.

More importantly, the film has the function of showcasing the charm of Chinese culture, thereby improving the audience's cultural self-confidence. It allows the world to see the strength of Chinese films, and also lays the foundation for the international development of Chinese films.

After 33 years, "Water Margin" is still an immortal monument in the history of literature, and its classic status cannot be shaken at any time. Each return can bring different insights and gains, inspiring future generations to draw endless wisdom and value from it.

The film version of Water Margin 33 years ago, Yu Rongguang's early martial arts film, cut 20 minutes, still became a classic

"Water Margin" is an excellent work, even after being cut, it can still maintain its charm and influence, which proves an important point: excellent works have the power to transcend time and space, and can become timeless classics, constantly inspiring later creators and infecting generations of audiences.

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