
Chen Yihan Xu Fuxiang Cold War: The so-called perfect marriage is just a scam


Marriage, this ancient and eternal topic, has always caused people to discuss and think endlessly. Chen Yihan and Xu Fuxiang, a star couple, showed us a side of their marriage in the variety show "Happiness Trio" - the Cold War. This can't help but make people sigh, it turns out that even couples who are envied by the outside world will have their own contradictions and conflicts.

First of all, we have to understand that marriage is not a fairy tale, it cannot be flawless. Every marriage has its imperfections, which are precisely the reflection of the authenticity of marriage. Just like Chen Yihan and Xu Fuxiang, their cold war may be just a small episode in their married life, but this little episode allows us to see the other side of marriage.

In marriage, conflict is inevitable. Two people, from different families, have different growth backgrounds and values, and when these differences collide in daily life, friction will inevitably occur. However, conflicts are not terrible, the key is how we face and resolve them. The Cold War between Chen Yihan and Xu Fuxiang is a way to resolve conflicts. They chose to calm down for a while, give each other some space, let the emotions have a buffer, and then sit down, communicate calmly, and find a solution to the problem.

Chen Yihan Xu Fuxiang Cold War: The so-called perfect marriage is just a scam

This way of dealing with conflict is actually a sign of maturity. It tells us that in the face of imperfections in marriage, we should not run away, but face them bravely and resolve them with wisdom and patience. Because it is these imperfections that constitute the authenticity of our marriage and make our marriage more colorful.

Of course, conflict in marriage is not always bad. Sometimes, conflict can be an opportunity for couples to communicate and better understand each other's thoughts and needs. Just like Chen Yihan and Xu Fuxiang, their cold war may make them more aware of their roles and responsibilities in marriage, so that they can better adjust themselves and make the marriage relationship more harmonious.

In addition, conflicts in marriage can also be a catalyst for affection between couples. When conflicts are properly resolved, the bond between couples is often deepened by the difficulties they have experienced together. This kind of experience is like a test in marriage, so that the relationship between two people can be tempered and sublimated in the wind and rain.

Chen Yihan Xu Fuxiang Cold War: The so-called perfect marriage is just a scam

In short, conflicts and imperfections in marriage are inevitable. But it is these imperfections that make our marriages more real and flesh-and-blood. We must learn to accept and face these imperfections, use love and wisdom to resolve conflicts, and let marriage shine more brightly in the midst of imperfections.

Marriage, the sacred temple that countless people yearn for and pursue, is always full of expectations. But reality often tells us that even couples who are seen as models of happy marriages have problems and contradictions in their relationships. An Jie and Jiang Defu in the TV series "Parents Love" are such a couple who are both envious and emotional.

An Jie and Jiang Defu, their marriage is regarded by many as a model of happiness. They supported each other and went through ups and downs together. However, behind this seeming perfection, they also have their own problems and contradictions. These problems and contradictions are not flaws in their marriage, but a portrayal of their real lives.

Chen Yihan Xu Fuxiang Cold War: The so-called perfect marriage is just a scam

First of all, there is a big difference in their living habits. An Jie is a person who pays attention to the quality of life, she likes a clean and orderly living environment, while Jiang Defu is more casual and comfortable. This difference inevitably creates friction in everyday life. For example, An Jie may be dissatisfied with Jiang Defu's random things, while Jiang Defu may feel that An Jie is too particular and lacks the joy of life.

In addition to their living habits, they also differ in values. An Jie attaches more importance to spiritual satisfaction, and what she pursues is inner peace and the realization of self-worth. Jiang Defu, on the other hand, pays more attention to the stability of material life and family harmony. This difference in values sometimes leads them to have different perspectives and ways of dealing with problems.

However, it is these differences that make their marriages more colorful. Through continuous running-in and communication, they gradually found a balance with each other. An Jie learned to accept Jiang Defu's casualness, and Jiang Defu also learned to respect An Jie's pursuit. They begin to try to understand each other, to adapt to each other's lifestyle, to tolerate each other's shortcomings.

Chen Yihan Xu Fuxiang Cold War: The so-called perfect marriage is just a scam

This run-in process is not all smooth sailing. They will have arguments and misunderstandings, but the important thing is that they are willing to make changes for each other's sake and for the sake of this marriage. They learn to calm down after an argument, to listen to each other, to understand each other's feelings. They learn to take the initiative to communicate after misunderstandings, to explain their ideas, to bridge the gap between them.

Through such a run-in, their relationship became more harmonious. They began to cherish each other more and know how to love each other more. Their marriage, although not perfect, is real and warm. They use their own experiences to tell us that problems and conflicts in marriage are not insurmountable obstacles, but the only way to happiness.

So, don't be afraid of imperfections in your marriage. It is these imperfections that make our marriage more real and more vibrant. We must face these problems and contradictions bravely, solve them with love and wisdom, and let our marriage shine more brightly in the midst of imperfection.

Chen Yihan Xu Fuxiang Cold War: The so-called perfect marriage is just a scam

In the entertainment industry, the marriage of celebrities always attracts much attention, and people often only see their glamorous appearance, but rarely understand the real problems in their marriage. Zhang Guoli and Deng Jie, a celebrity couple, their married life shows us the true face of celebrity marriage.

Zhang Guoli and Deng Jie, as senior actors in the entertainment industry, their marriage has gone through decades of ups and downs. To the outside world, their marriage seems flawless, but in fact, they are also facing various practical problems. These problems are not particularly existent because they are celebrities, but the challenges that are commonly encountered in married life.

Deng Jie, a woman with a strong personality, her independence and strength are the capital for her to gain a foothold in the entertainment industry. And Zhang Guoli, a gentle and elegant man, his tolerance and understanding are his virtues as a husband. In their marriage, Deng Jie's strength did not become an obstacle to their relationship, but with Zhang Guoli's tolerance, it became a beautiful scenery in their marriage.

Chen Yihan Xu Fuxiang Cold War: The so-called perfect marriage is just a scam

Their way of getting along with each other can be said to be very unique. In the face of problems and contradictions, Deng Jie will directly express her views and ideas, while Zhang Guoli will listen patiently and give understanding and support. This way of getting along reflects their mutual understanding and support in their marriage, and also makes their relationship stronger.

For example, in family life, Deng Jie may have her own insistence on some trivial matters, while Zhang Guoli will respect her opinions and even compromise when necessary. This kind of tolerance is not weakness, but a kind of respect and love for your partner. At the same time, Deng Jie will also give Zhang Guoli support at critical moments, such as when he encounters difficulties in his career, she will not hesitate to stand by his side and give him strength.

Although their marriage has had its share of twists and turns, it is these twists and turns that have made their relationship deeper. They use their own experiences to show us that mutual understanding and support in marriage is the key to maintaining a marriage. Whether it is a celebrity or an ordinary person, this mutual understanding and support is needed in marriage to face various challenges in life.

Chen Yihan Xu Fuxiang Cold War: The so-called perfect marriage is just a scam

Zhang Guoli and Deng Jie's marriage, although not perfect, is real. They use their own way to manage and maintain this marriage, so that it can still shine under the pressure of reality. Their story allows us to see the reality of celebrity marriage, and also makes us understand that no matter what the identity is, marriage requires the joint efforts and dedication of both parties.

So, don't be fooled by the superficial light, every marriage has its difficulties. Like Zhang Guoli and Deng Jie, we must learn to understand each other in marriage, support each other, and face everything in life with love and wisdom. In this way, our marriage can become stronger and better in the test of reality.

Marriage, like a long river, is sometimes calm, sometimes choppy. In this river, the communication between husband and wife is like a bridge in the river, connecting each other's hearts, allowing both parties to understand and support each other even in the waves. When problems arise in a marriage, the importance of communication is self-evident, and finding a solution that suits both parties is the key to maintaining a harmonious marriage.

Chen Yihan Xu Fuxiang Cold War: The so-called perfect marriage is just a scam

Chen Yihan and Xu Fuxiang, a star couple, their married life provides us with a good example. In the variety show "Happiness Trio" in which they participated, we saw how they dealt with conflicts - running. It's a simple but effective way to help them resolve their conflicts, and it also strengthens their relationship.

In marriage, there are many ways to communicate, but not all of them are suitable for every couple. Chen Yihan and Xu Fuxiang chose running as their way of communication, which actually has a deep understanding of each other. Running is a way to release stress and a process of self-reflection. In the process of running, they can temporarily put aside the trivial things of life, focus on their hearts, and listen to their own voice.

What's more, running is a shared activity that gives couples the opportunity to communicate while exercising. During the run, they can share each other's thoughts, express their feelings, and even discuss issues that are usually difficult to talk about in a relaxed atmosphere. This way of communication not only avoids face-to-face tension, but also allows both parties to find resonance and enhance understanding in sports.

Of course, every couple has their own unique approach to dealing with problems. Some couples may choose to sit down and have a deep conversation, some may express their feelings by writing letters, and some may develop a tacit understanding by completing a task together. Either way, the key is to find a communication style that works for both parties, so that both parties can be released and grow in communication.

In marriage, communication is not only a means to solve problems, but also an emotional exchange. Through communication, couples can better understand each other's needs and expectations, and can identify and solve potential problems, thus avoiding the accumulation and intensification of conflicts. At the same time, communication is also an emotional investment, which can allow couples to build a stronger emotional foundation in mutual understanding and support.

So, when we encounter problems in our marriage, do not rush to avoid or complain, but learn to take the initiative to communicate and find solutions that work for us and our partner. Just like Chen Yihan and Xu Fuxiang, they use the unique way of running to resolve conflicts and enhance feelings. Communication and resolution in marriage are important tools for us to grow together and face life's challenges together. Let us use love and wisdom to manage and maintain our marriage, so that it will be more harmonious and better in communication.

Marriage, a word that sounds romantic and warm, actually hides countless trials and challenges behind it. It is not a simple long-distance love run, but a journey that requires both parties to manage and persevere. The Lost Lady and the Bible's ideas provide us with a profound revelation: marriage requires compromise, effort, and management on both sides.

In Gone Girl, we see an extreme example of how even the most intimate relationships can collapse due to a lack of communication and understanding. In the Bible, marriage is described as a sacred covenant that needs to be upheld and respected by both spouses. These two perspectives, although they have different starting points, both emphasize management and perseverance in marriage.

The management in marriage is first reflected in the understanding and tolerance of each other. Everyone has their own personality and habits, and when two independent individuals come together, there will inevitably be friction and conflict. At this time, we need to learn to compromise, learn to think from the other person's point of view, and understand the other person's feelings. This kind of compromise is not a renunciation of the self, but a manifestation of mature love.

Secondly, the management of marriage is also reflected in the pursuit of a common goal. Husbands and wives need to have common goals and values in life so that they can work together to overcome difficulties and challenges. This common goal can be a simple family life or a higher level of spiritual pursuit. But no matter what the goal is, both sides need to work together to fight for it.

Of course, perseverance in marriage is the most beautiful part. Even in the face of imperfections, even if we encounter great difficulties, we still choose to love and persevere. This kind of persistence is not only a commitment to marriage, but also a belief in love. It allows us not to give up easily in the long river of marriage, even if we encounter storms, but to face it bravely and move forward firmly.

In real life, we can see a lot of examples of this. Some couples, after years of ups and downs, are still able to hold hands and face the challenges of life together. Their persistence is not only their love for each other, but also their love for life and hope for the future. This persistence has made their marriage more resilient and precious.

Therefore, the management and perseverance of love in marriage are topics that each of us needs to learn and practice. We need to learn to compromise in marriage, learn to understand each other, and learn to pursue goals together. At the same time, we must also be brave to love and persevere in the face of imperfection. Because only in this way can our marriage be stronger in the midst of storms and stronger in the face of challenges. Let us use love and wisdom to manage our marriage and make it the most precious treasure in our lives.

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