
The core of wealth management: treat every penny rationally, what is the difference between the thinking of the poor and the rich?

author:Pink elephants

At 11 p.m., Liu Ming (not his real name) was still sitting in his office, the numbers on the screen constantly jumping. As the CEO of a startup, he is reviewing the financial statements for the current quarter. Suddenly, a WeChat message interrupted his thoughts.

The core of wealth management: treat every penny rationally, what is the difference between the thinking of the poor and the rich?

"Lao Liu, tomorrow is our 20th anniversary party, don't forget!"

Liu Ming was stunned for a moment, and then replied: "Okay, I remember."

The core of wealth management: treat every penny rationally, what is the difference between the thinking of the poor and the rich?

Putting down his phone, he suddenly realized that he hadn't been to such a party for a long time. Back in college, he and his classmates were extravagant, always chasing the latest fashions. At that time, he never imagined that he would one day become a "door-picking" entrepreneur.

The core of wealth management: treat every penny rationally, what is the difference between the thinking of the poor and the rich?

At the party the next day, Liu Ming arrived as promised. When he saw his former classmates, he couldn't help but feel a little in a trance. Twenty years later, some people are still glamorous, while others are a little tired.

The core of wealth management: treat every penny rationally, what is the difference between the thinking of the poor and the rich?

"Liu Ming, I heard that you are the boss now? Looks like you've made a fortune!" A classmate said with a smile.

Liu Ming smiled and nodded, but didn't say anything more. He knows that true wealth is not for showing off.

The core of wealth management: treat every penny rationally, what is the difference between the thinking of the poor and the rich?

At the dinner table, the conversation quickly turned to their respective living conditions. Some people complain about the stress of work, and some people show off the luxury car they just bought. Liu Ming listened quietly, occasionally interjecting a few words.

The core of wealth management: treat every penny rationally, what is the difference between the thinking of the poor and the rich?

"By the way, Liu Ming, why are you still wearing this old jacket? It's not like you're reluctant to buy new clothes, is it?" A female classmate quipped.

Liu Ming smiled and said, "This jacket is quite comfortable, and it can be worn, why change it?"

The core of wealth management: treat every penny rationally, what is the difference between the thinking of the poor and the rich?

The remark elicited a burst of good-natured laughter, but it also left some people thoughtful.

The core of wealth management: treat every penny rationally, what is the difference between the thinking of the poor and the rich?

After the meal, Liu Mingwan declined the invitation to go to KTV and walked home alone. His mind kept flashing the words and deeds of his classmates, as well as his own experiences over the years.

The core of wealth management: treat every penny rationally, what is the difference between the thinking of the poor and the rich?

He remembered the difficult years of his early days. At that time, he learned to be careful and use every penny wisely. He no longer spends money for the sake of face, but invests money in the development of the company.

The core of wealth management: treat every penny rationally, what is the difference between the thinking of the poor and the rich?

Liu Ming knows that true wealth is not the glamour on the outside, but the accumulation on the inside. He remembered the words of Wall Street investment guru Benjamin Graham: "When calculating the price, the rich often fight for the best, but some people who are not in a good economic situation will take the initiative to erase the zero, preferring to suffer some losses themselves."

The core of wealth management: treat every penny rationally, what is the difference between the thinking of the poor and the rich?

This reminded him of his own company's sourcing strategy. Even if it's a small part, he will shop around for the best price. Some say he's stingy, but he knows that these seemingly insignificant savings, which add up, will eventually bring significant profits to the company.

The core of wealth management: treat every penny rationally, what is the difference between the thinking of the poor and the rich?

As he walked, Liu Ming passed by a luxury store. The famous watches and leather bags in the window are glittering, attracting the attention of many passers-by. He remembered a friend of his who, in order to buy a designer bag, did not hesitate to pay in installments, and finally fell into debt.

The core of wealth management: treat every penny rationally, what is the difference between the thinking of the poor and the rich?

"Desire is a bottomless pit," Liu Ming muttered to himself, "Only by controlling desire can you truly control your wealth." "

The core of wealth management: treat every penny rationally, what is the difference between the thinking of the poor and the rich?

He remembered the news that Bill Gates had been driving a used car for years. The behavior of the world's richest man confirms a truth: the real rich people are more critical than anyone else in the matter of consumption.

The core of wealth management: treat every penny rationally, what is the difference between the thinking of the poor and the rich?

Back home, Liu Ming turned on the computer and continued to work on the company's affairs. His schedule is so full that every minute is put to good use.

The core of wealth management: treat every penny rationally, what is the difference between the thinking of the poor and the rich?

Liu Ming knows that time is the most precious resource. He learned to "pick the door" with time, reject meaningless social and entertainment, and devote more time to self-improvement and career development.

The core of wealth management: treat every penny rationally, what is the difference between the thinking of the poor and the rich?

Early the next morning, Liu Ming came to the company as usual. He noticed that an employee was browsing a shopping website on his computer screen.

"Xiao Wang, it's working time." Liu Ming reminded softly.

Xiao Wang closed the webpage a little embarrassed, "I'm sorry, Mr. Liu." I saw that there was a promotion and wanted to buy something. "

The core of wealth management: treat every penny rationally, what is the difference between the thinking of the poor and the rich?

Liu Ming smiled and said, "I know that shopping can bring pleasure, but have you ever wondered why merchants want to engage in these promotions?"

Xiao Wang was stunned for a moment, and it seemed that he had never thought about this question.

The core of wealth management: treat every penny rationally, what is the difference between the thinking of the poor and the rich?

Liu Ming continued: "Because they know that many people will make impulsive purchases because of the so-called 'discounts'. But really smart people ask themselves: Do I really need this thing?"

These words made Xiao Wang fall into deep thought.

The core of wealth management: treat every penny rationally, what is the difference between the thinking of the poor and the rich?

Liu Ming patted Xiao Wang's shoulder and said, "Remember, real wealth is not how much you have, but how much you need." Only by controlling desires can we control wealth. "

The core of wealth management: treat every penny rationally, what is the difference between the thinking of the poor and the rich?

At this moment, Liu Ming suddenly realized that his "slamming the door" was not only to accumulate wealth, but also a life attitude and values. It taught him how to stay sober in a materialistic society, and how to stay true to his original intention while pursuing profits.

The core of wealth management: treat every penny rationally, what is the difference between the thinking of the poor and the rich?

Back in the office, Liu Ming received an email. It was a business partner who invited him to a golf party. Liu Ming thought about it and politely declined the invitation. He knows that instead of spending time in such social situations, he should spend his time improving himself and the company.

The core of wealth management: treat every penny rationally, what is the difference between the thinking of the poor and the rich?

Before leaving work, Liu Ming held a brief meeting. He emphasises the company's values to his employees: "We are not looking for superficial brilliance, but for inner strength. Every penny, every minute, is on the cutting edge. It's not about being stingy, it's about being responsible for yourself, for the company, and for your customers. "

The core of wealth management: treat every penny rationally, what is the difference between the thinking of the poor and the rich?

After the meeting, a young employee came to Liu Ming.

"Mr. Liu, I have a question." The young man said with some hesitation, "Will it affect the company's image if we 'slam the door' like this?"

The core of wealth management: treat every penny rationally, what is the difference between the thinking of the poor and the rich?

Liu Ming smiled and said, "Do you think which one is more competitive, a company that can bring real value to customers, or a company that is bright on the surface but empty on the inside?"

The young man nodded thoughtfully.

The core of wealth management: treat every penny rationally, what is the difference between the thinking of the poor and the rich?

Liu Ming continued: "Remember, real face is not bought with money, but won by strength. Our 'slamming the door' is not a stinginess for work and product quality, but a moderation of unnecessary expenses. This attitude will eventually win the respect of customers and the market. "

The core of wealth management: treat every penny rationally, what is the difference between the thinking of the poor and the rich?

Walking out of the company, night falls and the neon lights of the city begin to flicker. Liu Ming looked at the high-rise buildings around him and remembered his entrepreneurial journey. From nothing to today's achievements, every step is inseparable from the "generous stinginess".

The core of wealth management: treat every penny rationally, what is the difference between the thinking of the poor and the rich?

He knows very well that this kind of "stinginess" is not narrow-mindedness and stinginess, but a kind of wisdom, a kind of self-discipline, and more importantly, an attitude towards life. It taught him how to stay sober in a materialistic society, and how to stay true to his original intention while pursuing profits.

The core of wealth management: treat every penny rationally, what is the difference between the thinking of the poor and the rich?

Liu Ming firmly believes that a person's true wealth does not lie in how much he has, but in how much he needs. Controlling your desires, cherishing your time, and putting your resources where they really matter is the right path to wealth.

The core of wealth management: treat every penny rationally, what is the difference between the thinking of the poor and the rich?

Dear readers, what do you think about "big and generous stinginess"? Do you think this attitude can help a person become rich? Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences in the comment section. Let's explore together how to maintain our original intention and achieve true wealth in this materialistic society.

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