
Looking back on the prototype of "Three Teams": five policemen were tragically imprisoned, and the captain chased the murderer for 12 years

author:River breeze minor

This article is a real case, source:"Adapted from the real events of the three major teams, 5 policemen were imprisoned, and the heroic story of chasing the murderer for 12 years"

The materials used in this article are from the Internet, and some of the pictures are not real portraits of the case, and are only used for narrative presentation, please be aware.

The police, who are supposed to be defenders of justice, serve their sentences in prison; The rape and murderer should have been severely punished, but he got away with it. This is the storyline of the movie "The Three Teams", and it is a real event.

Fortunately, the flame of justice has not been extinguished, and after he was released from prison, with his dedication to justice, he chased the murderer for 12 years, and finally found the criminal in the vast sea of people.

In the 12 long years of chasing the murderer, he was alone, unremittingly moving forward, what stories and truths are hidden behind his amazing actions? Let's unravel the mystery together.

Looking back on the prototype of "Three Teams": five policemen were tragically imprisoned, and the captain chased the murderer for 12 years


On the evening of August 22, 2002, in a quiet community in Tongren City, Guizhou Province.

17-year-old Xiaohua is a high school student who usually lives on campus, but this time she took a leave of absence to return home because she was not feeling well. Xiaohua lay weakly on the bed, hoping that she would get better soon. She knew that her parents worked hard and usually couldn't get home until the early hours of the morning.

Just then, she suddenly heard a strange noise outside the window. "What's going on?" Xiaohua's heart tightened, and before she could react, two black shadows climbed up from the air conditioner and broke through the window.

"Yo, little girl, you're home alone!" One of the gangsters had a sinister eyebrow and a malicious smile.

"Who are you? Get out! Xiaohua shouted in horror, her voice trembling.

"Hehe, stop yelling, it's useless to scream!" The other gangster said viciously with a full face.

Then, the two pounced on Xiaohua. Xiaohua resisted desperately: "Don't touch me!" Help me! ”

She used her hands and feet together, trying to break free. But she was already weak when she was sick, how could she have the strength to fight against these two vicious guys. Completely ignoring Xiaohua's resistance, the two gangsters brutally pressed her to the bed......

"Please, let me go!" Xiaohua cried and begged for mercy, but the two frantic guys didn't pay attention to it. After some torture, they rummaged through the house and took nearly 60,000 yuan of property.

"Let's go!" They swaggered away, without even looking at the little flower who fell to the ground, physically and mentally wounded. Only the small flowers, which were severely damaged in the brain, were left lying on the cold floor.

Looking back on the prototype of "Three Teams": five policemen were tragically imprisoned, and the captain chased the murderer for 12 years

The police received the report and immediately arrived at the scene of the crime, and everyone sent Xiaohua to the hospital after noticing that she was still breathing, and the police launched an investigation at the scene, and Cheng Bing was among them.

At this time, Cheng Bing didn't know that this seemingly ordinary case would completely change the rest of his life.


As the father of a 10-year-old girl, Cheng Bing's anger in his heart when faced with this heinous case was even greater than ordinary people, and he simply hated those criminals.

The forensic doctor was sweating profusely at the scene of the crime, and finally compared the fingerprints, and found Cheng Bing in a hurry, saying: "Team Cheng, the fingerprint comparison has a result!" The origin of this gangster has been figured out. ”

Cheng Bing's eyes lit up, and he asked eagerly: "Say it quickly!" The forensic doctor gasped and said, "One of them is called Wang Dayong." Cheng Bing gritted his teeth and scolded: "Damn, what about the other one?" ”

By comparing the residual DNA on the victim girl's body, the police quickly locked up another suspect, he is Wang Eryong, the police checked in the system and found that the brothers were habitual offenders with a lot of criminal records.

After committing the crime, Wang Dayong and Wang Eryong were in a state of confusion, and Wang Dayong muttered in the corner: "It's over, I'm afraid it's going to be planted this time." Wang Eryong didn't panic, pacing back and forth: "Brother, make another big plate, let's run!" ”

Just two days later, these two guys who didn't know whether they were alive or dead committed the crime again, and the police quickly laid a net, and Wang Dayong was caught red-handed in the arrest operation.

But Wang Eryong actually escaped, and Cheng Bing roared angrily: "Don't let me catch him, otherwise he will be good-looking!" ”

Looking back on the prototype of "Three Teams": five policemen were tragically imprisoned, and the captain chased the murderer for 12 years


In order to interrogate Wang Eryong's whereabouts and give justice to the victims, Cheng Bing took the members of the three major teams, which was really red-eyed.

After being caught at the police station, Wang Dayong drooped his head, and his heart was pounding like a rabbit.

Cheng Bing glared at him and scolded loudly: "Tell me honestly, where did your brother Wang Eryong go?" Wang Dayong was taken aback and said tremblingly: "I...... I don't know, comrade policeman. ”

The team members held back the fire in their stomachs, "This guy is so hateful!" "Everyone, you say a word to me.

"No matter what method you use, you must let him speak today!" Cheng Bing gritted his teeth and said.

So they interrogated Wang Dayong beyond the ordinary, and in the interrogation room, three broken mops were thrown on the ground, which was evidence of the police's anger and their actions.

"Don't pretend to be dead, hurry up and explain Wang Eryong's whereabouts." Cheng Bing shouted angrily at Wang Dayong, who was lying on the ground, his voice became hoarse from anger.

However, Wang Dayong was like a stone, and he didn't react at all. Seeing this, team member Xiao Li was suddenly anxious, and immediately stepped forward and kicked twice, shouting, "Let you get up and hear it." But Wang Dayong still didn't move.

Seeing this, Cheng Bing suddenly felt an ominous premonition in his heart. His heartbeat instantly accelerated, "Nothing will happen, right?" While thinking, he hurried to Wang Dayong's side to check.

Looking back on the prototype of "Three Teams": five policemen were tragically imprisoned, and the captain chased the murderer for 12 years

"How?" The team members also looked at Cheng Bing in horror, and they all held their breath, their eyes full of nervousness and unease.

Cheng Bing was silent for a few seconds, and his face gradually turned pale. His lips trembled slightly, and his voice was so low that he could barely be heard: "He's dead." ”

This sentence exploded like a bombshell in the interrogation room, and everyone was stunned.

"This ...... How is this possible? Xiao Wang couldn't believe his ears.

"It's over, it's all over now." Xiao Zhao sat on the chair with a face full of despair.

Although Wang Dayong had committed many crimes before his arrest and was a complete villain, Wang Dayong's death was still the responsibility of the three major police teams involved in the case.

The law was ruthless, and Cheng Bing was finally sentenced for intentional injury causing death, and Cheng Bing was sentenced to 8 years in prison.


Before serving his sentence, Cheng Bing sat at the table, opposite his wife. His wife's eyes were full of helplessness and determination, and she pushed the divorce agreement in front of him. Cheng Bing's hands trembled slightly, and he said in a hoarse voice: "I'm sorry, I bothered you." ”

The wife didn't look over, tears slid down: "Sign it, and go your own way in the future." ”

Cheng Bing picked up the pen, as if there was a thousand weights, each stroke was like cutting his own heart, after signing, he felt that the whole world had collapsed, and he began to endure this extremely difficult time alone.

Looking back on the prototype of "Three Teams": five policemen were tragically imprisoned, and the captain chased the murderer for 12 years

Cheng Bing sat in the corner of the dark and damp cell, looking lonely and tired. Once, as the captain of the brigade, he was majestic, sending one criminal after another to this prison. But now, he is also trapped within this high wall by mistake.

"Yo, isn't this Captain Cheng?" A shrill voice was heard, and several vicious prisoners surrounded him.

It turned out to be a prisoner who had been caught by him, and at that moment, Cheng Bing's heart was mixed, with surprise, remorse, and a trace of unwillingness.

The prisoners he had sent to prison approached him step by step with hideous smiles on their faces. Cheng Bing's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and he thought to himself: It's over, I'm going to suffer now. But he still pretended to be calm and said coldly: "Don't mess around! ”

But the prisoners ignored him and began to punch and kick him, insulting and beating him. Cheng Bing clenched his teeth, holding his head in his hands, and his body curled up in a ball.

He kept telling himself in his heart: "Hold back, you can't fight back, you can't make mistakes again." Every punch and kick that landed on his body was like a hammer, but he always endured it silently.

Although his sentence was commuted for his good behavior in prison, Cheng Bing remained in prison for more than six years. After Cheng Bing was released from prison, relatives and friends were busy introducing him to good jobs.

"Cheng Bing, I have a job in the office, easy and stable, you can try it." My friend said enthusiastically. Cheng Bing shook his head again and again and refused: "No, thank you, I'm not suitable." ”

"Then this company is also good, the treatment is good, the environment is excellent, do you consider it?" Relatives also followed. Cheng Bing still firmly refused: "I really don't need to, I have my own plans." ”

Looking back on the prototype of "Three Teams": five policemen were tragically imprisoned, and the captain chased the murderer for 12 years

Cheng Bing specializes in looking for jobs that are highly mobile and can run around, delivering takeaways, running long-distance transportation, repairing air conditioners, even if the salary is not high, he doesn't care.

In fact, Cheng Bing kept thinking in his heart: "I'm going to run around, maybe one day I can meet Wang Eryong's clues." Every time he receives a new job, he looks forward to finding Wang Eryong's traces in a corner.

When delivering food, he shuttles through the streets and alleys, his eyes are constantly looking around, and when he runs long-distance transportation, he has to carefully observe the people and things around him every time he arrives in a new place.

No one else understands his choice, only he knows that this is the unfinished mission in his heart.


Over the years, he has been running around Hunan, Sichuan, Chongqing, and Guizhou, changing jobs one after another, setting up a stall in a night market and driving a taxi for a while.

He has also worked as a courier and a truck, as well as a café security guard, a community doorman, after-sales service, an air-conditioning company, and a water delivery man.

The people around him wondered, "What does Cheng Bing think?" Why can't you find a better stable job? But Cheng Bing kept smiling and didn't say anything, and four years passed.

Looking back on the prototype of "Three Teams": five policemen were tragically imprisoned, and the captain chased the murderer for 12 years

One night in September 2013, Cheng Bing went to deliver water to the owner as usual. When he arrived at the place, he just put down the bucket and looked up, why is this person so familiar? Take a closer look, oh my God, isn't this Wang Eryong he has been looking for for many years!

The anger that had accumulated over the years rushed up all of a sudden, and Cheng Bing didn't even think about it, it was a fist when he went up. "You bastard, let me find it so hard!" He beat and scolded.

It turned out that the person who was beaten was Wang Eryong, who had been on the run for 12 years, not only changed his name, but also married a wife and had a new life.

For so many years, Cheng Bing has not given up looking for Wang Eryong's whereabouts in all his work units and workplaces. Huangtian lived up to his painstaking efforts and finally let him find it, and Wang Eryong finally had to accept legal sanctions.

Cheng Bing was happy in his heart: "I finally caught you, and I can be regarded as giving an explanation to the victim!" ”

In the end, Wang Eryong was sentenced to a suspended death sentence, and the case, which began in 2002, came to an end. At that moment, Cheng Bing's nerves, which had been tense for 12 years, were finally relaxed, and he felt unprecedented satisfaction and relief.

Although for various reasons, he was not reinstated as a police officer, it no longer mattered because justice was done and the victim was laid to rest under the Nine Springs.

Looking back on the prototype of "Three Teams": five policemen were tragically imprisoned, and the captain chased the murderer for 12 years

What made Cheng Bing feel even warmer was that his wife, who had left because of the case, returned to him with her daughter, and the once broken family was reunited again.

At this moment, Cheng Bing unloaded the heavy shackles, the past hardships have turned into the grinding of life, he knows that a new life awaits him, and he will join hands with his family to open a new chapter in his life.

There may still be wind and rain in the future, but he is fearless, because the light of justice in his heart will always illuminate the way forward.

(The names of the people in this article are pseudonyms, the picture / selected from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete)