
South Korea began to "steal" again, and the rumors could not be changed, and they sued China for monopolizing the giant pandas

author:Hana Tsukiyo 11
South Korea began to "steal" again, and the rumors could not be changed, and they sued China for monopolizing the giant pandas

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Why are Korean netizens so "obsessed" with a giant panda returning to their hometown?

At the turn of the spring and summer of 2024, the giant panda "Fu Bao" in South Korea set off to return to the Shenshuping Giant Panda Base in Sichuan, China, which has attracted a lot of attention in both China and South Korea. Persistent", even at the expense of making up lies and distorting the facts, to keep Fubao in South Korea?

South Korea began to "steal" again, and the rumors could not be changed, and they sued China for monopolizing the giant pandas

Some Korean netizens believe that Fu Bao was born in South Korea, it should belong to South Korea, they regard Fu Bao as South Korea's "national daughter", full of feelings for it, in their opinion, China will take Fu Bao back to China, like taking away an important family member from their side, which makes them difficult to accept, this idea is obviously untenable, according to the Convention on the Conservation of Endangered Species and the relevant agreements signed between China and other countries, all giant pandas and their descendants living abroad are owned by China, Panda cubs born abroad also need to return to China at the appropriate age to participate in breeding programs

There are also some Korean netizens who claim that Fu Bao has been "abused" in China, and the living conditions are far worse than in South Korea, in order to prove that China has "snatched" their "national treasure", this statement is completely nonsense, China is the first country in the world to start giant panda protection, and has accumulated rich experience in decades of giant panda conservation research and practice, and has established a perfect giant panda breeding and protection system, after Fu Bao returns to China, not only can he get professional care and more scientific recipes, They can also come into contact with more of their own kind, which is beneficial for their physical and mental health and for the reproduction of their populations

"Aifubao" or "Aifubao"? The "double standard" behavior of some media and netizens in South Korea

In recent years, the Korean entertainment industry has flourished, idol culture has prevailed, and many Korean people have become accustomed to getting emotional comfort and spiritual sustenance through chasing stars, and Fu Bao, as a cute giant panda, has naturally become the object of Korean people's pursuit. Fubao is more like a tool that can be used to obtain traffic and benefits, and they earn income by shooting Fubao's videos, photos, and making related peripheral products

South Korea began to "steal" again, and the rumors could not be changed, and they sued China for monopolizing the giant pandas

Fu Bao's departure means that they have lost an important source of income, which naturally causes them to be dissatisfied and resisted, and this kind of behavior of putting their own interests above animal welfare is undoubtedly selfish and irresponsible, in fact, this is not the first time that South Korea has shown "double standard" behavior in the treatment of giant pandas

In 2020, a member of a South Korean girl group had intimate contact with Fu Bao, who was just three months old, without wearing any protective measures, which aroused strong dissatisfaction among Chinese netizens

Pandas should not be used as a tool for emotional catharsis, and respecting science is the best way to protect them

The giant panda is a national treasure of China, but also a rare animal in the world, its protection needs the joint efforts of all countries, Korean netizens love Fubao understandable, but this love should be based on respect for science and respect for the law, blindly immersed in emotional expression, not only does not help to solve the problem, but will have a negative impact on the protection of giant pandas

South Korea began to "steal" again, and the rumors could not be changed, and they sued China for monopolizing the giant pandas

I hope that Korean netizens can rationally look at Fubao's return to China, and not be swayed by the emotional remarks of some media and Internet celebrities, and also hope that the relevant departments of South Korea can strengthen popular science education for the public, guide the public to correctly understand the relevant knowledge of giant panda conservation, and jointly contribute to the cause of giant panda conservation

The Significance and Value of "Panda Diplomacy": Promoting Cultural Exchanges and Enhancing Friendship between Countries

Since the 50s of the last century, China has begun to give or lease giant pandas to countries around the world to convey friendship and promote exchanges, which is also known as "panda diplomacy", which has built a bridge of friendship between China and other countries around the world for decades, and has also made more people understand and love the rare species of giant pandas

South Korea began to "steal" again, and the rumors could not be changed, and they sued China for monopolizing the giant pandas

In recent years, some countries have misinterpreted the meaning of "panda diplomacy" as a political tool, and even tried to use giant pandas to put pressure on China, which is undoubtedly a blasphemy of "panda diplomacy".

Reflections on the "Fubao" Incident: How to Better Carry Out International Cooperation to Protect Rare Animals?

In the process of international cooperation, all countries should uphold the principle of equality, mutual benefit and mutual respect, and jointly abide by international conventions and relevant agreements, and cannot politicize the protection of rare animals, let alone use them as a tool for personal gain

South Korea began to "steal" again, and the rumors could not be changed, and they sued China for monopolizing the giant pandas

Countries should also strengthen communication and exchange and share experiences to jointly improve the level of protection of rare animals and leave a valuable natural heritage for future generations

Enlightenment of the "Fubao" incident: strengthen popular science education and improve the public's scientific literacy

The "Fu Bao" incident has also exposed the shortcomings of public scientific literacy in some countries, and the reason why many South Korean netizens believe the rumor that Fu Bao has been "abused" in China is because of the lack of relevant scientific knowledge and easy to be misled by some false information

South Korea began to "steal" again, and the rumors could not be changed, and they sued China for monopolizing the giant pandas

Therefore, all countries should strengthen popular science education, improve the public's scientific literacy, help the public establish a correct view of science, and rationally view and participate in the protection of rare animals

The future of "Fubao": I look forward to growing up healthily and happily in the land of my hometown

I believe that under the careful care of professional breeders, Fubao will be able to grow up healthily and happily at the Shenshuping Giant Panda Base, and contribute to the reproduction and growth of the giant panda population in the future

South Korea began to "steal" again, and the rumors could not be changed, and they sued China for monopolizing the giant pandas

Conclusion: We are taking action to protect giant pandas!

The "Fu Bao" incident has come to an end, but there is still a long way to go for giant panda conservation, let us join hands and work together to create a better tomorrow for giant pandas!

South Korea began to "steal" again, and the rumors could not be changed, and they sued China for monopolizing the giant pandas

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