
"If it's hot or not, it depends on May 25", today on May 25, what is the saying?

author:Jiejie said something

: Hello everyone! Isn't it so hot that you're about to melt in the heat of summer? Today, let's talk about a topic that everyone cares about - will it be so hot that you cry on dog days this year? Why do you talk about this? Because today is the twenty-fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar, I heard the elders say, "If it is hot or not, it depends on the twenty-fifth day of May." Oh, this is not just a casual statement, but behind it is the wisdom and observation of our ancestors!

"If it's hot or not, it depends on May 25", today on May 25, what is the saying?

May twenty-five, the day when the little white dragon visited his mother

Speaking of May 25th, it was a special day. Legend has it that this day is the day when the little white dragon visits his mother. Why did the little white dragon visit his mother? It has to do with a poignant folk tale. It is said that a long, long time ago, a girl gave birth to a little white dragon, but died of dystocia. On the twenty-fifth day of May, the little white dragon would come back to visit his mother, and the sky would become overcast and even rain heavily.

"If it's hot or not, it depends on May 25", today on May 25, what is the saying?

But this year, it's not raining here, and the sun is still hot. Does that mean dog days will be particularly hot this year? Let's move on.

Dog days are not hot, and there is a mystery on May twenty-five

As the old saying goes, "On the twenty-fifth day of May, the dog day will kill the old scalper." This is not a joke, it is the experience of our ancestors who have observed the weather for many years and summed up.

"If it's hot or not, it depends on May 25", today on May 25, what is the saying?

If the day of May is sunny and the sun is shining, it is a sign that this year's dog days will be particularly hot. The old cattle can't stand the heat-resistant and cold-resistant animals, so we ordinary people have to be more careful, and we have to be prepared for heatstroke prevention and cooling!

On the flip side, what if the day of May 25 is cloudy or rainy? Then it's a different story. As the saying goes, "On the twenty-fifth day of May, the field cracks, and the mouth of the frog bleeds".

"If it's hot or not, it depends on May 25", today on May 25, what is the saying?

Although this is an exaggeration, it also shows that if the fields are dry and there is a lack of water on the twenty-fifth day of May, the dog days may also be particularly dry and hot. When the time comes, even aquatic animals like frogs can't stand it, and their mouths will have to dry up and bleed.

On the twenty-fifth day of May, the dragon visited the mother, and there was no rain to dry up the riverbed ridge

"May 25th Dragon Visits Mother": refers to a legend or folklore concept on the 25th day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar, usually associated with the dragon (a symbol of rain in traditional Chinese culture). According to some legends, the 25th of May is the day when the dragon visits its mother, that is, the day when the dragon returns to its mother (or water source).

"If it's hot or not, it depends on May 25", today on May 25, what is the saying?

"No rain breaks the riverbed ridge": If it doesn't rain on this day, the weather may be so dry that even the riverbed will dry up to the point of breaking. This is an exaggeration to emphasize that if it doesn't rain on this day, the drought will be very severe.

The lotus flowers are in full bloom, and the summer is hot

When it comes to summer, we have to mention lotus flowers. The lotus flower is one of the representative flowers of summer! It is not only beautiful and fragrant, but also has the high quality of "out of the mud without staining". Whenever summer comes and lotus flowers are in full bloom, people can't help but stop to watch and take pictures.

"If it's hot or not, it depends on May 25", today on May 25, what is the saying?

However, you have to pay attention to sun protection when enjoying lotus flowers in this hot summer! Otherwise, before the lotus flowers are finished, I will be tanned as a "little black man"!


"If it's hot or not, it depends on May 25", today on May 25, what is the saying?

Alright, alright! That's all for today! I hope this article can bring you some inspiration and help! Although this year's dog days may be particularly hot, as long as we take good measures and maintain a good attitude and mood, we will definitely have a happy and healthy summer! Let's talk next time! Bye-bye~