
More and more people don't go to the barbershop to shave their heads, and insiders are really convinced to say why

author:Jiejie said something

: Hey, guys! I still remember when I was a child, my mother led us into the familiar barber shop, and the barber at that time was always smiling, holding the old scissors in his hand, and cutting our cute hairstyles one by one. However, with the change of the times, the barber shop has become more and more "high-end and high-grade", but we always feel that something is missing in our hearts. Today, let's talk about the barbershop "pit" we walked through together in those years!

More and more people don't go to the barbershop to shave their heads, and insiders are really convinced to say why

1. The appointment system is a service or a routine

I used to go to the barbershop, push the door in, find an empty seat and sit down, and wait for the barber to greet you. But now? As soon as I entered the door, the little girl at the front desk asked enthusiastically, "Sir, do you have an appointment?" "I wondered, do I have to make an appointment to cut my hair? When did this barber shop become so sought-after?

More and more people don't go to the barbershop to shave their heads, and insiders are really convinced to say why

Not to mention those so-called "teachers", Mr. Tony, Mr. Kevin, it sounds like experts from abroad. In fact, it's just a foreign name, which makes people feel more professional. But in reality? The technique may not be as good as the old barber of the past.

Second, prices have skyrocketed, and haircuts have become a luxury

Back then, a haircut was a small consumption of a few dollars. But now? If you enter a barber shop casually, the starting price is 30, and the high-end point is directly 60 or 70 bottoms. This price has risen faster than the house price!

More and more people don't go to the barbershop to shave their heads, and insiders are really convinced to say why

Sometimes I think about it, we men don't have high requirements for haircuts, just clean and tidy. But today's barber shops recommend you to do a styling and dye your hair at every turn, as if you are sorry for their luxuriously decorated store without spending a few hundred dollars.

3. Have you calculated the time cost?

I remember once I had to wait in line for more than half an hour to cut my hair. Washing my hair, blowing my hair, cutting my hair, the whole process took me almost two hours. The cost of this time is simply too high!

More and more people don't go to the barbershop to shave their heads, and insiders are really convinced to say why

Many of us are office workers, and time is precious. Sometimes I really feel that it is not worth spending so much time just to cut my hair. So, now more and more people choose to cut their hair at home, which is convenient and time-saving.

4. "Invisible consumption" in the barbershop

When it comes to the hidden consumption of barbershops, it is a real headache. Sometimes you just want to cut your hair, but the barber is eager to recommend all kinds of products: shampoo, conditioner, hair mask...... To put it bluntly, it's as if you can't get a good haircut without their products.

More and more people don't go to the barbershop to shave their heads, and insiders are really convinced to say why

Also, those membership cards and recharge cards are also very shallow people. At first, you were told how much to charge and how much to give, but when you did recharge, you found that those discounts were not used at all. In the end, a lot of money was spent, but the hair didn't get much better.


I think the main reason why the barbershop's business is getting worse and worse is because it has lost its original intention. In the past, although the barbershops were in poor condition, the barbers were dedicated to serving us. But now? Many barbershops have become money-making machines, blindly pursuing profit maximization while ignoring the real needs of customers.

More and more people don't go to the barbershop to shave their heads, and insiders are really convinced to say why

I think a good barbershop should look like this: comfortable environment, reasonable price, excellent technology, and good service. Only such a barber shop can truly win the trust and affection of customers.


Alright, alright! Having said so much, I actually want to tell you a truth: cutting hair still depends on our own needs and preferences. If you find it convenient, comfortable, and affordable to go to a barbershop, go for it; If you think it's more cost-effective and time-saving to cut your own at home, do it yourself! In short, don't be fooled by those bells and whistles!

More and more people don't go to the barbershop to shave their heads, and insiders are really convinced to say why

The barbershop "pit" we walked through together over the years, let's let it pass! I hope that the barber shop in the future can return to its original intention and truly provide customers with high-quality service and comfortable experience!

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