
As the saying goes: "If you don't wear four kinds of jewelry, it will be difficult to wear it", which "4 kinds" of jewelry?

author:Sister Ming's new vision

"Clouds want clothes, flowers want to look", this is really beautiful, since ancient times, our pursuit of beauty, that has never stopped. As the old saying goes, "everyone has a love for beauty", we all want to dress ourselves up beautifully, and we can make people look at it more when we go out.

Jewelry is like a small highlight on our body, which can make us more beautiful and more individual. A beautiful necklace, a sparkling ring, or a pair of stylish earrings can enhance our overall image a lot. Therefore, everyone is very fond of jewelry, especially those that are gorgeous and dazzling, and people can't put it down.

As the saying goes: "If you don't wear four kinds of jewelry, it will be difficult to wear it", which "4 kinds" of jewelry?

However, when we appreciate the brilliance brought by jewelry, have we ever thought about the hidden health risks behind them? As the old saying goes, "turnip greens, each has his own love", although jewelry is good, not all of them are suitable for us. Some jewelry, although gorgeous in appearance, may hide things that are not good for our health.

It's like a double-edged sword, which can add to our charm and can silently damage our health. Therefore, when we choose jewelry, we must keep our eyes open, don't just look at the appearance, and ignore the internal quality and health factors.

So, which jewelry should we stay away from?

01. Gold-plated or silver-plated jewelry

"Gold or silver plated jewelry, it's something you love and hate!" This kind of jewelry is everywhere in the market, glittering with gold and silver, and the price is close to the people, so many people flock to it. They are plated with a thin layer of gold and silver on a metal base, which looks much more noble and elegant, and is simply a model of "sparrow turning into a phoenix".

However, let's be honest, "cheap is not good, good is not cheap". Although this gold-plated and silver-plated jewelry is beautiful, there may be a lot of hidden health hazards behind it! Some manufacturers, in order to make more money, cut corners and use inferior materials that contain heavy metals such as lead and cadmium. You think, if you wear this kind of jewelry for a long time, those heavy metals may quietly seep into the body through the skin, which is not good for health!

Especially for those with sensitive skin, when these heavy metals touch the skin, they become red, swollen, itchy, rashed, and even cause skin inflammation. When the time comes, it will really be "beautiful to painful"!

As the saying goes: "If you don't wear four kinds of jewelry, it will be difficult to wear it", which "4 kinds" of jewelry?

What's more, long-term exposure to these heavy metals may also cause poisoning, causing damage to the nervous system, kidneys and other organs. This is like the old saying, "Illness comes from the mouth, and disaster comes from the mouth", but here, we have to change it to "Illness comes from jewelry, and disaster comes from greed"!

Therefore, when we buy jewelry, we have to keep our eyes open, and don't just look at the glamorous appearance and get excited. After all, "you get what you pay for", this is the truth handed down by our ancestors. We still have to choose formal channels and buy those jewelry with quality assurance, so that we can not only pursue fashion but also protect our bodies.

02. Plastic and synthetic jewelry

"Plastic and synthetic jewelry, which seems to be fashionable, is actually in danger!" This kind of jewelry is light and beautiful, and the price is cheap, and you can see people wearing this kind of jewelry everywhere on the street. However, let's be honest, "cheap is not good", these jewelry in the processing process, may add benzene, formaldehyde and other harmful chemicals, long-term wear, is a big threat to our health!

You think, these harmful substances are in close contact with our skin every day, and over time, they may quietly seep into our body, causing damage to the endocrine system, immune system, etc.

To make matters worse, long-term exposure to these harmful substances may also increase the risk of cancer. That's not what I'm talking about, that's what the experts say. Especially for pregnant women and children, this risk is even more frightening. Therefore, when we choose jewelry, we must keep our eyes open and don't be fooled by those fancy appearances.

As the saying goes: "If you don't wear four kinds of jewelry, it will be difficult to wear it", which "4 kinds" of jewelry?

Some people may say, I don't feel uncomfortable wearing these jewelry, I should be fine, right? This is "no tears when you don't see the coffin". Many health problems accumulate over a long period of time, and by the time you feel unwell, it may be too late. Therefore, we still have to have the awareness of "prevention before it happens", and try not to wear those plastic and synthetic jewelry.

03. Imitation jewelry.

"Imitation jewelry, seemingly beautiful, but actually hidden mysteries!" We all know that jewelry, once you see it, your heart is like being scratched by a cat, and you always want to buy it home. However, the price of natural jewelry is frighteningly high, and a set of ordinary ones costs tens of thousands, not to mention those fine products, which are simply sky-high!

This price, for us ordinary people, is simply "astronomical"! However, what if we want beautiful jewelry? As a result, some people came up with a "best of both worlds" method - buying imitation jewelry.

This imitation jewelry, the appearance of which looks no different from natural jewelry, if you don't look carefully, you will really be "fooled" by it. What's more, it's very cheap, a few tenths of natural jewelry, or even less! Looking at it this way, imitation jewelry is simply synonymous with "super cost-effective"!

As the saying goes: "If you don't wear four kinds of jewelry, it will be difficult to wear it", which "4 kinds" of jewelry?

But we can't be fooled by the glamour of this surface! This imitation jewelry, in fact, is not recommended for everyone to wear for a long time. Why? Because of these imitation jewelry, a lot of heavy metals such as lead and chromium are added to it! These heavy metals are harmful to the human body! If worn for a long time, these harmful substances may penetrate into the body through skin contact and cause health hazards.

It's like the old saying, "Greed for a small price suffers a big loss". When we buy imitation jewelry, we only see its cheap price and beautiful appearance, but ignore the health problems it may bring. Therefore, when we choose jewelry, we must be cautious and cautious!

04. Magnet jewelry.

"Magnet jewelry, is it really that magical?" In recent years, magnet jewelry has become popular in the market, and it is said that it can improve blood circulation and relieve pain. But let's tell the truth, "hearing is false, seeing is believing", these so-called "magnetic therapy" effects have not been widely recognized by the scientific community!

Do you think, if the magnet jewelry is really that magical, then wouldn't the doctors in the hospital be unemployed? Therefore, when we choose magnet jewelry, we have to keep our eyes open and don't be confused by those exaggerated publicity.

As the saying goes: "If you don't wear four kinds of jewelry, it will be difficult to wear it", which "4 kinds" of jewelry?

What's more, wearing magnet jewelry can also bring some unexpected health problems! For patients with certain diseases such as heart disease and epilepsy, the interference of magnetic fields may aggravate the condition or cause adverse reactions. It's like the old saying, "to make matters worse", the health is not good, and then wearing this magnet jewelry, isn't it even worse?

In addition, special groups such as pregnant women and babies should also avoid wearing magnet jewelry. Because the effects of magnetic fields on the fetus and infant are not fully understood, there may be potential risks. We can't bring hidden dangers to our bodies or the health of our babies because of momentary curiosity or the pursuit of fashion!

Wearing magnet jewelry with excessive magnetic force for long periods of time may also interfere with the normal physiological functions of the human body. Some people may experience uncomfortable symptoms such as dizziness and nausea.

Therefore, when choosing magnet jewelry, we have to be cautious and "think twice". Don't blindly follow the trend just by looking at others looking good or listening to others say that the effect is good. We have to think about our physical condition and needs! If you really need to wear jewelry to decorate yourself or relieve some symptoms, you should also consult a professional doctor first!

After all, "the body is the capital of the revolution", and we must cherish it! Don't let those seemingly magical but potentially harmful magnet jewelry become the "invisible killers" of our health!

05. How to choose safe jewelry

"How to choose safe jewelry, this is a university question!" We all know that jewelry not only decorates oneself, but also shows personality and taste. However, if we choose the wrong jewelry, it can be a threat to our health! Therefore, when we choose jewelry, we have to keep our eyes open and choose well.

As the saying goes: "If you don't wear four kinds of jewelry, it will be difficult to wear it", which "4 kinds" of jewelry?

First of all, we have to choose reputable brands and merchants, so as to reduce the risk of buying inferior products. After all, "you get what you pay for", good brands and merchants, their product quality and after-sales service are guaranteed. We can't suffer a big loss for the sake of being greedy!

Then, we have to look at the quality inspection report of the product to understand whether the product meets the relevant standards and regulations. This is like the old saying, "sharpening the knife is not wrong for the woodcutter", when we choose jewelry, we must also do our homework first, in order to choose a product that is both beautiful and safe!

When choosing jewelry materials, we have to give priority to products made of natural materials, such as gold, silver, jade, etc. These natural materials are not only beautiful and generous, but also harmless to the human body. In contrast, those synthetic materials or cheap metals may contain substances that are harmful to the human body, so we should try to avoid them!

Finally, I would like to remind sensitive people that you should be more cautious when choosing jewelry. You can ask the sales staff for the specific material information of the product to ensure that the jewelry you buy will not cause allergic reactions. After all, "the body is the capital of the revolution", and we must cherish it!

In short, "jewelry is small, but it is related to health", we can be wiser when choosing jewelry!
