
I really can't breathe for these 5 actresses, and obviously my original face is not ugly, so I have to get along with my nose


Zhang Xiaofei's story is like a realistic version of the fairy tale of "the ugly duckling becomes a swan". She is in an entertainment industry dominated by appearance, and has experienced countless ridicule and accusations. However, when everyone thought that she would collapse, Zhang Xiaofei completed a huge transformation in her own unique way.

Looking back on when Zhang Xiaofei first entered the industry, her appearance was indeed not outstanding. From her round face to her mediocre facial features, she looks out of place in the star-studded entertainment industry.

I really can't breathe for these 5 actresses, and obviously my original face is not ugly, so I have to get along with my nose

However, it is such an image of an "ordinary person" that has allowed her to create many down-to-earth roles in many variety shows and won the love of the audience.

Zhang Xiaofei was once given the label of "the ugliest actress", which was undoubtedly a heavy blow to her. In an interview, she confessed, "I also want to be beautiful, but I want to speak with strength."

This sentence expresses her inner contradictions and struggles.

However, the harsh reality of the entertainment industry does not allow an actress to succeed with her acting skills alone. After being ridiculed and compared again and again, Zhang Xiaofei chose to embark on the road of plastic surgery.

I really can't breathe for these 5 actresses, and obviously my original face is not ugly, so I have to get along with my nose

When she reappeared in the public eye, people were surprised to find that the once "ugly duckling" had turned into an elegant white swan.

In 2021, Zhang Xiaofei amazed everyone with his performance in the movie "Hello, Li Huanying". Her delicate facial features, especially her tall nose, make her dazzlingly beautiful. The young version of Li Huanying she plays in the film is not only outstanding in acting, but also so beautiful that people can't take their eyes off it.

The audience sighed even more: "Is this still the same former Zhang Xiaofei?" ”。

I really can't breathe for these 5 actresses, and obviously my original face is not ugly, so I have to get along with my nose

However, attentive viewers found that Zhang Xiaofei's smile was a little less real and a little more stiff. She used to be good at pretending to be ugly and amused, and it seems that she is gone with the disappearance of her old appearance.

In a "melon-eating mass breaking news conference", some netizens bluntly pointed out: "Zhang Xiaofei's nose is obviously trimmed, it looks sharp and thin, and it is completely different from before."

In the face of doubts, Zhang Xiaofei chose to remain silent. However, during a live stream, when asked if she had plastic surgery, she just whispered, "I'm sorry, thank you." The vague answer seemed to hint at the mixed emotions inside her.

I really can't breathe for these 5 actresses, and obviously my original face is not ugly, so I have to get along with my nose

Plastic surgery brings not only a change in appearance, but also inner suffering. Zhang Xiaofei said frankly in an interview: "I also doubted my choice, but in this era of looking at faces, I have no choice."

This sentence expresses the hearts of many actresses, and it also makes people sigh: Why can't you get along with your nose?

Although Zhang Xiaofei has successfully gotten rid of the label of "the ugliest actress", she has not been truly happy in her heart. In the promotional event of "Hello, Li Huanying", her smile was still bright, but her eyes revealed a trace of tiredness and helplessness.

I really can't breathe for these 5 actresses, and obviously my original face is not ugly, so I have to get along with my nose

Zhang Xiaofei's story makes us think deeply: in this era of demanding perfection, do we exert too much unnecessary pressure on women? Does Zhang Xiaofei, who can play ugly freely and impress people with his real acting skills, still exist in our memory? Perhaps, true beauty is not about looking flawless, but about being confident, authentic and unique.

From a young girl to a popular actress today, Yang Mi's appearance has undergone tremendous changes and has become one of the topics of concern in the entertainment industry. However, is this change a sign of age, or the effect of cosmetic surgery? Let's review the changes in Yang Mi's appearance in the past ten years.

Let's rewind the time to 2012, Yang Mi starred in "The Love of the Hawthorn Tree". In the interview video of the mountain city of Chongqing, Yang Mi, who is in his early 20s, is full of youthful vitality, with bright big eyes, a small and cute nose, and crooked eyebrows and eyes when he laughs, which is unforgettable.

I really can't breathe for these 5 actresses, and obviously my original face is not ugly, so I have to get along with my nose

At that time, she wore her hair tied into balls at will, wore a simple T-shirt, sat on the stairs of the mountain city and talked eloquently, exuding youthful vitality Yang Mi in this period was affectionately called "Xiao Mi" by fans, and her natural beauty was unforgettable.

However, only three years later, in the 2015 broadcast of "Plopping Youth", the audience was surprised to find that Yang Mi's appearance seemed to have undergone subtle changes. Her nose, in particular, looks more upright and more defined.

This change sparked heated discussions among the audience, with some praising her for becoming more and more beautiful, and others wondering if she had used a "scalpel".

I really can't breathe for these 5 actresses, and obviously my original face is not ugly, so I have to get along with my nose

As time passed, Yang Mi's appearance changed more and more obviously. Her eyes seemed to get bigger, the creases of her double eyelids were more pronounced, and the bridge of her nose became more erect. These changes make her facial features look more three-dimensional, and the whole person exudes the charm of a mature woman.

However, this change has also raised more skepticism.

In the face of various speculations, Yang Mi has always remained silent. In a live broadcast, she said indifferently: "Many people speculate about my plastic surgery, and I can't explain it." This ambiguity further sparked public curiosity.

I really can't breathe for these 5 actresses, and obviously my original face is not ugly, so I have to get along with my nose

Some attentive netizens even compared her photos over the years in an attempt to find evidence of the change in her appearance.

Now, Yang Mi has become a top star in the entertainment industry, and her appearance seems to have changed again, with a more delicate nose and more coordinated facial features. In some recent public events, her appearance has amazed many.

Netizens commented: "Yang Mi is really getting better and better-looking now, and he can't tell his age at all."

I really can't breathe for these 5 actresses, and obviously my original face is not ugly, so I have to get along with my nose

However, behind this beauty, is there also her anxiety and pressure? In an industry that requires women to stay young forever, Yang Mi's change may be a helpless move. When we look back on her growth process, we can't help but ask: Does that young and lovely "Xiao Mi" still exist in the depths of her heart? .

Yang Mi's story allows us to see the extreme harshness of women's appearance in the entertainment industry. From "The Love of the Hawthorn Tree" to "Plopping Youth", and to the present, the changes in her appearance have accompanied her career development.

However, does this change really make her happier? In an interview, Yang Mi once said: "I hope everyone can pay attention to my works, not my looks", which may express her inner helplessness.

I really can't breathe for these 5 actresses, and obviously my original face is not ugly, so I have to get along with my nose

The changes in Yang Mi's appearance in the past 10 years make us reflect: in the era of pursuing perfection, have we given women too much unnecessary pressure? Does the young girl who talked and laughed on the stairs of the mountain city still exist in the depths of our memory? Perhaps, true beauty is not a flawless look, but a confident, authentic and unique charm.

Zheng Shuang, a girl who was once known as the "goddess without makeup", is now caught in the whirlpool of plastic surgery controversy. Her experience is like a mirror, reflecting the harsh requirements of the entertainment industry for women's appearance.

Let's first review what Zheng Shuang looked like when he first debuted. At that time, she had fair skin, delicate facial features, especially those big eyes, which were bright and unforgettable. She played Chu Yuxing in "Let's Watch the Meteor Shower" and became an idol in the hearts of countless girls.

I really can't breathe for these 5 actresses, and obviously my original face is not ugly, so I have to get along with my nose

At that time, Zheng Shuang had a bright smile and clear eyes, as kind and lovely as the girl next door, although her nose was not particularly straight, but it was very consistent with her pure and lovely image.

However, as time passed, the public began to notice that Zheng Shuang's appearance had changed. Her nose, in particular, seems to have become more upturned and more defined. This change has sparked questions and speculation from the public.

In a variety show, Zheng Shuang's nose even became the focus, and the camera gave a close-up of her side face, which aroused heated discussions among the audience.

I really can't breathe for these 5 actresses, and obviously my original face is not ugly, so I have to get along with my nose

Some netizens compared Zheng Shuang's photos over the years and found that her appearance had indeed undergone some subtle changes. Not only the nose, but also the eyes seem to become larger, and the creases of the double eyelids are more pronounced.

These changes make her facial features look more three-dimensional, and the whole person exudes the charm of a mature woman, however, this change has also caused more doubts.

In response to her questions about plastic surgery, Zheng Shuang has been silent. However, her silence only fueled the controversy, and the media even compared her photos over the years in an attempt to find clues to the changes in her appearance.

I really can't breathe for these 5 actresses, and obviously my original face is not ugly, so I have to get along with my nose

In a live broadcast, when a netizen asked her "Is it plastic surgery", Zheng Shuang just smiled and said, "I think it's very good-looking, what should I do?" This ambiguous answer sparked the public's curiosity even more.

Although Zheng Shuang is still beautiful today, her youthful and innocent temperament seems to have disappeared. There was a hint of complexity in her eyes, and there was a bit of tiredness in her smile. Is this a sign of time or a trauma of the soul?

In recent public events, Zheng Shuang's appearance has sparked widespread discussion, and many netizens think that her nose has become sharper and thinner, and the whole person looks unnatural. This kind of comment undoubtedly brought a lot of pressure to Zheng Shuang.

I really can't breathe for these 5 actresses, and obviously my original face is not ugly, so I have to get along with my nose

Zheng Shuang's plastic surgery turmoil not only damaged her public image, but also may cause her to be affected by the naturalness and real feeling in her performance. Zheng Shuang once said in an interview: "I hope everyone can pay more attention to my works rather than my looks."

This sentence may express the helplessness in her heart.

Zheng Shuang's story makes us reflect: in the era of pursuing perfection, do we give women too much unnecessary pressure? Is Zheng Shuang, who can move people's hearts without makeup, still in our memory?

I really can't breathe for these 5 actresses, and obviously my original face is not ugly, so I have to get along with my nose

Perhaps, true beauty is not just about a flawless look, but also about being confident, authentic, and uniquely attractive. Zheng Shuang's experience reminds us that everyone has the freedom to pursue beauty, but should this pursuit be at the expense of personal characteristics and even health?

After telling Zheng Shuang's story, we can't help but ask: Are those originally pure and natural faces, as well as those unique personal traits, really not as important as a perfect but cookie-cutter nose? Hopefully, in the near future, we will see more celebrities who have the courage to show their true side and no longer be bound by the pressure of plastic surgery.

Mao Xiaotong has transformed from the girl next door in a youth idol drama to a radiant goddess on the red carpet, and every step seems to be just right. However, is there also a secret to plastic surgery hidden behind this change?

I really can't breathe for these 5 actresses, and obviously my original face is not ugly, so I have to get along with my nose

Looking back at Mao Xiaotong's youthful appearance in "Whirlwind Girl", she was full of youth and a bright smile at that time, and she was an idol in the hearts of countless girls. Although her nose is not particularly straight, it fits well with her innocent and lovely image.

At that time, Mao Xiaotong was like the girl next door, kind and natural, making people feel close.

However, as time passed, the audience began to notice a huge change in Mao Xiaotong. Especially at last year's GQ ceremony, when she made a stunning appearance, everyone was amazed by her beauty.

I really can't breathe for these 5 actresses, and obviously my original face is not ugly, so I have to get along with my nose

Dressed in a champagne-colored gown, her complexion was as white as snow, and her long dark hair added to the elegance and generosity, but the most striking thing was her incomparably delicate face.

Mao Xiaotong's nose has become more upright, the contours are more distinct, and the whole person exudes the charm of a mature woman, which has aroused heated public discussions. Some netizens said: "The current Mao Xiaotong is completely different from before, the nose has become tall and thin, and the whole person looks unnatural."

I really can't breathe for these 5 actresses, and obviously my original face is not ugly, so I have to get along with my nose

Faced with questions about plastic surgery, Mao Xiaotong chose to remain silent. However, her silence did not quell the controversy. Some attentive netizens also compared her photos over the years, trying to find out the clues of the changes in her appearance.

In a live broadcast, when asked if he had plastic surgery, Mao Xiaotong replied with a smile: "I think it's good-looking, what should I do?" This ambiguous answer sparked public curiosity.

Today's Mao Xiaotong, although her face is still the same, her former youthful and innocent temperament is gone. Her eyes were a little more complicated, and her smile also revealed a hint of maturity.

I really can't breathe for these 5 actresses, and obviously my original face is not ugly, so I have to get along with my nose

Is this change due to the inevitability of growth, or is it deliberately shaped?

In some recent public events, Mao Xiaotong's appearance shocked many people. Not only is her nose straight, but it also appears very elongated, in contrast to her otherwise rounded facial contours.

Some netizens commented: "Now Mao Xiaotong looks more and more like a plastic surgery template, especially the nose, which looks too unnatural."

I really can't breathe for these 5 actresses, and obviously my original face is not ugly, so I have to get along with my nose

Mao Xiaotong's suspicions about plastic surgery have had a negative impact on her public image and the naturalness and realism in her performances. In an interview, Mao Xiaotong once said: "I hope people can focus on my work, not my looks.

This sentence may express her inner helplessness and heart.

Mao Xiaotong's story provokes us to think: in this era of perfection, do women have to change their appearance to gain recognition? Is that youthful Mao Xiaotong still hidden deep in our memory?

I really can't breathe for these 5 actresses, and obviously my original face is not ugly, so I have to get along with my nose

Perhaps, true beauty is not manifested in flawless appearance, but in confidence, authenticity and unique charm. Mao Xiaotong's experience tells us that everyone has the right to pursue beauty, but should this pursuit come at the expense of personal characteristics?

After telling Mao Xiaotong's story, we can't help but ask: Are those originally pure, natural faces and unique personal traits really not as important as a perfect but cookie-cutter nose? We hope that in the days to come, we can see more celebrities willing to show their true side instead of being bound by the pressure of plastic surgery.

Niu Xinxin's story is a gorgeous turn from athlete to actor. But some details about this turn seem to suggest that she may have had plastic surgery. Her experience allows us to see the strict requirements for appearance in the entertainment industry, especially for women.

I really can't breathe for these 5 actresses, and obviously my original face is not ugly, so I have to get along with my nose

Let's recall what Niu Xinxin looked like when she was an athlete. At that time, she was fit, with a simple face, although she was not a beauty, but she was full of sunshine and vitality. Her nose is not very upright, but it is very harmonious with the overall image.

In the 2012 Shandong Satellite TV's "Shandong Spring Festival Gala" program, Niu Xinxin, who was in her early 20s, was full of youth, with big round eyes, eyebrows and eyes crooked when she smiled, full of vitality At that time, her hair was tied up at will, wearing a simple T-shirt, and her body exuded the unique vitality of athletes.

However, when Niu Xinxin decided to transform into an actor, she seemed to realize her shortcomings in appearance. In the world of the entertainment industry, where people are judged by their appearance, her image as an athlete obviously can't attract enough eyeballs.

I really can't breathe for these 5 actresses, and obviously my original face is not ugly, so I have to get along with my nose

Therefore, plastic surgery seems to have become a choice she must make.

When Niu Xinxin reappeared in the public eye, everyone was surprised to find that her appearance had changed dramatically. Her nose, in particular, is upturned and shapely, with a well-defined silhouette. This change has sparked heated discussions, with some praising her for becoming more and more beautiful, and others wondering if she has overdone plastic surgery.

In "Ode to Joy" broadcast in 2015, Niu Xinxin played a supporting role, and to the surprise of the audience, the original simple and unpretentious athlete image has completely disappeared, and now she has exquisite facial features and fair skin, like a fashionable urban beauty.

I really can't breathe for these 5 actresses, and obviously my original face is not ugly, so I have to get along with my nose

Her nose is tall and slender, creating a great contrast to the otherwise full contours of her face.

Faced with the questioning of plastic surgery, Niu Xinxin remained silent. But her silence did not quell the controversy. In a live broadcast, when a netizen asked her if she had plastic surgery, she just smiled and replied "I'm sorry, thank you".

This ambiguous answer made the public's curiosity about her even stronger.

I really can't breathe for these 5 actresses, and obviously my original face is not ugly, so I have to get along with my nose

Recently, Niu Xinxin's performance has surprised many people. Although her appearance is still glamorous, the confidence and sunshine in her eyes seem to be gone. Some netizens commented on it: "Compared with the past, Niu Xinxin's nose has become sharp and thin, and the whole person does not look so natural."

Niu Xinxin's plastic surgery path has had an impact on her public image and performance ability. She once said in an interview: "I hope that everyone's attention will be mainly on my work rather than my appearance", which may reflect her inner helplessness and trouble.

I really can't breathe for these 5 actresses, and obviously my original face is not ugly, so I have to get along with my nose

Niu Xinxin's story provokes us to reflect: in the process of pursuing perfection, do we ignore the unique charm of each person? Does that sunny and energetic athlete Niu Xinxin still exist in the depths of her heart?

Perhaps, true beauty is not a flawless look, but a confident and authentic charm that is unique. Niu Xinxin's experience reminds us that everyone has the right to pursue beauty, but should this pursuit come at the expense of personality and even health?

After ending Niu Xinxin's story, we can't help but ask: Are those simple and natural faces, those unique personal traits, really not as important as a perfect and cookie-cutter nose? Hopefully, in the near future, we will see more celebrities who dare to show their true side instead of being bound by the pressure of plastic surgery.

I really can't breathe for these 5 actresses, and obviously my original face is not ugly, so I have to get along with my nose

The plastic surgery experience of five female stars Zhang Xiaofei, Yang Mi, Zheng Shuang, Mao Xiaotong and Niu Xinxin tells us that plastic surgery is already a phenomenon that cannot be ignored in the entertainment industry. This phenomenon not only affects the lives and careers of these stars, but also has a certain impact on the aesthetics of the entire society.

First of all, plastic surgery has had a profound impact on the acting careers of these actresses. On the one hand, compared to their previous faces, their more refined looks have allowed them to gain more attention from a wide audience, which has increased more opportunities.

For example, Zhang Xiaofei's stunning performance in "Hello, Li Huanying", Yang Mi becoming a top star, and Mao Xiaotong's stunning appearance on the GQ red carpet are all inseparable from the changes in their appearance.

I really can't breathe for these 5 actresses, and obviously my original face is not ugly, so I have to get along with my nose

Secondly, the phenomenon of celebrity plastic surgery has distorted the aesthetics of society to a certain extent. When more and more celebrities start plastic surgery and get more attention as a result, it invisibly sends a message to the public that only faces that meet a certain aesthetic standard are beautiful.

This notion not only puts great pressure on ordinary people, especially young people, but can also lead to aesthetic homogeneity.

It should be noted that in the plastic surgery changes of these five actresses, the nose has obviously become the focus. From Zhang Xiaofei's "straight nose", to Yang Mi's "more upright" nose bridge, to Zheng Shuang, Mao Xiaotong and Niu Xinxin's "sharp and thin" noses that were questioned, we can't help asking: Why do these actresses have trouble with their noses? Does this trend of pursuing a high nose bridge reflect a certain deviation in our aesthetic concept?

I really can't breathe for these 5 actresses, and obviously my original face is not ugly, so I have to get along with my nose

Finally, we have to wonder if we are putting too much unnecessary pressure on women, especially public figures, in this age of perfection? Everyone has the right to pursue beauty, but should this pursuit come at the expense of personal characteristics, even health?

The plastic surgery experience of celebrities is like a mirror, reflecting the understanding and pursuit of beauty in our time. It reminds us that true beauty is not just determined by appearance, but also by inner confidence and unique charm.

Perhaps, we need to re-examine our aesthetics and learn to appreciate the unique beauty of each person, rather than blindly pursuing a single and standardized beauty.

I really can't breathe for these 5 actresses, and obviously my original face is not ugly, so I have to get along with my nose

At the end of this article, we can't help but ask: Are those originally pure, natural faces, those unique personal traits really less important than a perfect but cookie-cutter nose? Hopefully, in the near future, we will see more celebrities who have the courage to show their true side instead of being bound by the pressure of plastic surgery.

Let's work together to create a more inclusive and diverse aesthetic environment, where everyone can confidently express their truest beauty.