
Cancer starts from the internal organs, and the skin alarms first? Reminder: There are 3 abnormalities in the skin, which are signs of cancer

author:Traditional Chinese Medicine Dr. Tan Tan

In the vast field of medical science, cancer has always played a role in making people palpitate and change color, and has become the focus of the medical community to overcome difficulties. It not only means that a tissue or organ inside the patient's body is suffering irreversible damage, but also represents an unknown, uncertain and threat of death. However, cancer is not untraceable, and it often leaves some "clues" on the skin on the outside of the body.

Cancer starts from the internal organs, and the skin alarms first? Reminder: There are 3 abnormalities in the skin, which are signs of cancer

The relationship between cancer and skin lesions

Cancer is the malignant result of uncontrolled cell proliferation and malignant spread, and has become a serious challenge to life and health. During the development of cancer, tumor cells release some special bioactive substances, which not only affect the normal tissues around the tumor, but also spread throughout the body through the blood and lymphatic system. When these substances come into contact with the skin, they trigger a cascade of abnormal skin reactions that lead to the appearance of lesions.

Acanthosis nigricans, a manifestation of skin abnormalities characterized by a rough texture and increased thickness of the skin, accompanied by an unusual state of pigmentation.

Acanthosis nigricans, as a kind of skin abnormality, is characterized by the pathological characteristics of symmetrically distributed melanin in the neck, armpits, perineum and umbilicus. This condition is closely related to visceral tumors, especially those of the digestive system such as gastric cancer. Malignant acanthosis nigricans is closely intertwined with visceral tumors, and sixty percent of patients have skin lesions and visceral carcinogenesis worsening simultaneously, forming a vicious circle of mutual causality. Symmetrical aggregation of melanin abnormalities in the neck, axilla, perineum, and umbilicus region should be immediately alarmed, which may be a clear warning of the latent risk of visceral tumors.

Cancer starts from the internal organs, and the skin alarms first? Reminder: There are 3 abnormalities in the skin, which are signs of cancer

Bright red spots of bright color and various shapes appear on the skin, marking an abnormal change in the condition of the skin.

Skin erythema, a skin abnormality that should not be ignored, can often be a warning sign of a cancer-related association. Erythema can have a variety of causes, ranging from mild to dermatitis eczema, but in severe cases, they can be linked to major health problems such as lupus erythematosus. However, there is a specific type of erythema that is characterized by centrifugal outward spread and a gradual discoloration of the central part, which is common on the trunk, especially on the buttocks, with marked itching and discomfort. This erythema may be an outward warning sign on the skin of an underlying serious illness such as breast cancer or liver cancer. A specific condition called creeping erythema or a potential external signal of malignant lesions such as breast cancer and lung cancer deserves people's deep vigilance and attention.

The unbearable itchiness of the skin becomes a warning sign from the body.

For cancer patients, itchy skin is often one of the most common pains, alerting to an abnormal condition in the body. Abnormally strong itching sensation on the skin throughout the body may be a warning sign common to many malignant tumors such as Hodgkin's disease, leukemia, and myeloma. The source of skin itching may lie deep in the bioactive molecules released by tumor cells, such as histamine and proteolytic enzymes, which act directly on the sensory nerve endings of the skin, activating these nerve endings, causing unbearable itching and discomfort. It is important to note that itchy skin is often overlooked or misdiagnosed as a common disease such as dry skin, allergies, etc., thus delaying the early detection and treatment of cancer.

Cancer starts from the internal organs, and the skin alarms first? Reminder: There are 3 abnormalities in the skin, which are signs of cancer

3. Skin lesions as early warning signs of cancer

The skin, as an important protective barrier of the human body, not only protects our body from external intrusions, but also serves as a mirror to spy on the state of health in the body, and its changes often indicate the internal condition of the body. By delving deeper into the characteristics and patterns of skin lesions, we can reveal early warning signs that are closely related to cancer and protect health. Although these signals are not the basis for the diagnosis of cancer, they provide valuable clues and references for the early detection and diagnosis of cancer, and escort health.

A study of the association of skin lesions with cancer

Current research on the association between skin lesions and cancer is not deep and comprehensive. Therefore, we should strengthen research efforts in this area and deeply explore the intrinsic links and mechanisms between skin lesions and cancer. This will help us better understand the pathogenesis and laws of cancer, and provide a more scientific and accurate basis for the early detection and diagnosis of cancer.

Public awareness and understanding of the close link between skin lesions and cancer

Public awareness of the relationship between skin lesions and cancer is generally insufficient. Therefore, we should strengthen publicity and education through various channels and ways to raise public awareness of the relationship between skin lesions and cancer. This will help people pay more attention to skin health problems, detect and report possible skin lesion symptoms in a timely manner, and gain valuable time for early detection and diagnosis of cancer.

Screening for skin lesions as part of cancer screening

As a simple, non-invasive, and economical examination method, skin lesion screening has unique advantages in cancer screening. Screening for skin lesions should be included in the routine program of cancer screening and promoted and applied as part of cancer screening. This will help us to have a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of people's health status, detect possible cancer lesion signals in time, and improve the early detection and diagnosis rate of cancer.

Cancer starts from the internal organs, and the skin alarms first? Reminder: There are 3 abnormalities in the skin, which are signs of cancer

Cancer is a serious disease, but it is not untraceable. Delving deeper into the nature and pattern of skin lesions has led to insights into some of the potential warning signs of cancer. Although these signals cannot be directly used for the diagnosis of cancer, they provide crucial clues and references for the early identification and diagnosis of cancer. Therefore, we should strengthen the research on the correlation between skin lesions and cancer, raise public awareness of the relationship between skin lesions and cancer, promote skin lesion screening as a part of cancer screening, and make greater contributions to the early detection and diagnosis of cancer.

I'm Dr. Tan, welcome everyone to like and follow, and say your views in the comment area, let's chat

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