
The thirteenth elder brother Yinxiang, his ability is not inferior to Yongzheng, why didn't Kangxi pass on the throne to him?

author:Coffee History C

After a hundred years of rise and fall, the Qing Dynasty was once beautiful, but unfortunately it was inevitable that it would collapse later. As the last glorious period, the Kangxi period is undoubtedly the most remarkable golden years of the Qing Dynasty. However, even in such a good time, Emperor Kangxi inevitably had a headache in order to choose the crown prince. After a dragon fight, Yongzheng dominated the rivers and lakes and finally inherited the throne. But what Emperor Kangxi valued back then was not Yongzheng, but the talented thirteenth elder brother Yinxiang.

The thirteenth elder brother Yinxiang, his ability is not inferior to Yongzheng, why didn't Kangxi pass on the throne to him?

When it comes to the heirs of Emperor Kangxi, almost everyone knows that the fourth elder brother Yongzheng is the fourth elder brother, after all, he later inherited the throne and became a generation of Ming monarchs. But in fact, in the eyes of Emperor Kangxi, the most important thing is not Yongzheng, but the older thirteenth elder brother Yinxiang.

Yinxiang has shown extraordinary civil and military talent since he was a child, and he can be described as both civil and military, and omnipotent. Since he was a child, he has been proficient in all eighteen kinds of martial arts, and his riding and archery hunting skills are particularly superb, which has reached the point of wearing Yang in a hundred steps, which made Emperor Kangxi of that year admire. However, Yinxiang is not a "big old man", and the elegance of poetry and poetry is also familiar with these literati, and he often writes a masterpiece and gives it to Emperor Kangxi, so that the master who sleepwalks too empty can appreciate and evaluate it.

Because of Yinxiang's outstanding temperament and talent, Emperor Kangxi often took him with him. Looking at Yinxiang's talent, smart and clever, Emperor Kangxi naturally made up his mind secretly: if he can pass the throne to such talents in the future, the government will definitely be able to settle down for a while.

The thirteenth elder brother Yinxiang, his ability is not inferior to Yongzheng, why didn't Kangxi pass on the throne to him?

However, the good times did not last long, and in the end, Emperor Kangxi still failed to achieve his wish. The reason is that Yinxiang has no interest in the worldly matter of power struggle, and is more satisfied with being an upright and disciplined prince. He had a close relationship with Yongzheng, and when he was fighting for the crown, he also firmly supported Yongzheng's side, but in the eyes of Emperor Kangxi, he lacked the city government and political wisdom.

In the end, Emperor Kangxi had to cut his love and pass the throne to Yongzheng, who was ruthless and unfathomable. Yinxiang was "house arrested" and lived a carefree life as a prince. Emperor Kangxi must also hope that he can stay away from this hustle and bustle and enjoy Qingfu in peace.

However, Emperor Kangxi obviously underestimated this most favored son. After Yongzheng ascended the throne, he personally invited Yinxiang to go out of the mountain to assist the government, and appointed him as the prime minister, which can be called the second person in the dynasty. And Yinxiang is also going all out to do his best for the Yongzheng government.

The thirteenth elder brother Yinxiang, his ability is not inferior to Yongzheng, why didn't Kangxi pass on the throne to him?

During his reign, Yinxiang vigorously purged corruption in the government and was extremely strict in the evaluation of officials. As long as there is any suspicion of dereliction of duty, officials will be punished immediately, even if they are from the imperial examination. At the same time, he also attaches great importance to talent recruitment, spares no effort to find all virtuous people, and truly achieves the way of employing people.

Not only that, Yinxiang has also made great achievements in people's livelihood projects. When the Yongzheng Dynasty suffered a great drought in the south, Yinxiang took the initiative to personally supervise the construction of water conservancy projects, and finally benefited future generations for hundreds of years. It can be said that it is precisely with Yinxiang's contribution that the Yongzheng Empire has always maintained a prosperous scene.

The thirteenth elder brother Yinxiang, his ability is not inferior to Yongzheng, why didn't Kangxi pass on the throne to him?

However, there are inevitably shortcomings in life, and when Emperor Yongzheng ascended the throne for eight years, Yinxiang died of illness at the age of only one in fifty. This was undoubtedly a big loss for Emperor Yongzheng at that time, after all, without such a virtuous prime minister, it would be difficult for anyone to undertake political affairs in the future.

But then again, Yinxiang is not a person who tends to be inflammatory. He has upheld his integrity and kindness all his life, and he only wants to be a royal family and serve the country. Although his friendship with Yongzheng is good, his help to Yongzheng ascend the throne is purely unintentional, and there is no political calculation.

Otherwise, with his popularity and prestige, he will have taken the lead in the court, and with just a few light operations, maybe the government will have a new master. But Yinxiang is not that kind of person, he follows his heart in everything, and he will not involve himself in any fierce power struggle.

The thirteenth elder brother Yinxiang, his ability is not inferior to Yongzheng, why didn't Kangxi pass on the throne to him?

It is precisely because of this that Emperor Kangxi is quite puzzling, it is a pity that there is such a talent but he is allowed to go freely. However, Emperor Kangxi is also His Majesty after all, and those who have the power to scheming need to be extra vigilant, which is a rule to avoid people's eyes.

Fortunately, after Emperor Yongzheng ascended the throne, Yinxiang was reactivated, allowing this outstanding figure in martial arts to re-display his ambitions and serve the country. As the so-called "talent is not talented, use it or not", this is really a wise move of Emperor Yongzheng.

The thirteenth elder brother Yinxiang, his ability is not inferior to Yongzheng, why didn't Kangxi pass on the throne to him?

After Yinxiang went into battle, he showed his skills, set things right, rectified the dynasty, severely punished corruption, and personally supervised the people's livelihood. You must know that Qianlong had not yet ascended the throne at that time, and the government could even be said to be in his hands, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he was the number two person.

Therefore, during his lifetime, the Qing Dynasty always maintained a prosperous situation, with orderly internal governance, the people's hearts turned back, and the government and the opposition were harmonious. It was not until the late Qianlong period that the national strength began to weaken day by day, and the dynasty also went into decline. If Yinxiang, a capable minister, lived a few more years, maybe the fate of the Qing Dynasty would be rewritten.

The thirteenth elder brother Yinxiang, his ability is not inferior to Yongzheng, why didn't Kangxi pass on the throne to him?

Throughout Yinxiang's life, he not only has the peerless assets of outstanding talent and martial arts, but also has the noble character of frankness, kindness and integrity, which can be called a real "beauty and heavy weapon". It's a pity that he died too early and failed to do more for the country.

The thirteenth elder brother Yinxiang, his ability is not inferior to Yongzheng, why didn't Kangxi pass on the throne to him?

But then again, it was because of this integrity that Yinxiang was unable to ascend the throne in the later period. After all, in the struggle for hegemony between the government and the opposition, conspiracy and intrigue are inevitable. And Yinxiang is obviously not that kind of person, he just wants to be a Ming monarch and a courtier and enjoy a peaceful and prosperous world.

Perhaps, Yinxiang himself is not so concerned about the throne. He just simply wants to be a qualified royal family and use his own strength to benefit the people. Although he did not take power in the end, his life's achievements are still worth remembering for a long time. #头条首发大赛#