
Bullying again! A boy was beaten and humiliated by multiple people to eat vomit on the ground, and the police have intervened

author:The stars of the sea
Bullying again! A boy was beaten and humiliated by multiple people to eat vomit on the ground, and the police have intervened

It is said that those who follow me will not have too bad luck! If you want to have good fortune, start by paying attention! I wish you abundant wealth and good luck!

When will school violence stop? Deep thinking triggered by a bullying incident

A shocking video of a boy brutally beaten and humiliated by multiple men went viral, and the bullying incident in Nanyang, Henan Province, quickly became the focus of public opinion, triggering strong attention from all walks of life about school violence and the protection of minors

Bullying again! A boy was beaten and humiliated by multiple people to eat vomit on the ground, and the police have intervened

The content of this video is outrageous, in the picture, several men punch and kick the victim boy, one of them even holds a long knife and hits the boy on the head, the cruelty of the method is chilling, the perpetrator not only physically tortures the boy, but also forces him to eat vomit, lick saliva and other extremely insulting behavior, causing great psychological damage to the victim boy

The perpetrator or a minor? The double torture of law and morality

According to the police report, there are many minors involved in the case, the disclosure of this news, undoubtedly cast a more complicated shadow on this incident, the law on the protection of minors is supposed to protect the legitimate rights and interests of minors, in real life, but has repeatedly become a shield for some minors to act recklessly, how to balance the protection and punishment of minors, has become a difficult problem in front of the judicial organs

Bullying again! A boy was beaten and humiliated by multiple people to eat vomit on the ground, and the police have intervened

This incident is not an isolated case, in recent years, school violence incidents have emerged one after another, the cruelty of the perpetrators' methods, the nature of the evil is shocking, from verbal abuse to physical conflicts, and now to the forced to eat vomit, the degree of school violence continues to escalate, seriously threatening the physical and mental health and life safety of minors, the reasons for this, the lack of family education, the lack of school supervision, the influence of the social environment, etc., are all causes of frequent school violence

Spiral of Silence: The indifference of the bystander is also an accomplice

It is worth pondering that in addition to the abuser and the victim, there are some onlookers and students, and the chilling thing is that most of them choose to be silent and watch, and some even take out their mobile phones to shoot videos and upload them to the Internet, this indifferent attitude is undoubtedly connivance to the abuser, and it also exacerbates the helplessness and despair of the victims

Bullying again! A boy was beaten and humiliated by multiple people to eat vomit on the ground, and the police have intervened

Parents, schools, and society should all take action to jointly build a safe and friendly environment for growth, and parents should strengthen the education and guidance of their children, and cultivate their awareness of the rule of law and moral concepts; Schools should strengthen campus safety management and establish and improve prevention mechanisms; All sectors of society should actively create a positive atmosphere of public opinion and jointly resist and condemn school violence

The prevention of school violence requires the joint efforts of the whole society

The prevention of school violence requires the joint efforts of the whole society, and government departments should increase the intensity of the crackdown on school violence, improve relevant laws and regulations, increase the cost of violating the law, and let the perpetrators receive the punishment they deserve; Schools should strengthen the education and guidance of students, help them establish correct values and outlook on life, and learn to use legal weapons to protect themselves; Parents should strengthen communication with their children, keep abreast of their psychological conditions, and guide them to handle interpersonal relationships correctly

Bullying again! A boy was beaten and humiliated by multiple people to eat vomit on the ground, and the police have intervened

Building a harmonious campus starts with you and me

Building a harmonious campus requires the joint efforts of each of us, let us join hands to pay attention to campus safety, care about the healthy growth of minors, and create a safe, friendly and hopeful future for children!

Bullying again! A boy was beaten and humiliated by multiple people to eat vomit on the ground, and the police have intervened

From law to morality, how to weave a dense network for the protection of minors?

This incident has triggered people's in-depth thinking about the protection of minors, how to protect the legitimate rights and interests of minors, and effectively punish illegal and criminal acts, has become an urgent problem to be solved, and it is necessary to strengthen the education of minors on the rule of law, guide them to establish a sense of the rule of law, and enhance their ability to distinguish between right and wrong and self-protection; In addition, it is necessary to improve relevant laws and regulations, increase the force of punishment for violations of the rights and interests of minors, and make those who violate the law and commit crimes pay the due price

Bullying again! A boy was beaten and humiliated by multiple people to eat vomit on the ground, and the police have intervened

The Internet is not illegal, and online violence also needs to be vigilant

This incident has also exposed the dark corners of cyberspace, some netizens have made inappropriate remarks in the comment area, causing secondary harm to the victims, the Internet is not an illegal place, and cyber violence is also realistically harmful, and we need to be vigilant enough, we must work together to maintain order and security in cyberspace and create a clear cyber environment

Bullying again! A boy was beaten and humiliated by multiple people to eat vomit on the ground, and the police have intervened

Dispel the gloom with love and fill the campus with sunshine

The occurrence of school violence is sad and regrettable, every child is the flower of the motherland, the hope of the future, they should grow up healthily in an environment full of love and sunshine, let us work together to dispel the haze with love, so that the campus is full of sunshine

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