
What's New! The gangsters Liao Jiujin and Tu Chunbo were executed today, and the crime was announced!

author:Ho Hui Ping
What's New! The gangsters Liao Jiujin and Tu Chunbo were executed today, and the crime was announced!

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The former "black tyrant" finally welcomed the judgment day, Liao Jiujin, and Tu Chunbo Fufaji

On June 27, 2024, it is an extremely special day for Yueyang, Hunan, a day that announces the final victory of justice over evil, and the leaders of the criminal underworld organization Liao Jiujin and Tu Chunbo were executed, paying the due price for the heinous crimes they committed

Over the years, he has committed a series of serious crimes in the Yueyang area by virtue of his ruthlessness and unscrupulous means: organizing and leading underworld organizations, committing crimes, and oppressing the people; intentional homicide, treating human life as if it were a mustard; extortion, amassing ill-gotten gains; picking quarrels and provoking troubles and disrupting social order...... Piles and piles, it is difficult to write

As a "military advisor", Tu Chunbo is also unforgivable, he has followed Liao Jiujin for many years, acting as a tiger, and is Liao Jiujin's "right-hand man", from planning crimes to committing crimes, he plays an important role, his hands are stained with the blood of crime, intentional killing, intentional injury, and illegal detention...... These heinous crimes record his brutality and ruthlessness

Under the leadership of Liao Jiujin and Tu Chunbo, this underworld organization grew like a cancer, growing wildly in the Yueyang area, seriously undermining the local economic order and social life, and bringing heavy suffering and endless pain to the people...... Their evil deeds are too numerous to mention, and they have aroused great public indignation

On the long road of chasing the murderer, justice has never been absent from the fight against gangsters and evil, demonstrating the power of the rule of law

In the face of the criminal syndicates and evil forces behind them, the public security organs of Hunan Province did not flinch in the slightest, and they resolutely chose to struggle against the evil forces, and in order to completely eradicate this intricately entrenched underworld organization, the public security cadres and policemen made tremendous efforts

What's New! The gangsters Liao Jiujin and Tu Chunbo were executed today, and the crime was announced!

They conducted an in-depth investigation, interviewed countless victims and witnesses, and collected a large amount of evidence; They were not afraid of rape, fought wits and courage with the underworld forces, and finally arrested Liao Jiujin, Tu Chunbo and others, the investigation process of the case was full of hardships and dangers, but the public security officers and policemen always kept in mind their mission and did not relax for a moment

On June 27, 2024, with the approval of the death penalty by the Supreme People's Court, the Intermediate People's Court of Yueyang City, Hunan Province, executed Liao Jiujin and Tu Chunbo in accordance with the law

The news of the execution of Liao Jiujin and Tu Chunbo is undoubtedly a shot in the arm and a reassuring pill for the broad masses of the people, and it shows that in China, the dignity of the law cannot be trampled on, the end of criminals will eventually come, and anyone who attempts to challenge the bottom line of the law will be severely punished by the law

Eradicate the "protective umbrella", purify the political ecology, and the sword of anti-corruption is aimed at the root of evil and evil

The reason why Liao Jiujin and Tu Chunbo were able to run rampant and commit crimes so unscrupulously and unscrupulously was inseparable from the "relationship network" and "protective umbrella" behind them

What's New! The gangsters Liao Jiujin and Tu Chunbo were executed today, and the crime was announced!

In order to seek personal gains, some corrupt elements have colluded with criminal syndicates and evil forces, acted as their "protective umbrella," provided them with shelter, and even helped them evade legal sanctions; these corrupt elements have seriously damaged the image of the party and the government and undermined social fairness and justice, and must be resolutely eliminated

In the investigation of Liao Jiujin and Tu Chunbo's underworld criminal organizations, the discipline inspection and supervision organs dug deep and thoroughly investigated to the end, and found out the "inner ghosts" who provided protection for them; a number of corrupt elements were investigated and punished, and the "protective umbrella" that supported the underworld and evil forces was smashed one by one; this was not only a heavy blow to the underworld and evil forces, but also a powerful deterrent to corrupt elements, and demonstrated the firm determination of the party Central Committee to fight corruption and eliminate evil to the end

The people live and work in peace and contentment, the society has regained tranquility, and the achievements of anti-gang crime and evil have benefited thousands of people

Since the launch of the special struggle to sweep away organized crime and eliminate vice, remarkable results have been achieved, the arrogance of the criminal syndicates and evil forces has been effectively curbed, the public order environment has been markedly improved, and the people's sense of security, happiness, and gain has been markedly enhanced

What's New! The gangsters Liao Jiujin and Tu Chunbo were executed today, and the crime was announced!

Yueyang, which was once shrouded by underworld forces, is now full of vitality, and the streets and alleys are full of peaceful smiles on people's faces; Night market stalls, merchants operate with peace of mind, and customers can consume with confidence; In the fields, the farmers worked hard and enjoyed the joy of the harvest......

The special struggle to sweep away organized crime and eliminate evil has not only cracked down on crime, but also purified the social atmosphere, reshaped social righteousness, and created a safe and stable environment for economic and social development

Sweeping away gangsters and eliminating evil is always on the road, and we must not have the slightest slackness and paralysis

The alarm bell rings for a long time, and we will always make unremitting efforts to build a long-term mechanism to protect a safe future

Underworld and evil forces are a cancer in society, and they must be resolutely cracked down on and eradicated, and we must persist in "cracking down on small ones as early as possible" and crack down on them as soon as they emerge, and never tolerate them; It is necessary to persist in "breaking the umbrella and breaking the net," dig deep and thoroughly investigate the "protective umbrella" and "relationship network" behind the criminal syndicate and evil forces, and thoroughly eradicate the soil for the breeding of the criminal and evil forces

What's New! The gangsters Liao Jiujin and Tu Chunbo were executed today, and the crime was announced!

It is necessary to further strengthen the construction of grassroots organizations, improve the social governance system, enhance the capacity of social governance, and form a social governance pattern of joint construction, joint governance and sharing, strengthen publicity and education on the rule of law, and guide the masses to consciously abide by the law, find the law when encountering problems, and rely on the law to solve problems, so as to form a good social atmosphere of advocating and abiding by the law

Sweeping away gangsters and eliminating evil is a protracted battle that requires the participation of the whole society, let us join hands and work together to contribute to the construction of a higher level of peace and rule of law in China

Readers, what do you think of this case? How do you think we should participate in the fight against gangsters and evil? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area and share your views

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