
Ambiguous? Bailu Fan Chengcheng's interaction was questioned

Ambiguous? Bailu Fan Chengcheng's interaction was questioned

Bailu Fan Chengcheng: Is this talking?

If not, then the interaction between these two people is a bit too ambiguous.

After the latest episode of "Let's Run" was broadcast, the two were accused of having no sense of boundary because their interaction was too intimate.

Ambiguous? Bailu Fan Chengcheng's interaction was questioned

Here's the thing:

After the paint game, everyone looked miserable, and their faces were covered with paint.

After the game, everyone stood together to review.

At this time, Fan Chengcheng directly took Bailu into his arms and painted her face with paint.

Ambiguous? Bailu Fan Chengcheng's interaction was questioned

Bailu had no room for resistance at all, so he could only let Fan Chengcheng bully.

After this picture was exposed, Bailu and Fan Chengcheng were tried.

Because in everyone's opinion, these two people get along without any sense of boundaries, and they are not at all like the way ordinary friends should get along.

Ambiguous? Bailu Fan Chengcheng's interaction was questioned

But some people say that the two are simply good friends, happy and enemies.

And such a picture of laughter and slapstick doesn't mean anything.

But what's really there...

Netizens struck while the iron was hot again, and picked up a bunch of pictures of the intimate interaction between the two.

For example, Bailu hugging Fan Chengcheng:

Ambiguous? Bailu Fan Chengcheng's interaction was questioned

Fan Chengcheng stared at Bailu:

Ambiguous? Bailu Fan Chengcheng's interaction was questioned

Fan Chengcheng took the initiative to reach out and touch Bailu's mouth...

Of course, there is also the interaction between the two people who are often together...

Ambiguous? Bailu Fan Chengcheng's interaction was questioned

After these pictures were picked up, the relationship between Bailu and Fan Chengcheng became more intriguing.

Because these two people are hugging, touching their faces, and touching their mouths, they are very ambiguous.

Ambiguous? Bailu Fan Chengcheng's interaction was questioned

Even if Zheng Kai and baby were in business at the beginning, they were not as ambiguous as Bailu and Fan Chengcheng.

It's more generous and decent.

Ambiguous? Bailu Fan Chengcheng's interaction was questioned

So this time, Bailu and Fan Chengcheng were fiercely ridiculed.

After this incident became a big fuss, it was directly on the first hot search.

Ambiguous? Bailu Fan Chengcheng's interaction was questioned

For this reason, fans on both sides are also angry and quarrelsome.

Fan Chengcheng fans complained about Bailu upside down, deliberately rubbing the heat.

Ambiguous? Bailu Fan Chengcheng's interaction was questioned

Bailu fans were not to be outdone, and posted photos saying that Fan Chengcheng had sexually harassed Bailu many times.

And when Bailu was injured, Bailu's bench was removed, causing Bailu to fall to the ground.

Ambiguous? Bailu Fan Chengcheng's interaction was questioned

The more noisy the two sides became, the more fierce they became, and they did not give in to each other.

At this time, Bai Lu and Fan Chengcheng came forward to send a lawyer's letter before and after, and the fans were a little more settled.

But after this incident, Bailu and Fan Chengcheng should start to avoid suspicion.

In this regard, many people also feel a little pity: because in this case, the effect of the show will be reduced by half...

Ambiguous? Bailu Fan Chengcheng's interaction was questioned

has always been in the "Run" program, Fan Chengcheng has existed as a funny person.

And Bailu herself is also a funny girl, so she hit it off with Fan Chengcheng, and she can play any stalk to make a name.

The two are also very chemical.

Ambiguous? Bailu Fan Chengcheng's interaction was questioned

In addition, Bailu has a lively personality and can afford to play without idol baggage, so her interaction with Fan Chengcheng has always been regarded by everyone as "a pair of funny responsibilities".

Ambiguous? Bailu Fan Chengcheng's interaction was questioned

In everyone's opinion, these two people are happy enemies, and they seem to have a good relationship, and they don't think about the relationship between men and women at all.

In private, Bailu and Fan Chengcheng often get together to play, and there are often interactions on short videos.

But this interaction is becoming more and more borderless, and it rolls over...

Ambiguous? Bailu Fan Chengcheng's interaction was questioned

Because Bailu and Fan Chengcheng are traffic artists, their every move will receive great attention.

Although some interactions are said to be for the effect of variety shows, they will definitely be amplified and discussed if they continue like this.

What do you think? Is there a problem with the interaction between Bailu and Fan Chengcheng?

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