
Goodbye Soup God! Goodbye George! The Warriors did their best, and Curry had to finish on his knees on the path he chose

author:Tenacious elves

The Golden State Warriors have had a spectacular offseason this season! To talk about this team, it's really loveable and anxious.

Our Thompson, who was one of the souls of the Warriors, was now going to say goodbye, and the taste of parting was indescribably sour.

And George, the big guy who has been tossing and turning on the Clippers, has also made quite a wave in the market.

Goodbye Soup God! Goodbye George! The Warriors did their best, and Curry had to finish on his knees on the path he chose

As for Curry, it's even more of a topic maker, the path he chooses, even if he kneels, he has to go it to the end!

Speaking of this offseason, the Warriors have made quite a few moves.

Goodbye Soup God! Goodbye George! The Warriors did their best, and Curry had to finish on his knees on the path he chose

First of all, Thompson's departure, which really aroused the sadness of countless fans.

This buddy was in the glory days of the Warriors, it was a golden piece, and the three-point shots were like dumplings, one after another.

Goodbye Soup God! Goodbye George! The Warriors did their best, and Curry had to finish on his knees on the path he chose

But in the blink of an eye, the cruelty of the market and the restrictions of the salary cap brought this beautiful encounter to an end.

People are asking, without the warrior of the soup god, will it still be the invincible warrior?

Goodbye Soup God! Goodbye George! The Warriors did their best, and Curry had to finish on his knees on the path he chose

And George, a veteran who has been struggling with the Clippers, is also considering whether to change to a new environment to find the championship dream.

The Warriors seem to be spying on him and want to bring him under their roster in a big trade.

Goodbye Soup God! Goodbye George! The Warriors did their best, and Curry had to finish on his knees on the path he chose

Just imagine, if George really joined the Warriors, the picture would be too beautiful for me to watch! But the reality is that the Clippers are not willing to let go easily, after all, who doesn't want to hold a clenched hand with such a big general?

Next, we have to talk about Curry.

Goodbye Soup God! Goodbye George! The Warriors did their best, and Curry had to finish on his knees on the path he chose

This three-point king, both on the court and in the market, has an incomparable appeal.

Faced with the pressure of a team rebuilding and salary, Curry seems ready to make sacrifices.

Goodbye Soup God! Goodbye George! The Warriors did their best, and Curry had to finish on his knees on the path he chose

This kind of spirit is really admirable.

Curry's choice is undoubtedly the key to the future of the Warriors.

Goodbye Soup God! Goodbye George! The Warriors did their best, and Curry had to finish on his knees on the path he chose

Every decision he makes may directly affect the direction of the Warriors.

The Warriors' strategy this offseason is clearly a balancing of existing resources with future potential.

Goodbye Soup God! Goodbye George! The Warriors did their best, and Curry had to finish on his knees on the path he chose

Through trading and adjustments, they try to make the necessary reinforcements without destroying the core of the team.

The cleverness of this can be seen.

Goodbye Soup God! Goodbye George! The Warriors did their best, and Curry had to finish on his knees on the path he chose

Overall, the Warriors' performance this offseason has been like a spectacular show.

Every action, every decision, touches the hearts of countless fans.

Goodbye Soup God! Goodbye George! The Warriors did their best, and Curry had to finish on his knees on the path he chose

Despite the challenges, the determination and courage of the warriors have never weakened.

It remains to be seen how the Warriors navigate the vast NBA ocean in the days ahead.

Goodbye Soup God! Goodbye George! The Warriors did their best, and Curry had to finish on his knees on the path he chose

The story of the Warriors continues in this exciting summer.

Fans, let's look forward to the next season, the Warriors can bring us more surprises and touches!

Goodbye Soup God! Goodbye George! The Warriors did their best, and Curry had to finish on his knees on the path he chose

This offseason for the Warriors, it's really dazzling! Especially Thompson's departure, isn't it like a big piece of my heart has been poached? However, isn't this the charm of sports, there are always a little surprises or frightens that don't follow common sense.

Then, let's look at George, the old brother who may have a new home, whether he can wear the warrior's jersey is really unknown.

Goodbye Soup God! Goodbye George! The Warriors did their best, and Curry had to finish on his knees on the path he chose

And Curry, who is our star of hope, his choice almost decided the fate of the Warriors!

Some netizens said: "Thompson is gone, is the Warriors over?" "Don't worry, while Thompson does bring us a lot of good memories and the three-point shot is like fireworks, the spirit of the Warriors is not to say that it is gone.

The team still has Curry, and George, who may join, this firepower is still very fierce, okay!

Speaking of Curry, you say, will this guy throw his head and spill blood for the future of the Warriors? Curry's sacrificial spirit, that is like gold, if he really decides to stay with the Warriors, then this loyalty and sacrifice is stronger than anything else.

Fans, are you right?

And George's whereabouts, this matter is quite confusing.

A netizen said: "If George comes to the Warriors, will it be able to fill the vacancy left by Thompson?" This makes sense, George's defensive and scoring ability is very strong, and if he does join, the Warriors' strength will definitely get a big boost.

Will the Clippers let him go easily, though? It's really hard to say, after all, George is also a big name.

Then, when it comes to the team's strategy, is this wave of operations by the Warriors quite like a big game of chess? Seeking new breakthroughs by adjusting the lineup is risky, but also full of possibilities.

It depends on whether these operations can bring the desired effect.

Some netizens commented: "The Warriors' offseason strategy this time is really scratching people's heads, in exchange for it, can they find the best combination point?" That's a good question, indeed, every big adjustment has a gambling element in it, but if you don't advance, you will retreat, how can you know the result if you don't try? The Warriors' management is clearly determined to make a wave.

At the end of the day, the Warriors' summer has undoubtedly been full of drama and uncertainty.

The mood of the fans is also different from day to day.

But that's the beauty of sports, isn't it? Every decision, every transfer, can change the fate of a team.

Warriors fans, are you ready? In the new season, let's see how the Warriors create a new chapter for them in this unknown journey!