
Not a secret secret, a number of high-ranking American missile experts were killed in the attack

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Not a secret secret, a number of high-ranking American missile experts were killed in the attack

Edit: Cute Kyle

Not a secret secret, a number of high-ranking American missile experts were killed in the attack

According to the Russian news agency Sputnik, the Russian Ministry of Defense said that their drones spotted a moving M270A1 MLRS multiple launch rocket system deployment location.

Not a secret secret, a number of high-ranking American missile experts were killed in the attack

The drone operator did not startle the enemy, but tracked and monitored the target's movements. Eventually, in the village of Shevchenkov, they found a warehouse where the multiple launch rocket systems were stored, along with high-level American specialists responsible for maintenance, operation, and transportation and replenishment.

Not a secret secret, a number of high-ranking American missile experts were killed in the attack

The Russian army then used Iskander-M missiles to launch a precision strike on the warehouse. The drone footage clearly shows the powerful effects of the explosion and the massive destruction of the warehouse.

Not a secret secret, a number of high-ranking American missile experts were killed in the attack

The M270A1 MLRS multiple launch rocket system is a multifunctional missile launch system developed by the United States, capable of launching ATACMS tactical missiles as well as rockets. This system is complex to operate and requires professional training to become proficient.

Not a secret secret, a number of high-ranking American missile experts were killed in the attack

According to analysis, the reason for the attack is that the Ukrainian military has been using ATACMS missiles equipped with cluster warheads to attack Russian civilians.

Not a secret secret, a number of high-ranking American missile experts were killed in the attack

And these high-ranking American missile experts undoubtedly played an important role in this. For a long time, the Russian army has been searching for the whereabouts of US military specialists and high-value military assets.

Not a secret secret, a number of high-ranking American missile experts were killed in the attack

This tragic attack reflects the brutality of the war in Ukraine. Why should innocent civilians bear such a huge price?

Not a secret secret, a number of high-ranking American missile experts were killed in the attack

Ignoring everyone for their own selfishness, who gave American missile specialists a pass to From East to West in Ukraine? Who are we to blame in the face of such a heinous crime?

Not a secret secret, a number of high-ranking American missile experts were killed in the attack

This attack that shocked the world not only killed many senior US missile experts, but also made us reflect on the cruelty and ruthlessness of war.

Not a secret secret, a number of high-ranking American missile experts were killed in the attack

On the battlefield filled with gunpowder, life is so fragile and small. Even countries with advanced weapons and superior military literacy are not immune to the scourge of their military personnel.

Not a secret secret, a number of high-ranking American missile experts were killed in the attack

This tragedy reminds us once again that war can never bring peace, that violence only breeds more hatred, and that confrontation between the two sides will inevitably hurt both sides.

Not a secret secret, a number of high-ranking American missile experts were killed in the attack

Li Jian, an observer of international perspectives, commented: "War will undoubtedly cost innocent people heavily, but in such a time of crisis, we should think calmly about the road to peace." The best way to resolve differences is through dialogue and negotiation, mutual understanding and humane control. Neither side should make mistakes again and again in war, which will only cause more innocent people unthinkable suffering. "

Not a secret secret, a number of high-ranking American missile experts were killed in the attack

Indeed, war should not be the way to solve problems. In the information age, we enjoy more convenient and transparent channels of communication than in the past. As long as we uphold rationality and humanistic care, through dialogue and negotiation, we will be able to find a mutually acceptable solution. In this process, major powers should contribute their wisdom and strength to global peace, rather than forcing force on others.

Not a secret secret, a number of high-ranking American missile experts were killed in the attack

This harrowing incident once again shows us the ruthlessness and cruelty of war, and also makes us reflect on the preciousness of peace. Lives are so fragile in the midst of war that even the military personnel of countries with advanced weapons and superior military literacy cannot escape the catastrophe.

Not a secret secret, a number of high-ranking American missile experts were killed in the attack

This tragedy reminds us that violence never brings peace, but only breeds deeper hatred. If the two sides continue to confront each other, both sides will lose, and the innocent will be the biggest victims. In this information age, we have more convenient and transparent communication channels than in the past, and as long as we uphold rationality and humanistic care, we will be able to find a solution acceptable to both parties through dialogue and negotiation.

Not a secret secret, a number of high-ranking American missile experts were killed in the attack

Great powers should contribute their wisdom and strength to global peace, rather than imposing force on others. Every country should cherish the hard-won achievements of the era of peace and earnestly ensure the safety of people's lives and property.

Not a secret secret, a number of high-ranking American missile experts were killed in the attack

Only by being prepared for danger in times of peace and taking precautions can we truly stay away from the scourge of war and share the dividends of peace. The loss of life in the attack by a senior missile expert is a painful price that awakens our appreciation for the human value of life's pricelessness.

Not a secret secret, a number of high-ranking American missile experts were killed in the attack

War is relentless and life is fragile. This attack that shocked the world caused the unfortunate deaths of many senior US missile experts, and once again let us see the tragic experience of human nature under the flames of war.

Not a secret secret, a number of high-ranking American missile experts were killed in the attack

Even countries with advanced weapons and superior military literacy are not immune to the scourge of their military personnel. This tragedy reminds us that war never brings peace, that violence only breeds more hatred, and that confrontation between the two sides is bound to be a lose-lose situation.

Not a secret secret, a number of high-ranking American missile experts were killed in the attack

In this information age, we have more convenient and transparent communication channels than ever before. As long as we uphold rationality and humanistic care, through dialogue and negotiation, we will be able to find a solution acceptable to both parties.

Not a secret secret, a number of high-ranking American missile experts were killed in the attack

Great powers should contribute their wisdom and strength to global peace, not impose force on others. Every country should cherish the hard-won achievements of the era of peace and earnestly ensure the safety of people's lives and property. Only by being prepared for danger in times of peace and taking precautions can we truly stay away from the scourge of war and share the dividends of peace.

Not a secret secret, a number of high-ranking American missile experts were killed in the attack

The loss of life in the attack by a senior missile expert is a painful price that awakens our appreciation for the human value of life's pricelessness. We call on all parties to learn from this tragedy and to end the war with wisdom and courage and return to the path of peace.

Not a secret secret, a number of high-ranking American missile experts were killed in the attack

Dialogue is better than bloodshed, and peace is better than war. Let's work together to add more peace and joy to the home of the global village. Only by uniting and working together for peace can future generations be free from worry-free.

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