
In the seventies, after she gave up stalking the regiment commander, the regiment commander couldn't sit still (end)

author:Leisurely little warm warm


"Commander Li of the first regiment is injured, have you heard?"

"I heard the news that it was blown up by a shell, and it was so badly injured that I almost lost my life."

"You know that, too?"

"Of course, the news has spread, and the number one leader is alarmed."


When Liu Yuzhen was eating in the cafeteria, she heard others talking about Li Jianhua's injury.

Of course, she had heard the news a long time ago, but she didn't know that he was so badly injured.

Liu Yuzhen's friend Lin Guijuan looked at Liu Yuzhen's face and asked tentatively, "Yuzhen, have you heard, Captain Li is seriously injured, don't you really go to see him?" ”

When Liu Yuzhen knew about Li Jianhua's injury a few days ago, Lin Guijuan persuaded her to take a look.

"I'm not going, he's going to get married, I'm going to see what he is, he has a partner, she will take care of him."

A few days ago, Liu Yuzhen said it with such righteous words with a cold face.

Lin Guijuan asked her again if she wanted to see Li Jianhua, Liu Yuzhen was very tormented in her heart, although she was not qualified, she was really worried about him.

Lin Guijuan looked at her tangled face and knew that she wanted to see it, so she pushed her.

"Oh, you can go, Captain Li saved you anyway, and now that he is injured, you should go and see him."

Liu Yuzhen felt that what Lin Guijuan said made sense, so she prepared some things and went to the military hospital.

When she arrived at the hospital, she didn't know which ward Li Jianhua was in, and when she was about to ask others, someone talked to her, as if she was very surprised.

"Comrade Yuzhen?!"

She turned around and saw that the other party was Li Jianhua's good brother Tang Zongyang, and they had met.

"Commissar Tang." Liu Yuzhen said hello a little embarrassed.

"Political Commissar Tang, you're busy with yours, I'll leave a little beforehand."

After greeting her, he wanted to leave, he knew that she was interested in Li Jianhua before, and he had matched the two of them.

Now that Li Jianhua has a partner, she feels quite embarrassed.

"Hey, Comrade Yuzhen, wait!" Tang Zongyang stopped her, "You are carrying eggs and fruits, you are here to see Lao Li, right?" ”

Tang Zongyang knew that Li Jianhua was a stuffy gourd, but he had long been in love with Liu Yuzhen, but he still cared about age and that he was a widower who lost his wife.

also lied to the little girl that she had a partner, which made the little girl ignore him, find someone else to deal with, and she was in a hurry there.

When Li Jianhua was injured and unconscious, he still called her name, obviously he didn't like the little girl very much, and he was still pretending to be there when he woke up, and he didn't admit it.

He came out to find Liu Yuzhen on purpose, how could he let her go?

When he was in the ward, he stood by the window, and when he saw Liu Yuzhen, he thought he was wrong.

He told Li Jianhua about it, and he didn't move on the surface.

After a while, Li Jianhua told him that he wanted to go out for a walk.

He still doesn't know Li Jianhua? just wanted to come out to find Liu Yuzhen.

As his good brother, how can you not help him?

Liu Yuzhen was seen by his intentions, and waved his hand in a panic to cover up, "No, it's a friend of mine who was injured, and I came to see him." ”

"Friends? What other friends do you have? Isn't it Lao Li? Let's go, I'll take you to his hospital room. ”

Liu Yuzhen wanted to say something, but Tang Zongyang greeted her in front, and she had to follow him.

"Commander Li, I heard that you were injured, and I came to visit you on behalf of our company, this is a little bit of our heart."

Liu Yuzhen put her things down and saw Li Jianhua wrapped in bandages, her heart hurt to death, but she couldn't show it, she could only do business, who knows how uncomfortable she felt in her heart?

She finally came up with an excuse, but Tang Zongyang didn't give her face and debunked her.

"Comrade Yuzhen, you didn't say that when you were outside, you said that you came to see a friend, why are you coming to see Lao Li on your behalf now? I'm going to ask your company commander. ”

Liu Yuzhen was exposed to the lie, and her face turned a little red.

The main thing was that Li Jianhua stared at him, seemed to know something, and smiled slightly.

Tang Zongyang embarrassed people, afraid that he would say anything more and run away from his popularity, so he finally saw the little girl.

Li Jianhua reprimanded him, "Tang Zongyang, can't you say less?" ”

Tang Zongyang knew that he was protecting the little girl, this stuffy gourd, he was happy to death, and when he was healed, he had to let him have a treat.

"Yes, I'm superfluous here, I'm leaving."

"Political Commissar Tang, I'll go with you."

Seeing that she and Li Jianhua were about to be left in the ward, Liu Yuzhen hurriedly followed Tang Zongyang to get up.

Li Jianhua didn't want Liu Yuzhen to leave, and there was no reason to keep her, so he really did it himself.

"Don't, Comrade Yuzhen, if you leave, there will be no one to take care of Lao Li, you have to stay."

Liu Yuzhen shook her head, "No! ”

Tang Zongyang was puzzled, "Why not?" ”

"Because, because Head Li is a person with a target, it is inconvenient for me to take care of him here, how can I explain that he knows about it?"

After speaking, Liu Yuzhen looked at Li Jianhua again, "Head Li, are you right?" ”

Li Jianhua was very bitter in his heart, he really shouldn't have lied to her in the first place, now it's okay.

"What object? How can Lao Li have an object? How did I not know this? ”

After Tang Zongyang said this, he left, and asked Liu Yuzhen to stay there to take care of Li Jianhua when he left.

He is creating an opportunity for Li Jianhua to explain, if he doesn't say it again, Liu Yuzhen will marry someone else.

He couldn't bear to see Li Jianhua finally have someone he liked and marry someone else.

What did Commissar Tang mean by what he just said? Li Jianhua has no object? What's going on?

She had a lot of questions in her heart, and she didn't want to take the initiative to ask Li Jianhua, nor did she want to stay with him.

Liu Yuzhen said with a cold face, "Head Li, I'm sorry, I can't take care of you because of something, do you think you need me to find someone to contact my sister-in-law to take care of you?" ”

Li Jianhua knew that this was an opportunity to explain to her what had happened before.

And Li Jianhua thought that Liu Yuzhen was going to meet Nie Guohe, and he was very anxious.

"Comrade Yuzhen, I'm sorry, I lied to you before, I didn't want to get married, and I don't have a partner."

Liu Yuzhen was very angry and hurt, her voice choked, "You lied to me? Do you dislike me that much? In order to make me die and make up this kind of lie. ”

Does he dislike her that much? As for lying to her like this, did he know that she was very sad during that time?

Li Jianhua listened to Liu Yuzhen's crying voice, and he was almost distressed to death, and he made the little girl cry again.

He hurriedly explained, "Comrade Yuzhen, don't cry, it's not like you think, I don't dislike you." ”

There was a coaxing tone in his tone, but it sounded a little stiff.

Liu Yuzhen wiped her tears and said awkwardly, "Who believes you?" You must not like me to make up lies to lie to me. ”

Maybe Liu Yuzhen herself didn't realize that she seemed to be coquettish with Li Jianhua.

Li Jianhua saw that Liu Yuzhen didn't believe in himself, so he blurted out, "I like you!" ”

Liu Yuzhen was stunned, what did he just say? Does he like her?

"Captain Li, what did you say?"

After Li Jianhua spoke, he also realized what he said, he was very nervous, and a big man couldn't speak.

"I, I, I said, I like, I like ......"

This second time he liked it, he couldn't say anything.

Liu Yuzhen had never seen Li Jianhua like this, and her face was so red that she couldn't speak.

She also understood Li Jianhua a little, and laughed out loud.

Li Jianhua finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw her smile.

"Head Li, I know what you mean, but I still don't forgive you because you make me sad."

When Li Jianhua heard this, he said, "Then Comrade Yuzhen, how can you forgive me?" ”

Liu Yuzhen's pretending to think made Li Jianhua very nervous.

"There it is!" Liu Yuzhen said, "When you are healed, you can go to my house to propose." ”

Li Jianhua didn't expect her to say this, and he didn't speak for a while.

"What? Don't want to? If you don't want to, forget it, someone is willing to go to my house to propose. Liu Yuzhen said unhappily.

"No, there is no unwillingness," Li Jianhua was anxious, "Comrade Yuzhen, I am afraid that your parents will dislike me for being older than you." ”

"I think it's an excuse for you not to propose." Liu Yuzhen deliberately said this to provoke him.

"Comrade Yuzhen, I seriously promise you, absolutely not, when I recover from my injury, I will go to your house to propose marriage, and then make a marriage report to marry you."

"Really?" "Really."

"That's pretty much it." Liu Yuzhen was satisfied.

After Li Jianhua recovered from his injury, he asked for leave and prepared things to go to Liu Yuzhen's house to propose marriage.

Liu Yuzhen's parents mentioned the issue of age and the loss of his wife, and some did not agree.

But I couldn't resist my daughter's liking, so I agreed.

Half a year later, on the night of the wedding.

Liu Yuzhen looked at Li Jianhua shyly, "Head Li, what are you doing staring at me?" ”

Li Jianhua approached Liu Yuzhen, his voice was low and magnetic, "Yuzhen, do you still call me Head Li when you get married?" ”

He was so close to himself, Liu Yuzhen's heart was about to jump out, "What's that called?" ”

"Call me Jianhua." "Jian, Jianhua."

Li Jianhua was satisfied, "That's good." ”

"It's late, let's rest early."

Li Jianhua pulled the lamp and slowly pushed down Liu Yuzhen......