
The Great Reversal! The deceased husband's 130,000 yuan deposit disappeared Follow-up: The results of the investigation have been released, and Ms. Deng is going to do something

author:Happy Every Day 213 Reviews

The mystery of the evaporation of the balance of 130,000

Recently, there has been a lot of frying on the Internet, and they are talking about the strange case of "deposits disappearing out of thin air".

After her husband died, Sister Deng went to the bank to check the accounts, and the teller told her that there were still 133,900 yuan in the passbook, and gave her a stamped slip to prove the matter.

The Great Reversal! The deceased husband's 130,000 yuan deposit disappeared Follow-up: The results of the investigation have been released, and Ms. Deng is going to do something

But if you want to withdraw money, you must first notarize the inheritance.

The money flies, and the account is closed?

According to what the bank said, Sister Deng's notarization was done, but when she went back to withdraw the money, the bank turned around, saying that the money was long gone, and the accounts were cancelled.

Sister Deng was stunned, she clearly said that she was rich before, why didn't she admit it in the blink of an eye?

As soon as this matter was made public, netizens blew up, and most of them stood with Sister Deng, thinking that the bank was not authentic, but this matter was really as simple as Sister Deng said?

The Great Reversal! The deceased husband's 130,000 yuan deposit disappeared Follow-up: The results of the investigation have been released, and Ms. Deng is going to do something

Two faces of the bank?

Sister Deng wondered, at the end of last year, the bank told her that the money was there, why didn't she say no? What's even more outrageous is that the staff member who checked her accounts privately wanted to send her away with 2,000 yuan, isn't it funny, 130,000 for 2,000?

After being rejected, this person also took two colleagues to block the door at night and beg for privacy, and the surveillance video is ironclad.

The Great Reversal! The deceased husband's 130,000 yuan deposit disappeared Follow-up: The results of the investigation have been released, and Ms. Deng is going to do something

Suspicious, bank mistakes?

The bank finally couldn't resist the pressure and came out to blame the staff for a mistake.

But this explanation is too general, what is wrong with the mistake? Tell someone about the money or quietly move it? The big guys don't buy it.

The Great Reversal! The deceased husband's 130,000 yuan deposit disappeared Follow-up: The results of the investigation have been released, and Ms. Deng is going to do something

The truth is revealed, a misunderstanding?

In the end, the bank gave the results of the investigation, and it turned out that Sister Deng's husband used an account with a combination of cards and folds, and the passbook was not commonly used, and the information was not updated in time.

In that audit, the staff was not skilled, and mistakenly thought that the money on the passbook had not been moved, but in fact, the money had already been withdrawn from the card.

As soon as the loss is reported, as soon as the information on both sides is connected, the money will naturally "disappear".

The Great Reversal! The deceased husband's 130,000 yuan deposit disappeared Follow-up: The results of the investigation have been released, and Ms. Deng is going to do something

Sister Deng, is this trouble?

In this way, the money was indeed taken by Sister Deng's husband, and the bank was not corrupt.

The employee looked for Sister Deng privately, purely for fear of losing his job.

As for Sister Deng, if she really didn't know, it would be a misunderstanding.

But if you know that it is still so big, it may be a big deal, and you will have to suffer a lawsuit if you don't do it, after all, it wastes public resources and discredits the reputation of the bank, which is a joke.

The Great Reversal! The deceased husband's 130,000 yuan deposit disappeared Follow-up: The results of the investigation have been released, and Ms. Deng is going to do something

The mirror hangs high, and right and wrong are finally clear

As the truth gradually surfaced, the "deposit turmoil" caused by the misunderstanding finally settled.

It not only taught Ms. Tang a vivid lesson in financial literacy, but also made the public aware of the importance of information synchronization and the various details of dealing with inheritance issues.

The Great Reversal! The deceased husband's 130,000 yuan deposit disappeared Follow-up: The results of the investigation have been released, and Ms. Deng is going to do something

Although the bank has experienced this public relations crisis, it has also exposed loopholes in internal management and service processes, which is undoubtedly a wake-up call, prompting financial institutions to be more rigorous and meticulous in their future services, and improve the professionalism and service awareness of employees.

Netizen opinions

The Great Reversal! The deceased husband's 130,000 yuan deposit disappeared Follow-up: The results of the investigation have been released, and Ms. Deng is going to do something
The Great Reversal! The deceased husband's 130,000 yuan deposit disappeared Follow-up: The results of the investigation have been released, and Ms. Deng is going to do something
The Great Reversal! The deceased husband's 130,000 yuan deposit disappeared Follow-up: The results of the investigation have been released, and Ms. Deng is going to do something

For the public, this incident is yet another reminder of how critical it is to maintain a high level of vigilance and accuracy of information when it comes to the management of personal property.

Eventually, Ms. Deng's story may fade into obscurity over time, but the reflection it leaves for society is far-reaching.

In the confrontation between money and human nature, we should learn to treat it rationally, not only to protect our own legitimate rights and interests, but also to understand the human errors that may occur in the operation of institutions, and jointly promote the construction of a more transparent, fair and efficient financial service environment.

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The Great Reversal! The deceased husband's 130,000 yuan deposit disappeared Follow-up: The results of the investigation have been released, and Ms. Deng is going to do something