
Whether Tencent is fighting ultra-nationalism or suppressing speech

author:Xin Zhong

——Does Tencent deprive citizens of their freedom of speech while abiding by the country's constitution, laws, and regulations, and Tencent blatantly cracks down, who gives you such a big right?

Whether Tencent is fighting ultra-nationalism or suppressing speech

Recently, Tencent issued an announcement announcing that it will crack down on content related to "inciting confrontation between China and Japan and inciting ultra-nationalism". This action has sparked extensive discussion from all walks of life, with some supporting and some questioning. This article will provide an in-depth analysis of the rationale for Tencent's move and its possible implications.

First of all, Tencent, as a well-known enterprise, has the responsibility to maintain the healthy development of cyberspace. The spread of ultra-nationalist rhetoric on the Internet will not only destroy the online ecology, but may also lead to conflicts and contradictions in the real world. Tencent's action can be seen as a kind of governance of extremist speech on the Internet, which will help create a green, healthy and civilized online ecological environment.

Whether Tencent is fighting ultra-nationalism or suppressing speech

However, Tencent's move has also raised some concerns. Some people believe that this is a company using its dominant position to squeeze and suppress freedom of speech. In a democratic society, freedom of expression is a fundamental right that no institution or individual has the right to arbitrarily deprive of it. Has Tencent's actions gone beyond its proper boundaries and interfered with citizens' freedom of expression?

Moreover, Tencent's actions raise a deeper question: How do you balance free speech and online governance in a cyberspace dominated by the private sector? Cyberspace is not a place outside the law, and there need to be certain rules and order. But who should make and enforce these rules and orders? Is it the government, the business, or the public? This is a question that needs to be explored in depth.

Whether Tencent is fighting ultra-nationalism or suppressing speech

Overall, Tencent's move to crack down on ultra-nationalist rhetoric has both justified and raised some concerns. In the digital age, we need to find a balance between safeguarding freedom of expression and the healthy development of cyberspace. This requires the joint efforts of the government, enterprises and the public to explore together.

Tencent has made such a blatant announcement, what is hidden behind it? Who's backing it? What is the face of the relevant departments of the state?