
Zhang Zhiming: A secondary school student drove for the richest man, was favored by the richest man with a face, and earned a net worth of 100 million yuan

author:Fried chicken says gossip

First, Zhang Zhiming was born in an ordinary family in Beijing and has been a naughty child since he was a child. Despite living in such a place as the capital with abundant educational resources, he was only admitted to one secondary school.

In the 90s, such an academic qualification was actually not too low, but Zhang Zhiming was still a little unwilling. With a secondary school diploma, Zhang Zhiming stepped into the society with hope.

However, reality soon hit him in the face. In the ever-changing city of Beijing, companies are demanding more and more from their employees. Zhang Zhiming, who has no background and is not outstanding in education, found that he couldn't knock on the door of a large enterprise at all.

Disappointed, Zhang Zhiming had to choose a mediocre job - taxi driver. Every day shuttling through the streets of Beijing, he often looks at the high-rise buildings outside the car window and sighs secretly in his heart.

Zhang Zhiming: A secondary school student drove for the richest man, was favored by the richest man with a face, and earned a net worth of 100 million yuan

This kind of life seems to be able to see the end at a glance, and it is really difficult for an ambitious young man to accept. Just when Zhang Zhiming thought that his life would always be like this, fate gave him an unexpected opportunity.

One day, he stumbled upon an advertisement for Gome Appliances to recruit drivers. This ordinary job posting became a turning point in his life. Gome does not have high requirements for this position, and only needs to have sufficient driving experience.

As an experienced taxi driver, Zhang Zhiming just fits the bill. He submitted his resume with the mentality of giving it a try, but he didn't expect to receive an interview notice soon.

With apprehension and expectation, Zhang Zhiming participated in the interview. His sincerity and extensive driving experience impressed the interviewer. In the end, Zhang Zhiming successfully applied for the job and became a driver for Gome Electric.

Zhang Zhiming: A secondary school student drove for the richest man, was favored by the richest man with a face, and earned a net worth of 100 million yuan

When he learned that he was going to drive for Huang Guangyu, the boss of Gome Electric, Zhang Zhiming was both excited and nervous. He secretly made up his mind that he must take advantage of this opportunity, who knows if it will become an opportunity to change his fate? In this way, Zhang Zhiming embarked on a new journey, an ordinary secondary school student is about to start his legendary life chapter.

Second, Zhang Zhiming successfully joined Gome Electric and began to serve Huang Guangyu. When they met for the first time, Zhang Zhiming was so nervous that his palms were sweating, for fear that he would make a mistake in front of this successful person.

However, Huang's approachable attitude soon put him at ease. Huang Guangyu is a self-made entrepreneur, and he knows the difficulties of the people at the bottom. At work, he did not put on a boss show to Zhang Zhiming.

Sometimes when he meets customers, he even invites Zhang Zhiming to dine at the same table. This attitude of treating each other as equals made Zhang Zhiming feel warm and work harder. In the process of picking up Huang Guangyu, Zhang Zhiming's performance gradually attracted the attention of the boss.

Zhang Zhiming: A secondary school student drove for the richest man, was favored by the richest man with a face, and earned a net worth of 100 million yuan

Not only is he skilled in driving, but he can always accurately grasp the time and never let Huang Guangyu be late. What surprised Huang Guangyu even more was that this young man actually had his own unique views on business.

Once, at a dinner accompanied by Huang Guangyu to meet customers, Zhang Zhiming seized the opportunity and put forward his views on the development of electrical appliance chain stores. He believes that Gome should open standardized chain stores across the country to quickly occupy the market.

Third, this idea made Huang Guangyu's eyes shine, and he was surprised to find that this seemingly ordinary driver actually had such a unique business vision. Since then, Huang Guangyu has begun to pay more attention to Zhang Zhiming.

He found that this young man was not only serious, but also very thoughtful, eloquent, and extremely emotionally intelligent. This is exactly what Huang Guangyu has been looking for. "Xiao Zhang, are you interested in trying your hand at sales?" One day, Huang Guangyu suddenly said to Zhang Zhiming.

Zhang Zhiming: A secondary school student drove for the richest man, was favored by the richest man with a face, and earned a net worth of 100 million yuan

This sentence is like a dawn that shines into Zhang Zhiming's life. He excitedly accepted the opportunity and was determined to take advantage of it. In this way, Zhang Zhiming began to contact the sales business of Gome Electric Appliances.

He is eager to learn and strive to improve his business skills. Soon, the former driver made his mark in the sales department and became a sales champion. Zhang Zhiming's success did not make him complacent.

He always maintained a humble attitude, studied hard, and constantly improved himself. This kind of self-motivated and down-to-earth work style made him soon become Huang Guangyu's right-hand man.

Fourth, from an unknown secondary school student to a sales elite of Gome Electric, Zhang Zhiming's life has undergone earth-shaking changes. And all this stems from the fact that he met the noble person in his life - Huang Guangyu.

Zhang Zhiming: A secondary school student drove for the richest man, was favored by the richest man with a face, and earned a net worth of 100 million yuan

Zhang Zhiming's heart was full of gratitude, and he secretly vowed that he must use his ability to repay Huang Guangyu's kindness. During his work at Gome Electric, Zhang Zhiming not only made a major breakthrough in his career, but also gained unexpected love.

He became acquainted with Huang Guangyu's sister, Huang Yanhong, who was then the finance manager of Gome. This position is enough to prove Huang Guangyu's trust and love for this sister. When they first met, Huang Yanhong was attracted by Zhang Zhiming's handsome appearance.

Fifth, her gaze unconsciously followed the young man, and she was secretly amazed in her heart. With the increase in contact, Huang Yanhong found that Zhang Zhiming was not only outstanding in appearance, but also a capable and thoughtful talent.

She gradually developed a liking for this young man who started as a driver and has now become her brother's right-hand man. Zhang Zhiming was also attracted by Huang Yanhong's temperament. She is not only beautiful and generous, but also has outstanding ability, which makes Zhang Zhiming fall in love.

Zhang Zhiming: A secondary school student drove for the richest man, was favored by the richest man with a face, and earned a net worth of 100 million yuan

The two had frequent contact at work, gradually fell in love, and began a sweet relationship. After Huang Guangyu learned that his sister and Zhang Zhiming were in love, he did not object. He knows Zhang Zhiming's personality and ability, and feels that this is a good son-in-law who can be entrusted for life.

Although Zhang Zhiming's family background is ordinary, Huang Guangyu values his talent and character. With the blessing of his family, Zhang Zhiming and Huang Yanhong tied the knot. After getting married, Zhang Zhiming worked harder.

Sixth, he put forward the proposal of opening a standardized chain store across the country, and this innovative idea laid the foundation for the rapid expansion of Gome Electric. With the assistance of Zhang Zhiming, Gome quickly occupied the market and became a leader in China's electrical appliance industry.

Zhang Zhiming's contribution was highly recognized by Huang Guangyu. Soon, Huang Guangyu began to delegate power and handed over many important businesses to Zhang Zhiming to manage. With the assistance of Zhang Zhiming, Huang Guangyu ascended to the throne of the richest man in the mainland, and his career reached its peak.

Zhang Zhiming: A secondary school student drove for the richest man, was favored by the richest man with a face, and earned a net worth of 100 million yuan

Zhang Zhiming's status has also risen, and he has become one of Huang Guangyu's most trusted subordinates. He participates in the company's major decision-making and advises on the development of Gome. Every time the company makes new achievements, Zhang Zhiming feels extremely proud and gratified.

However, Zhang Zhiming did not become complacent because of his success. He always maintained a humble attitude, studied hard, and constantly improved himself. He often said to his wife: "Our success is not easy to come by, and we must cherish it even more."

This kind of self-motivation and sense of responsibility makes Huang Yanhong admire her husband even more. From an ordinary secondary school student, to a senior manager of Gome Electric, to Huang Guangyu's right-hand man and family, Zhang Zhiming's life has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Seven, he not only achieved great success in his career, but also reaped sweet love. All this stems from his efforts and Huang Guangyu's appreciation. Zhang Zhiming's heart was full of gratitude, and he secretly vowed to continue to work hard and contribute more to the development of Gome.

Zhang Zhiming: A secondary school student drove for the richest man, was favored by the richest man with a face, and earned a net worth of 100 million yuan

However, the workplace is like a battlefield, and Zhang Zhiming's success has inevitably aroused the jealousy of some people. As a celebrity around Huang Guangyu, Zhang Zhiming's status began to threaten the Huang family.

Huang Guangyu's other sister, Huang Xiuhong, was dissatisfied with Zhang Zhiming's position, and she strongly recommended her husband to take Zhang's place. In a series of open and secret battles, Zhang Zhiming was finally squeezed out of his high position.

Huang Xiuhong's husband took his place and began to take over the business that Zhang Zhiming was originally responsible for. However, this person's abilities are clearly not enough for such an important position. Soon, the company was full of complaints, and employees complained about the new managers.

Eighth, in order to consolidate his position, Huang Xiuhong's husband came up with a crooked idea. He began to denigrate Zhang Zhiming in front of Huang Guangyu, portraying him as a "rebel" who wanted to seize control of the company.

Zhang Zhiming: A secondary school student drove for the richest man, was favored by the richest man with a face, and earned a net worth of 100 million yuan

At first, Huang Guangyu didn't believe these rumors, but he just listened to them and didn't take them to heart. However, over time, these untruths began to plant the seeds of doubt in Huang Guangyu's heart.

Ninth, when Huang Guangyu personally went to the grassroots to understand the situation, he was surprised to find that Zhang Zhiming had a great influence within the company. This made Huang Guangyu feel a sense of crisis. Cracks began to appear in the once intimate relationship, and Zhang Zhiming felt extremely depressed.

His loyalty and dedication to the company seem to have been overlooked, replaced by suspicion and defensiveness. Zhang Zhiming often tosses and turns in the middle of the night, full of grievances and unwillingness.

In the end, Zhang Zhiming had to make a difficult decision to leave Gome, the company he had put a lot of effort into. On the day he left, Zhang Zhiming stood in front of the Gome Building, looking back on the past, with mixed feelings in his heart.

Zhang Zhiming: A secondary school student drove for the richest man, was favored by the richest man with a face, and earned a net worth of 100 million yuan

He took a deep breath, a hint of determination flashing in his eyes: this was not the end, but a new beginning. Although he was unwilling to leave, Zhang Zhiming was not discouraged. He knows that true strength can stand the test.

With the experience and connections accumulated in Gome, Zhang Zhiming decided to start a new chapter in his life. After leaving Gome Electric, Zhang Zhiming was not defeated. He quickly regrouped and decided to start his own company with his wife, Huang Yanhong.

10. They keenly observed that the real estate industry was on the rise and decided to seize this opportunity and enter the real estate market. In the early days of entrepreneurship, difficulties followed. Shortage of funds, lack of talent, fierce market competition... Every question is like a big mountain, pressing on Zhang Zhiming's shoulders.

But instead of backing down, he rose to the occasion. He often works late into the night, researching market dynamics and formulating development strategies. Huang Yanhong fully supports her husband's career. She is responsible for the company's financial management and escorts the company's steady development.

Zhang Zhiming: A secondary school student drove for the richest man, was favored by the richest man with a face, and earned a net worth of 100 million yuan

Husband and wife are of the same heart, and their profits are broken. With their joint efforts, the company is gradually on the right track. With the continuous development of the company, Zhang Zhiming's personal wealth has also grown rapidly.

Taking advantage of the east wind of the real estate industry, his worth soared to 6.5 billion yuan. This former secondary school student has now become a leader in the business world. However, success did not let Zhang Zhiming get carried away.

He often looks back on his entrepreneurial journey and is grateful. He told the employees: "Our success comes from the efforts of the team, but also thanks to the opportunities of society. We must know how to give back to society.

Under his leadership, the company actively participates in social welfare undertakings and has won wide acclaim. Zhang Zhiming's success not only proves his business acumen, but also proves that his ability during his time at Gome was not in vain.

Zhang Zhiming: A secondary school student drove for the richest man, was favored by the richest man with a face, and earned a net worth of 100 million yuan

Eleven, from an ordinary secondary school student, to an executive of Gome, to an entrepreneur worth 6.5 billion, Zhang Zhiming's life has undergone an amazing change. Despite his great success, Zhang Zhiming remains humble and enterprising.

He often said: "Our success is not easy to come by, and we must cherish it even more." This attitude has not only enabled his career to climb the ladder, but also won the general respect of the industry. Just as Zhang Zhiming's career was booming, a shocking news came: Huang Guangyu had an accident, and Gome fell into a leaderless predicament.

This news made Zhang Zhiming fall into deep thought. Although he was reluctant to leave Guomei back then, he never forgot Huang Guangyu's kindness to him. Gome Electric carries too many memories and hard work for him, and he can't stand idly by.

After careful consideration, Zhang Zhiming made a decision that surprised many people: he wanted to go back to help Gome through the difficulties. He stepped forward, attended the shareholders' meeting, and used his experience and influence to stabilize the internal situation of Gome.

Zhang Zhiming: A secondary school student drove for the richest man, was favored by the richest man with a face, and earned a net worth of 100 million yuan

Considering his past experience, Zhang Zhiming chose to let his wife Huang Yanhong preside over the work at the front desk, while he retreated to the background. The husband and wife worked together and soon led Gome out of the predicament and allowed the company to regain its footing.

When Huang Guangyu returned, Zhang Zhiming did not hesitate to return the company to him, and he continued to focus on his career. This move not only shows Zhang Zhiming's mind, but also wins wide praise in the industry.

Although today's Gome is not as brilliant as it used to be, without Zhang Zhiming's timely assistance, Gome's situation may be even more difficult. Zhang Zhiming explained what it means to be grateful with practical actions, and also proved that he is a trustworthy friend and business partner.