
Zhang Yimou: "A generation of national teachers" fell off the altar, and literature and art turned out to be fake

author:Fried chicken says gossip

First, Zhang Yimou's life is like a drama of fate. Born into a special family, his father was a quartermaster of the Kuomintang, and later defected and served in the Agriculture and Forestry Bureau.

Such a background cast a shadow on the young Zhang Yimou in the social environment at that time. After graduating from high school, Zhang Yimou entered a textile factory as a worker.

Although in those days, workers were a glorious profession and had an extraordinary status, Zhang Yimou was still often looked down upon because of his father's past. Such an environment has created his extremely sensitive personality to the outside world.

However, the difficult situation did not dampen Zhang Yimou's love for art. He is obsessed with photography, and even if he has a meager salary, he has to save money just to buy a beloved camera.

Zhang Yimou: "A generation of national teachers" fell off the altar, and literature and art turned out to be fake

At that time, his eyes flashed with desire for the future, but he didn't know where the road ahead was. In 1978, the country resumed the college entrance examination, giving 28-year-old Zhang Yimou a chance to change his fate.

However, age became a stumbling block for him, and universities across the country shy away from this "older youth". Fortunately, under the recommendation of the factory leaders, the Beijing Film Academy decided to give him a chance.

But this opportunity was not easy to come by, and the college gave strict conditions: you can audit, but if you fail the exam, you must return to your original unit. In the face of such pressure, Zhang Yimou accepted it without hesitation.

Second, in his opinion, it is already a great gift to be able to go to school. Life at Nortel wasn't easy. The xenophobia of the art world, coupled with his age and family background, made Zhang Yimou feel neglected in the class.

Zhang Yimou: "A generation of national teachers" fell off the altar, and literature and art turned out to be fake

But he understands that for himself, failure means returning to work in the factory, while other classmates still have a family business to inherit. This pressure makes him work harder than anyone else.

Zhang Yimou's eyes burned with the flame of not admitting defeat, he proved his worth with his strength, and watered his future dreams with sweat. This difficult study experience laid a solid foundation for his future glory in the film industry.

1984 was a turning point for Zhang Yimou. At that time, when he was close to the age, he learned that his senior brother was preparing the movie "One and Eight". With a love for movies and a desire for opportunities, Zhang Yimou did not hesitate to apply, and finally succeeded in getting a cinematography job for the film.

Third, this is his first step into the film industry, and it is also an important stage for him to show his talent. However, what really made Zhang Yimou stand out in the industry was his outstanding performance in "Yellow Earth".

Zhang Yimou: "A generation of national teachers" fell off the altar, and literature and art turned out to be fake

This film, directed by Chen Kaige, brought this talented cinematographer to the attention of the entire Chinese film industry. Zhang Yimou's unique perspective and precise grasp of light and shadow add a lot of artistic charm to "Yellow Earth".

Interestingly, Chen Kaige was not interested in this "middle-aged man" at first, and he couldn't even see how high Zhang Yimou's level was. But the facts slapped Chen Kaige hard.

"Yellow Earth" became an instant hit, and Zhang Yimou's name began to spread throughout China. People marvel at his ability to capture images and his clever use of light. Under the leadership of Chen Kaige, Zhang Yimou is eager to learn every aspect of filmmaking.

Fourth, his eyes sparkle with a thirst for knowledge, and every time he presses the shutter, it is a pious exploration of art. Despite his age, his enthusiasm for learning is no less than that of young people.

Zhang Yimou: "A generation of national teachers" fell off the altar, and literature and art turned out to be fake

During this period, Zhang Yimou, although he was still an unknown photographer, was silently accumulating the power to explode in the future. His eyes reveal firmness and perseverance, as if he has foreseen his brilliant future in the film industry.

From 1984 to 1987, in just three years, Zhang Yimou completed the transformation from an ordinary photographer to a high-profile filmmaker. This experience not only allowed him to accumulate a wealth of practical experience, but also laid a solid foundation for his future transformation into a director.

Zhang Yimou, who is working silently behind the camera, is ready to write his own legendary chapter in the history of Chinese film. In 1987, Zhang Yimou ushered in an important turning point in his life.

Fifth, his debut film "Red Sorghum" was like a thunderclap that shook the entire film industry. This work not only shows Zhang Yimou's unique perspective, but also marks his official transformation from a behind-the-scenes photographer to a director.

Zhang Yimou: "A generation of national teachers" fell off the altar, and literature and art turned out to be fake

The success of "Red Sorghum" opened the door to the international film industry for Zhang Yimou and established his position in the Chinese film industry. In the years that followed, Zhang Yimou was like a tireless craftsman, constantly polishing his works.

"The Red Lantern Hangs High" profoundly reveals the suppression of human nature by feudal etiquette, while "Alive" gives people who are struggling in difficult situations the courage to continue to move forward. These works not only received high artistic praise, but also resonated with the audience, showing Zhang Yimou's deep insight into human nature and society.

Zhang Yimou's films always present the ultimate aesthetic style. He makes good use of color, weaving red, green, white, black, yellow and other hues into a unique Chinese charm. In "Hero", he boldly experimented with three-color composition, creating an unprecedented visual feast.

This kind of innovation has few precedents not only in China but also internationally, demonstrating Zhang Yimou's courage and talent as a director. In the international film industry, Zhang Yimou's name is getting louder and louder.

Zhang Yimou: "A generation of national teachers" fell off the altar, and literature and art turned out to be fake

Sixth, his works have won numerous awards, including two Golden Lion and one Silver Lion at the Venice Film Festival, one Golden Bear and one Silver Bear at the Berlin Film Festival, and has been nominated for several Oscars and Cannes Film Festival.

These honors have witnessed Zhang Yimou's status in the international film industry, and also made him a representative of Chinese cinema. However, Zhang Yimou, who was standing on a high place, revealed a trace of uneasiness in his eyes.

He seemed to realize that it was still unknown whether such brilliance would be sustained. With each new work, there is a huge amount of expectation and pressure, and the eyes of audiences and critics are becoming more and more demanding.

At this stage, Zhang Yimou proved his strength with one masterpiece after another. He is not only an excellent storyteller, but also an artist who can present the essence of Chinese culture to the world.

Zhang Yimou: "A generation of national teachers" fell off the altar, and literature and art turned out to be fake

However, with the change of the times and the changing tastes of the audience, Zhang Yimou is also facing new challenges. He will need to find a balance between asserting himself and catering to the market, which will be a big test in his career.

In 2008, the election of the chief director of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games became another turning point in Zhang Yimou's career. This time, his opponent is his old partner Chen Kaige. Both are leaders in the Chinese film industry, and this showdown has attracted widespread attention in the industry.

Seventh, in the face of this competition, Zhang Yimou's heart fluctuated, but his appearance remained calm. He knows very well that this is not only a contest of personal honor, but also a matter of the presentation of the country's image.

Unexpectedly, in the end, Zhang Yimou overpowered Chen Kaige and won this important position. When the reporter interviewed him, Zhang Yimou said a meaningful sentence: "You can make a lot of movies in your life, but you only have one Olympics in your life!" This sentence is not only said to reporters, but also like a spur to himself.

Zhang Yimou: "A generation of national teachers" fell off the altar, and literature and art turned out to be fake

From that moment on, Zhang Yimou devoted himself to the preparations for the opening ceremony. In order to present an opening ceremony that amazes the world, Zhang Yimou worked day and night. He often sits alone in his office in the dead of night, looking out the window at the moon, and countless creative sparks burst into his mind.

His eyes were both anxious and full of anticipation, as if he had foreseen the shocking moment of the opening ceremony. In the preparatory process, Zhang Yimou showed extraordinary leadership skills.

He doesn't engage in "one-word lectures", but encourages team members to brainstorm. Sometimes he would gather the whole team to brainstorm for a small detail, and everyone would work all night to achieve the perfect result.

Eighth, Zhang Yimou's innovative spirit was fully reflected in the opening ceremony. He skillfully incorporated the ancient "缷" instrument into the performance. When Chen Danqing questioned and said, "You can do it, I'll climb on the ground, I'll crawl for you", Zhang Yimou didn't flinch.

Zhang Yimou: "A generation of national teachers" fell off the altar, and literature and art turned out to be fake

He recalls shooting a commercial for Marlboro and was inspired by the resulting shocking "Tapping" performance. When thousands of teenagers sang on the Olympic stage, the world was amazed.

At this moment, the name of "National Teacher" deservedly fell on Zhang Yimou. Behind the glory, however, is an invisible pressure. Zhang Yimou's eyes were filled with joy and a hint of worry, as if he had a premonition that this title would become a double-edged sword in the future.

Nine, since then, no one has dared to question Zhang Yimou's talent and strength. But at the same time, it also means that every step he takes in the future will be more watched and judged.

The name of "national teacher" is not only an honor, but also a heavy responsibility. Over time, Zhang Yimou's work began to change significantly. In 2016, he took on a major challenge – to become the first Chinese director in Hollywood to direct the film "The Great Wall".

Zhang Yimou: "A generation of national teachers" fell off the altar, and literature and art turned out to be fake

This large-scale production, which cost hundreds of millions of dollars and brought together many well-known actors, should have been Zhang Yimou's weapon to conquer the international market, but it unexpectedly became the focus of controversy.

The sharp criticism of film critics was like a sharp sword, piercing Zhang Yimou's heart. Some industry professionals bluntly pointed out: "This is a trick of playing a jack-of-all-trades, without any surprising twists, if I have money, I can copy 10,000 copies."

Such an evaluation caught the former "national teacher" off guard. What's even more heart-wrenching is that the audience didn't buy it, which ultimately led to a dismal box office. Later works, such as the 2023 Chinese New Year film "Man Jianghong", made the audience even more disappointed.

Some people came for the name of "National Teacher", but left the scene angrily during the movie. The Internet is full of doubts about Zhang Yimou, and some people bluntly said: "Could it be that our big directors have also begun to covet this big cake of capital?" In the face of these doubts, Zhang Yimou's eyes revealed complex emotions.

Zhang Yimou: "A generation of national teachers" fell off the altar, and literature and art turned out to be fake

Ten, is he compromising with business, or is he trying new possibilities? Zhang Yimou, who was once known for his unique aesthetic perspective and profound cultural skills, is now accused of "having no connotation, and the rest is just an empty shell of routines".

Zhang Yimou's creative style has indeed changed significantly. He began to turn to Hollywood-style shooting methods, using a large number of well-known actors, striving for easy to understand the plot, and adding exaggerated and cool special effects.

This shift has left many loyal viewers disappointed and confused. Netizens began to question: "Sure enough, Zhang Yimou still abandoned art and threw himself into the arms of capital." These voices were like a hammer, hitting Zhang Yimou's heart.

Has what was once an artistic pursuit replaced by commercial interests? Zhang Yimou fell into deep self-doubt. This series of controversies and questions makes people sigh: Has the former "national teacher" fallen off the altar now? Is Zhang Yimou's literary and artistic character really just a layer of disguise? In the face of these doubts, Zhang Yimou needs to answer them with future works.

Zhang Yimou: "A generation of national teachers" fell off the altar, and literature and art turned out to be fake

Zhang Yimou, who has entered his prime, is facing unprecedented challenges in his career. At the age of 73 this year, he has to admit that the decline in physical and mental strength brought about by age is an indisputable fact.

However, Zhang Yimou still insists on standing behind the scenes and continues to chase his film dream. This persistence is undoubtedly a love for movies and a proof of self. On August 2, 2023, Zhang Yimou's new work "Into the Rock" was announced.

Eleven, this work that attempts the theme of urban crime is another innovation that he has spent four years on. Faced with doubts from the outside world, Zhang Yimou chose to use his works to speak, trying to wash away the controversy on his body.

However, the tide of the times is rolling forward, and it is still unknown whether the former "national teacher" can regain its glory. Just like the famous sketch actor Song Dandan said: "The creative ability is reduced, and people are not talented at all times."

Zhang Yimou: "A generation of national teachers" fell off the altar, and literature and art turned out to be fake

This may also be Zhang Yimou's inner worry. Despite this, Zhang Yimou is still trying to find a new direction. Each of his new works carries the expectations of the audience, but also under great pressure.

In this race against time, Zhang Yimou is trying to prove that even in his seventies, he still has the ability to contribute to Chinese cinema. No matter what the result is, Zhang Yimou's dedication and love for movies have become a portrayal of his life.

This former "national teacher" is interpreting what is a real artistic life in his own way.

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