
Memories of the times! 8 players you thought were retired, but are still playing

author:Love sports, love life


It mainly tells about the perseverance and hard work in football, and how some former football stars stick to and continue to be role models on the field. The younger generation of athletes also draws strength from this and continues to work hard. He also introduced some examples of veterans such as Cazorla and Akinfeev who are still sticking to the field. The love and professionalism of football has allowed these players to persevere as they age.

Memories of the times! 8 players you thought were retired, but are still playing

The embodiment of perseverance and hard work in football

Football is a sport that requires long-term perseverance and unremitting efforts.

On this road of no return, there is a group of people who used to shine and were all the rage.

They were young and frivolous, and because of their outstanding talents, they entered the peak state of life very early.

But just when we thought they would shine forever, they left the world stage.

But people who really love football, leaving the field does not mean that they have left football.

Over the years, some former football stars are still sticking to their own stadiums.

Their figures may no longer be familiar, but their former light is deeply engraved in our memory.

Memories of the times! 8 players you thought were retired, but are still playing

A role model for the younger generation of footballers

Their persistence and hard work also set an example for the younger generation.

Let more people understand that football is not just a stage for youth frivolity and individual heroism.

It is also a cause that requires a spirit of struggle and firm faith.

Memories of the times! 8 players you thought were retired, but are still playing

Football stars who continue to play

Memories of the times! 8 players you thought were retired, but are still playing

Remember Cazorla?

Once the god of snow hiding, he was coquettish, and his skills were astonishing.

Now 38 years old, he is still playing for Real Oviedo.

He also has veterans like Akinfeev by his side.

Now they may no longer be able to show the style of the past.

But with their actions, they interpret what is called the spirit of football.

Memories of the times! 8 players you thought were retired, but are still playing

Frequent transfers with continued careers

Balotelli has left AC Milan and left Manchester City.

Although he is only 33 years old, due to personality reasons, he has transferred frequently in the past few years and has not found a home at present.

Memories of the times! 8 players you thought were retired, but are still playing

Remember Podolsky and Dante?

Podolski used to play for Borussia Dortmund, while Dante was Bayern's centre-back.

Today, they play for Shakhtar Zabge and Nice respectively.

Podolski is 36 years old, and Dante is 33 years old.

The age is in front of them, but they are still holding on to their football dreams.

Memories of the times! 8 players you thought were retired, but are still playing

Love and professionalism for football

There are also Melot, Santa Cruz and Iniesta.

Melo was once Dortmund's main goalkeeper and is now 40 years old.

However, he is still playing for Fluminense and staying at the back.

Santa Cruz is the main striker of Portuguese Super League giants Libertard Lisbon.

Now 34 years old, he is still running on the field.

Memories of the times! 8 players you thought were retired, but are still playing

Has Iniesta retired?

Wrong! The Spanish legend is still playing for Ukrainian Emirates FC.

At the age of 38, he still shows his former style on the field.


These football stars have exemplified the spirit of football with their actions, and their perseverance and hard work have not only set an example for themselves, but also inspired the younger generation to keep moving forward. No matter how old you get, your love and professionalism for football will never wane, and this is the spirit of football that is worth learning from! Let's praise these persevering football people!