
Wheat changed dramatically overnight, and corn rose so much that "the six relatives did not recognize it."

author:Small cakes
Wheat changed dramatically overnight, and corn rose so much that "the six relatives did not recognize it."

Recently, I heard that the price of wheat and corn has risen so much that "the six relatives do not recognize", will the beer belly of our uncles also follow the "six relatives do not recognize"? Don't laugh, it's no joke. The price of food has risen, but it is a big matter related to the "vegetable basket" and "rice bag" of our people!

Wheat changed dramatically overnight, and corn rose so much that "the six relatives did not recognize it."

Let's talk about corn first. This little guy has really been "jumping" up recently, which has dazzled us uncles. What's going on? It turned out that there was a "flood" in the Northeast, and a "drought" in Huanghuai in North China. The new corn grows slowly, and the old corn is about to bottom out again, isn't this just a virtue like our uncle's hair? Grow slowly, fall fast!

Let's talk about wheat, this guy is really "rich overnight"! However, lately, it seems to have been a bit of a "brake on the brakes". Our uncle's dream of winning the lottery is the same, the fantasy of getting rich overnight always flashes by, and then reality puts a hard brake on us. But then again, the price of wheat has risen, but there is the support of the "national team" behind it! China Grain Storage is in full swing in the purchase of new wheat, this momentum, than our uncles rush to buy Double 11 special goods!

Wheat changed dramatically overnight, and corn rose so much that "the six relatives did not recognize it."

However, the rise in food prices is not just a natural or man-made disaster. Our peasant uncles are also human spirits! Seeing that the market is good, it is a pity to sell at a high price! Isn't this just the same as the fact that our uncles saw their daughters being chased, and immediately raised their prices?

Let's talk about the grain processing companies, they are really in a dilemma. On the one hand, the rising cost of raw materials, on the other hand, are consumers who are unwilling to increase prices, isn't this just the same as our uncles sandwiched between the mother-in-law and the wife? What a dilemma!

Wheat changed dramatically overnight, and corn rose so much that "the six relatives did not recognize it."

So the question is, how much impact does this rising grain price have on our people? Don't look at corn and wheat as inconspicuous, they are related to our "rice bags", "vegetable baskets" and "meat cases"! The price of corn has risen, and pork and chicken may follow suit; The price of wheat has risen, and bread and steamed bread are estimated to have to follow suit. No, our uncle's beer belly may also have to follow the "six relatives don't recognize"!

But we don't have to worry too much. The country's grain stocks are still very sufficient, and our "rice bags" are still safe for the time being. However, this fluctuation in food prices has indeed sounded the alarm bell for us. Food security is not an empty word!

Wheat changed dramatically overnight, and corn rose so much that "the six relatives did not recognize it."

So, uncles and aunts, we still have to be rational and don't hoard. It's time to eat, it's time to drink, but don't forget to keep an eye on the food market. After all, our happiness can't be swayed by the price of food, right? But then again, if it really rises too much, our uncle's beer belly may really be able to take the opportunity to "disown the six relatives" and lose weight!

Interactive topic: Ladies and gentlemen, how much do you think the increase in food prices will affect your life? Do you want to take the opportunity to lose weight? Come and talk in the comment area!

Wheat changed dramatically overnight, and corn rose so much that "the six relatives did not recognize it."

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