
In 05, the boy "died", the parents received 300,000 compensation from the school, and in 16, the child knocked on the door: I am back

author:Happy Sea Breeze O7J
In 05, the boy "died", the parents received 300,000 compensation from the school, and in 16, the child knocked on the door: I am back

It is said that I have a koi physique, and those who pay attention to me will not have too bad luck! If you want to have a lot of money, start by paying attention! I wish you a lot of money and money!

The helplessness of leaving home: a 12-year-old boy has strayed into society

In 2003, Yang Yun, who was only 12 years old, was rejected by public schools because of various rebellious behaviors, and in desperation, his parents sent him to Bazhou Electronic Technology Education School, hoping that he could learn a craft and be able to support himself in the future

In 05, the boy "died", the parents received 300,000 compensation from the school, and in 16, the child knocked on the door: I am back

At that time, vocational schools had cooperative relations with some factories in Shenzhen, and after students learned basic skills in school, they would be sent to factories for internships, and for Yang Yun's parents, sending their children to such schools seemed to be the best solution to the problem

First, children can learn a skill, and they will not waste their studies; Second, entering the society early can also reduce the burden on the family, but they ignore that the child is in the rebellious period of adolescence, the mind is not yet mature, and the early exposure to the society is likely to go astray

Shenzhen part-time job: The teenager couldn't bear the factory life and had the idea of escaping

With the expectations of his parents, Yang Yun packed his bags and under the leadership of Yang Juzhen, he and other classmates stepped on the train to Shenzhen

In 05, the boy "died", the parents received 300,000 compensation from the school, and in 16, the child knocked on the door: I am back

The boring life in the factory, as well as the intensity of getting up early and working late, made Yang Yun, who was accustomed to being free and casual, unbearable, and the meager salary and long working hours made him feel extremely disappointed and lost

The Call of the Lost Lamb: The Gap Between Parents' Expectations and Reality

In the face of their son's complaints, the parents who were used to spoiling their children just persuaded him to be patient for a while, at least to hold on until the Chinese New Year and come back, but they didn't know that this simple exhortation, to the young Yang Yun, seemed to be abandoned

In 05, the boy "died", the parents received 300,000 compensation from the school, and in 16, the child knocked on the door: I am back

His inner rebellion and uncertainty about the future make him more and more eager to escape from this place that suffocates him, and he begins to plan a "prison escape", an escape plan that will allow him to escape from the current situation and find his own freedom

Missing suspicions: A 12-year-old boy evaporated from the world and the school was caught in the whirlpool of public opinion

At the end of 2005, Yang Yun was never heard from after an outing, and this time, it was as if he had really disappeared, leaving no clues, no words

In 05, the boy "died", the parents received 300,000 compensation from the school, and in 16, the child knocked on the door: I am back

The anxious Yang Juzhen and the factory director mobilized all the forces they could mobilize and traveled everywhere Yang Yun could go, but they still didn't find any clues about him

Angry family: A massive crusade outside the school gates

When the news of Yang Yun's disappearance reached the school, the principal, Qiu Wenmao, immediately felt the seriousness of the situation, and the disappearance of the student during the internship arranged by the school would undoubtedly have a huge negative impact on the reputation of the school

In 05, the boy "died", the parents received 300,000 compensation from the school, and in 16, the child knocked on the door: I am back

Sure enough, after learning the news of the child's disappearance, Yang Yun's parents brought relatives and friends to the school and surrounded the school gate

Courtroom standoff: Who should pay for the child's future in the mystery of the disappearance

Two years have passed, there is still no news of Yang Yun, in 2007, Yang Yun's parents, who were desperate, sued Bazhou Electronic Technology Education School in court, demanding that the school compensate 300,000 yuan

In 05, the boy "died", the parents received 300,000 compensation from the school, and in 16, the child knocked on the door: I am back

They argued that it was the school's poor supervision that led to the tragedy, while the school argued that they had done their part and that Yang Yun's disappearance was entirely personal and had nothing to do with the school

Peaks and loops: The missing teenager unexpectedly returns to the truth to uncover the dusty past

In 2016, Yang Yun thought that the matter had come to an end, but Yang Yun suddenly returned to his hometown, it turned out that after he left the factory, he had been wandering outside, relying on odd jobs to make a living

In 05, the boy "died", the parents received 300,000 compensation from the school, and in 16, the child knocked on the door: I am back

After learning that their son was still alive and had returned home, Qiu Wenmao and his wife decided to take up the weapon of the law to seek justice for themselves and demand that Yang Yun's family return 300,000 yuan in compensation

A Righteous Trial: A belated apology for 11 years of grievances is finally decided

went to court again, the identities of the two parties were exchanged, and Yang Yun's return not only revealed the truth about the disappearance of the year, but also made this case the focus of people's attention again

In 05, the boy "died", the parents received 300,000 compensation from the school, and in 16, the child knocked on the door: I am back

In the end, the court ordered Yang Yun's family to return 300,000 yuan to Qiu Wenmao and his wife, which was not only material compensation, but also a consolation for the grievances and pressures that Qiu Wenmao and his wife had endured over the years

Yang Yun's return has brought an end to this 11-year case, and has also triggered people's thinking about family education, school management and social responsibility

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